Martin Freeman Reacts to Outrage Over ‘Miller’s Girl’ 31-Year Age Gap


The trick is not minding
I miss all the fun!

As to the subject at hand, I am tired of movies that feature a huge age gap and power dynamic and the ...plot twist... the younger person is actually the instigator and/or villain. Please spare me that nonsense. It is just a titillating fantasy for creeps. There are very few Amy Fishers and a lot more Elizabeth Smarts or Vili Fualaau (Mary Kay Letourneau's "boy"friend.
I realize I’m about to walk a very fine line here, however…while the above is true, we can’t if fire the fact that it happens far more often than one wants to believe. There are plenty of underage that look to sleep with their teacher or someone older and they’re often portrayed as the victim, and while often that is true, there are times where they clearly knew what they were doing. Some people have trouble reconciling the idea that someone that young and innocent could ever do such a thing, so they’re often hand waved away as “being seduced and taken advantage of”.
Now the taken advantage of is an interesting thought. Clearly, the age gap and, it a teacher dynamic of being a figure of authority, would suggest that, yes, they are being taken advantage of. In those cases, I’d say sure. But let’s say the underaged in question expresses no remorse or regret they know what they were doing, even if they are underage. Many would say, they don’t know better, they’re too young. At what age does that stop being an excuse? 16 and 17 year olds are far more sexually active, so it isn’t a surprise they’d be “interested” in exploring that even with older men.
I use interested because, well, is that interest just an expression of rebellion or something similar?
We hold underage responsible for many of their actions when it comes to breaking the law. Sure, in many cases they aren’t likely to be tried as an adult, but at some point, they should also be held responsible for their actions if they indeed, aren’t showing an ounce of regret.
As and adult, however, and definitely teachers since they are in a position of authority, should never allow themselves to be compromised, regardless. They’re this whole ethical side with them, and definitely should know better.
Forgive if this might seem a tad jumbled. I wrote this on break as fast as I could

Of course you know all this negative attention is going to make more people see it. Much more if there wasnt any "outrage". Good job woke America

I have zero sympathy for any adult who says they were seduced by a teen. An adult should be able to control themselves. An adult should be able to ascertain the consequences.
Are people going through puberty interested in sexual experiences? Uh...yeah!! But it's not the "cool mom's" or some older "dude-a-teen-meets-on-the-internet's " obligation to provide it. In real life, i personally don't know of any such experiences that weren't instigated by a predator whether a family member or someone in a position of power in that teen's life.

Because of what I know, I don't want to watch a movie that is sympathetic to the older sexual partner. And I do not want to see a movie where the evil-doer is a sexually attractive teen and the victim is an older person of authority. It is like watching a movie in which the outcry of sexual assault is actually a lie. This is far less likely than the SA victim being silent or if they do cry out successfully prosecuting the perpetrator.
As too Mary Kay Letourneau, There is a very telling Australian interview with her and her younger husband Vili. In it she constantly tries to get Vili to say he was the aggressor, which he refuses to do. He does say that as the father of teens he can't conceive of an adult wanting to seduce them. Not long after that he divorced her.

The trick is not minding
I think I've got to get out my trusty microscope to figure out what the **** woke has to do with any of this.

Yeah, it was a weird of him to post that, as it was decidedly political in nature in an otherwise non political thread.

This will likely help boost streams on Netflix.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Because of what I know, I don't want to watch a movie that is sympathetic to the older sexual partner. And I do not want to see a movie where the evil-doer is a sexually attractive teen and the victim is an older person of authority.

Fair enough. I don't blame you.