Things that annoy you...


That people still insist on having outdoor cats. (Though annoy isn't the right word for how I feel about this).

My parents were doing work in the yard and heard a cat meowing. My dad went to investigate and found a little calico dead next to the garage and a big tabby cat meowing pitifully next to her. The tabby didn't seem injured, just distraught. I had to work this afternoon so we decided to let the tabby have a little time with his friend and then I'd take the body in to work to have her cremated. When I went out to collect the body, the tabby was curled up next to her. I felt terrible shooing him away, but obviously couldn't leave the calico there. Right after we removed the body, the tabby started yowling.

Absolutely broke my heart. I'd seen the tabby around a lot and the calico a few times, but I don't know if they belong to anybody. If they do, that somebody isn't very responsible. I don't know what killed her, but whatever it was likely could've been avoided if she'd just been kept inside. So sad.
That is very sad & I can relate.

We feed several cats outside who, for one good reason or another, cannot come inside our house. I would take two of them inside if they gave the slightest desire to come inside, which they don’t. So it’s not like we’re “insisting” on having outdoor cats.

In the UK loads of otherwise sane people allow their house cats to go outside. It’s totally nuts. So many tweets where their cats have been hit by cars. My inside calico was born outside, but has never been outside since.

Not just a clothes horse. She was a breeding mare too. Y'know, like his mum and every other princess who marries the heir of a monachy/dynasty rule anywhere in the world, at any time in history. That's the job.
“Breeding mare”? That’s a harsh description of the lovely & kind Catherine. Why do people make a negative out of something positive.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

“Breeding mare”? That’s a harsh description of the lovely & kind Catherine. Why do people make a negative out of something positive.
I didn't say it was a negative. Merely correct. The point of her is to provide heirs and look nice. It's a dynastic monarchy, that's the reason for its whole existence and that's her place in it as wife to the heir to the throne and, therefore, mother to a future monarch. Were the princes born the other way around I suspect neither would be married to their current partners. That's the reality of their position.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I always thought a pissant was an annoying person, at least that's what I've always called them.
The difference is: one you can smash with your finger, the other you can give the finger

Incredibly harsh. I posted a few facts that had nothing to do with politics.
It's a monarchy, it's literally a system of government. I don't see how anyone could say that isn't political. "No politics" is shorthand anyway, since the rule encompasses religion, culture war stuff, or anything else people tend to lay into each other over on the internet.

I also have to note that you didn't just post a few facts: you specifically quoted someone talking about their plans to watch the event in order to argue with them about it.

Sorry, didn't realise my post was a problem. Was just posting my annoyance after voting.

I'm annoyed by people who apologize. I demand an apology. No, wait!

(not talking about anyone here).

Were the princes born the other way around I suspect neither would be married to their current partners. That's the reality of their position.

Rain... I wanted to mow the grass today before it got longer and now it's going to rain all week. Don't want to cut wet grass. So will have to wait for dry weather now.

Use to get someone in to mow the lawn but they can no longer come and we have decided not to get someone else in.

So my job now.