Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Don’t Look Up

Don’t look up.. Dont look forward..*

Just don’t look

If this movie is a metaphor about our apathy toward coming catastrophes it probably works, I just don’t think it’s very subtle or memorable or much else. Jennifer Lawrence was good, Meryl Streep was horrible as a female US president and an odd choose I thought, like Jonah Hill as chief of staff… okay. Vibe was all over place. Post credit scenes were silly.
I agree with your points. It's a turkey. Here is my commentary:

Don’t Look Up (2021)

This is one of those shockingly bad films that comes along once in awhile which is packed with big name actors who, despite their best efforts, could not rescue it. It’s difficult to believe that writer/director Adam McKay was the same man who directed and co-wrote
The Big Short (2015), which was a very well done film. Perhaps his co-writer on that project, Charles Randolph, might have made something of this turkey had he been employed.

Right out of the chute the premise of the picture was shaky, and had been done before in several iterations. To try to make an end-of-the-world black comedy humorous would be a very tall order no matter who were the writers. In this case it was the cinematic equivalent of a loud belch at a funeral.

Two scientists (Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence) discover and determine that a large comet will collide with the Earth in 6 month’s time, the impact of which will destroy the planet. The pair eventually are able to take this news to the President of the U.S. (Meryl Streep), and her son and chief of staff (Jonah Hill). They at first pooh-pooh the idea, but then later see it as a move to increase their re-election chances. In addition, a Steve Jobs/Elon Musk type character (Mark Rylance) latches onto the circumstance as a way to make trillions by bombing the comet and mining its large trove of rare earth metals.

Along the way we meet two news anchors, ala the
Today show, one of which (Cate Blanchett) inexplicably falls for the
nerdy looking DiCaprio. The other scientist (Lawrence) flees home to Illinois where she has a relationship with a stoner (Timothee Chalamet). We’ll spare you the ending, but it’s as consistently bad as the rest of the film.

The picture was not without some good acting. DiCaprio let out all the stops when screaming to the TV audience that this would be the end of the world. Mark Rylance did a very effective and creepy portrayal of a megalomaniacal CEO whose sole intention was to increase his power and wealth. Some of the other actors did their best, but it’s not possible to breath life into a dead script.

Despite the fact that the title –
Don’t Look Upwas a signal that this was to be a comedy, it was 15 minutes into the movie before there was evidence of it. As the story dragged on, hammering away with one leaden satiric or comedic misfire after another, the task soon became to try to last through a little longer believing that surely the film would improve. It didn’t. By the time the credits and two epilogues wound through at a tedious 138 minutes we’d become numbed but yet flabbergasted that this picture was made at all. If one didn’t know better one could imagine that this was a satire about a cast of social justice types who have attempted to make a satire. At least that would have been novel.

Doc’s rating: 2/10

Guardians of the Galaxy 1&2 (2013/2017)

Not a superhero movie fan, so take that fwiw. I watched these back to back with my daughter since she loved the 'I Am Groot' shorts so much on Disney+. I knew a little bit going in since I had seen a couple Avengers movies, and these were what I hoped for. Strays a bit from the formulaic superhero films in the right way, allowing more comedy to burst through, which certainly boosted the entertainment value for me. I'm still not sure there is enough here to make me ever watch them again though.

I forgot the opening line.

Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5305731

Another You - (1991)

I don't mind checking out failures, and this 'last gasp', very weak effort from the comedy pairing of Richard Pryor with Gene Wilder had me interested. When I was a kid, I really liked Stir Crazy, loved the two actors in Silver Streak and went to see See No Evil, Hear No Evil at the movies. I hear the latter stinks, but I liked it well enough at the time. Another You snuck past me during it's meagre few days in cinemas, and ended up on video. I never went near it - it had the smell of fiasco all over it. Five weeks of shooting were scrapped, and director Peter Bogdanovich fired, before the production started from scratch with Maurice Phillips at the helm. Pryor was deathly ill, and it really shows onscreen. The famous ad-libbing doesn't work for him, and the best he can do is utter his old caustic swear-ridden responses, a little out of step with the flow. Wilder is a little better, but his sometimes loving but wild and neurotic schtick is delivered with much less energy. The screenplay is a dated artifact, and without the usual energy from our two stars this kind of peters out half way in, never to recover. Watching this was like visiting a really sick old friend, so while I was glad to see Wilder (in his last theatrical role) and Pryor (in his last major starring role) it was very sad to see them stumbling along in a case of one movie too far. I do not regret seeing it however.


