A scary thing happened on the way to the Movie Forums - Horrorcrammers


Do any of you guys know if Barbarian (2022) is coming to physical media? I'm getting an Empty Man feeling.
My Top 100 Horror Movies of the 2000s: The Last Great Decade of Horror

Thank you, but I've seen it; and have it on HBO. I was just hoping to own it soon.

Do any of you guys know if Barbarian (2022) is coming to physical media? I'm getting an Empty Man feeling.

Searching Amazon, checking blu-ray.com, and then googling around...
I would say the signs do not look promising.

Do any of you guys know if Barbarian (2022) is coming to physical media? I'm getting an Empty Man feeling.
I'll repeat what Ash said. Blu-ray.com will usually post release info while the film is still in theaters, but there are currently no listings for Barbarian. So it's not looking promising.

Man, that sucks. Barbarian was my favorite of the year; I need it in my collection!

Scream 2, 1997 (A-)

I feel like a lot of late 90s/early 2000s sequels are a lot better than I was led to believe they would be. This is a gosh dang fine movie. The meta elements are very frontloaded, and cornily piled on at the end, but the whole product is very good, and the kill scenes are masterfully constructed. I wish I had seen all these movies before I saw the Scary Movie series back in the ol' days. Would have made them better.

Scream 2, 1997 (A-)

I feel like a lot of late 90s/early 2000s sequels are a lot better than I was led to believe they would be. This is a gosh dang fine movie. The meta elements are very frontloaded, and cornily piled on at the end, but the whole product is very good, and the kill scenes are masterfully constructed. I wish I had seen all these movies before I saw the Scary Movie series back in the ol' days. Would have made them better.
I too saw Scary Movie before seeing Scream, not knowing it was a direct parody of Scream. Having said that, Scream became my favorite horror movie, and I gave the same rating to Scream 2. But my favorite of the Craven sequels is 4, with 5 beating all the sequels.

Right now, I'm watching Mark of the Astro-Zombies. I'm gonna get through all four Astro-Zombies movies this week. I was gonna go watch Avatar 2, but I'm a little bit sick and I don't wanna drink soda and eat popcorn (no way I can sit through a 3 hour movie without snacks). So I'll go next week.

My New Year's resolution to "watch better movies" has failed spectacularly.

Monstroid (1980)
About the Colombian equivalent of Nessie. The non-monster scenes are excruciating. The monster scenes are...well, see for yourself.

The Lucifer Complex (1978)
An attempt to revive the Third Reich using clones of Nazis. Why did I use such an uneventful still? Because an ungodly amount of screen time is devoted to watching this guy stare at a monitor and occasionally twirl a knob. Jeanne Dielman-levels of tedium here.

Hell Squad (1986)
Las Vegas showgirls are recruited to train as commandos and rescue some dude from the Middle East. Lots of group bathing ensues.

Monsters Crash the Pajama Party (1965)
This film is 30 minutes long. End of Review.

The Wizard of Mars (1965)
Seriously, there's no need to keep reading these at this point.

Dr Terror's Gallery of Horror (1967)
I have a Criterion Channel subscription, by the way

Journey to the Center of Time (1967)
50% of the budget was spent having signs printed.

I recommend zero of these movies.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I question how any movie could possibly be better than these masterpieces.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

Definitely picking up Wizard of Mars, Journey to the Center of Time and Hell Squad.

Virus, 1999 (C-)

Cool robots, bad movie. Everything is so predictable.

Saloum -

Three mercenaries extract a Mexican drug lord in coup-ravaged Guinea-Bissau in this lean, mean and creepy Shudder original. Out of desperation for supplies and a place to lie low, they settle for a camp in the titular Senegalese region, which has its fair share of local legends. Instead of paying their way with money, they do chores with the rest of the residents, which lets them know who they can trust and who could blow their cover. As soon as they get comfortable, things get a lot more heated...and strange.

This is a hard movie to write much about since surprise is the name of its game, which I suppose is an endorsement in and of itself. In fact, after the poetic, beautiful yet eerie introduction, it kicks off with a surprise - and it's a shocking one - which made me feel like I missed something since it doesn’t include a proper introduction to the team. This is a feature and not a bug, though, since the rest of the movie’s shocking moments fill in these blanks. So, what's so special about the region of Saloum? I'll just say that it's a place where everyone rightfully has a reason to hold a grudge. I like the drone and handheld cinematography for how it captures the beauty and brutality of the region as for the immediacy and anticipation it adds. As a result, it's a movie like Predator for how it could be labeled as either action or horror. I also appreciate that there is narration that provides background and history of this part of Africa and that it's not excessive. I haven't seen many Shudder originals, but I've been impressed with all of them so far and this one maintains the level of quality I've come to expect from them. If you're also attempting to watch a movie from every country in the world, this is a more than worthy selection for Senegal.

Skinamarink looks amazing, very hyped to watch this when it's out on streaming.

I might watch that in the next few days.

I've been watching a lot more horror lately, disproportionately low-or-mid-budget affairs. As far as I can tell it can be traced back to seeing Barbarian a couple of months ago.

In predictable crumbsroomian fashion, I did not like Barbarian.

This dislike is slightly different from the rest though in that the opening half hour is almost great. There is so much promise. And then there is a reveal which immediately lets you know what kind of horror film this is going to be, and it is going to be exactly like all of my other enemy horror films.

While some see the last ten years as a boon for the genre, my impression is we are mired in another 90s of fallow miserable attempts at horror.

I'm literally in pain how good I thought this movie was setting itself up to be, and how horribly it crash landed directly onto its face. Just the cheapest shit. Like a different director took over for the second half and had to cram all the idiot tropes I hate into every last stinking crevice it could find in the movies premise

I said a whole bunch of stuff about the movie back when I saw it, so I'll either link to that or just lazily reference it, as I just have, and people can find it if they want. I'll only summarize with: first half is close to perfect, and I appreciate the audacity thereafter. One of those films where I'm happy to acknowledge most of the criticisms lobbed at it and just like it anyway, which is always an interesting thing for a movie to pull off.

Anyway, good, bad, or both with a big line in the middle of the two, it sparked a little something that's still chugging along a couple of months later. I think over that time Significant Other is the only other film that twanged the same string in me in roughly the same way.

First half of Barbarian is some of the best horror I've ever seen, I don't know what happened. Just completely bobbled the ending.