By Impawards.com, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24568310

The Yes Men Fix the World - (2009)

I watched and briefly commented on the first Yes Men 'movie' in an ill-fated sojourn to the documentaries thread, and if I remember correctly castigated it for not being structured well, playing more like a collection of webisodes of different length. This feature-length 88 minute follow-up is better, but still lacks a feature feel. Also, in this day of climate change and economic collapse, it will scare the living hell out of you. Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno have an original concept (their hoaxes involve them pretending to be corporate entities doing the right thing, and have caused numerous political and media shock waves when their hoaxes come off) - and belong in the Sacha Baron Cohen/Michael Moore category of political activist. Terrifying and exciting - but they sometimes struggle to make a good movie.


By IMP Awards, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29128871

Morning Glory - (2010)

I didn't get much joy from watching Morning Glory - a completely unoriginal romantic comedy/drama that has the requisite number of montages set to easy-listening music, all the clichés and tropes that there are, and a mind-numbing corporate girl imagination-free screenplay. What a chance it had pairing Harrison Ford (as a serious journalist seething at being forced to do a morning show) and Diane Keaton (as a cynical old hand, with an acid tongue and dislike for Ford's character) - they promised those two characters would be at war with each other, but in Morning Glory that war never eventuates, and they do nothing with the opportunity. Bland and stale, it's doubtful I'll ever go near this film again.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Don't watch it if you suffer from vertigo
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

Don't watch it if you suffer from vertigo
Looking forward to this even though I’m afraid of heights.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Not a big fan of this "franchise" if that's what one can call it but this is my favourite in the series to date as it was more a stand alone slasher without the more disturbing antics of the entire god damn Sawyer family.. more of a souped up Hatchet.. or Jason... with a young cast of chainsaw fodder with names I forget... it was pretty much what I wanted and some top notch kills, especially the first and last one, oh boy.

Victim of The Night
Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Not a big fan of this "franchise" if that's what one can call it but this is my favourite in the series to date as it was more a stand alone slasher without the more disturbing antics of the entire god damn Sawyer family.. more of a souped up Hatchet.. or Jason... with a young cast of chainsaw fodder with names I forget... it was pretty much what I wanted and some top notch kills, especially the first and last one, oh boy.
Which one is this?

By IMP Awards, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29128871

Morning Glory - (2010)

I didn't get much joy from watching Morning Glory - a completely unoriginal romantic comedy/drama that has the requisite number of montages set to easy-listening music, all the clichés and tropes that there are, and a mind-numbing corporate girl imagination-free screenplay. What a chance it had pairing Harrison Ford (as a serious journalist seething at being forced to do a morning show) and Diane Keaton (as a cynical old hand, with an acid tongue and dislike for Ford's character) - they promised those two characters would be at war with each other, but in Morning Glory that war never eventuates, and they do nothing with the opportunity. Bland and stale, it's doubtful I'll ever go near this film again.

Loved Harrison Ford in this movie

SF = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

El Infierno (2010)


This could make my top 10 organized crime films, not up there with Goodfellas or The Godfather, but it comes close to movies like City of God and Carlito's Way. This one is Mexican and there's not a dull moment for it's entire 145 minute runtime. It has a humorous side but we also get a glimpse at the struggle and corruption that plagues the country. Make no mistake though, it's still gangster all the way.

Registered User
Halloween ends... just really bad

I forgot the opening line.

By Inscéal - IMDB, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=70151764

The Quiet Girl - (2022)

I had the immense pleasure and privilege to go see a real masterpiece today - Irish language film The Quiet Girl - shot in a 1.37 : 1 aspect ratio, and shot incredibly beautifully, but not in an overwhelming way. The camera work in The Quiet Girl takes on the point of view of childhood, and provides many unusual shots from out of car windows at passing foliage and the verdant greens of Ireland. But this isn't just a fancy shot eye-candy spectacle - our voyage takes place through the narrow gaze of childhood, and really cradles your soul as you're taken into the home of nine-year-old Cáit. Her peers at school are cruel, she has many siblings to compete with and her parents don't care a twig about her, or them. One school holiday she's taken to her mother's cousin's place to be looked after - and for the first time in her life she experiences benevolence. The film slowly immerses you until you're only there, and is clever in the ways it highlights moments important to a child - who can understand more than adults seem to catch on to. This is one of the most graceful and modest cinematic gems I've ever seen, already the biggest Irish film in history and worthy of a watch to anyone who loves movies.


Copyright held by the film company or the artist. Claimed as fair use regardless., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2462208

When Harry Met Sally - (1989)

Well, this certainly has high rewatch value - I put this on, unsure as to how invested I'd really be considering I've seen it a couple of times. When Harry Met Sally is so well made in every aspect that it was actually a huge pleasure spending time with it again. It's not formulaic, Rob Reiner was in sparkling form at the time and the casting of Billy Crystal in the lead role was a breath of fresh air. Would that happen today? If you sit and watch it, even the most hardened cynic can't hate it - because there's a genuine spark of meaningful artistry and human emotion in it. I really like it - despite not being a great lover of romcoms.


By Moviepostershop.com, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5305586

See No Evil, Hear No Evil - (1989)

After watching Another You I was too tempted to go back and see this again - I just had to. I never knew Kevin Spacey had such a prominent role as one of the villains! Like Jim Carrey in The Dead Pool in 1988, I was seeing future stars up on the screen without knowing it back then. But to this Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder vehicle - this is what I wrote for Letterboxd : "Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder never really lucked out by getting a half-decent screenplay to riff on, for they had definite chemistry. Every outing seemed to be some kind of half-baked crime caper with them as innocent victims of circumstance. I didn't mind See No Evil, Hear No Evil when I first saw it, but looking back on it now I can see how trashy and substandard it was - not quite funny enough to redeem it's lack of substance. Interesting to see Kevin Spacey in an early role, but sad to see Arthur Hiller pushing this lemon up a hill to nowhere. I certainly don't begrudge it the box office success it had though."


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Piggy (Carlota Pereda, 2022)

Overweight Laura Galán is terrified by her schoolmates, and the only person she can look to for help is a serial killer. Genuinely frightening in many ways.

This is the second time I've seen this movie mentioned and so I googled and found a few versions. Does you (or anyone else) know where to see this without the English dubbing? I have Comcast, Prime, Netflix, and if anyone has watched the English dubbing version, was it good? That's one thing I've never been able to do. I never had a problem reading subtitles, and I think dubbing makes the movie sound ridiculous, and it ruins my newly destroyed movie-viewing focus.

EDIT: This isn't too gory, is it? I hate gore, but based on your score, a little bit of it is alright.

By Inscéal - IMDB, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=70151764

The Quiet Girl - (2022)

I had the immense pleasure and privilege to go see a real masterpiece today - Irish language film The Quiet Girl - shot in a 1.37 : 1 aspect ratio, and shot incredibly beautifully, but not in an overwhelming way. The camera work in The Quiet Girl takes on the point of view of childhood, and provides many unusual shots from out of car windows at passing foliage and the verdant greens of Ireland. But this isn't just a fancy shot eye-candy spectacle - our voyage takes place through the narrow gaze of childhood, and really cradles your soul as you're taken into the home of nine-year-old Cáit. Her peers at school are cruel, she has many siblings to compete with and her parents don't care a twig about her, or them. One school holiday she's taken to her mother's cousin's place to be looked after - and for the first time in her life she experiences benevolence. The film slowly immerses you until you're only there, and is clever in the ways it highlights moments important to a child - who can understand more than adults seem to catch on to. This is one of the most graceful and modest cinematic gems I've ever seen, already the biggest Irish film in history and worthy of a watch to anyone who loves movies.

Haven't heard of that one. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.