How old is 'old'?


I usualy consider movies in the 70s or earlier as "old" even though movies from 80s are from befor I was born I still don't consider them old
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Just a girl who loves movies
Old movie for me would be one from the 80's .. The 90's are already "new" for me
Movie Reviews

I'll put this issue to bed right now...once a movie has made it to cable then it can be considered "old". Just thought I would clear that up. Thank You Very Much.

Yes they are. Anchorman is two years "old", while Batman Begins is one year "old". That's all I am saying. I think that makes sense.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Well, that's using the word "old" in its other sense and really not fair. I mean, people say that a baby is one year "old" but no one in another context would say, "That person's old."

Word usage is important. Those movies aren't "old" by most definitions. I'm not sure the "coming to cable" thing is a good enough definition any more. Decades ago, when it took much more time for movies to make it to the small screen, perhaps that would have been a better delineator.

Not sure I agree with it in this day and age, though.

Confucius say: you must use contextual clues to determine what "old" means in a given situation, for it has no universal meaning in all situations...


Both valid points, the point really is a great film is a great film, old or new. I think we can all agree on that.

Registered User
As for me, I consider anything before 1980 "old"

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I dont consider age into what an old movie is (to an extent) I consider a movie old when while watching it, just by the film it self, color, script, special effect that you can tell its old. then i consider that old. (exept new movies mad to look old.)

"An old movie is a movie that's old enough to be remade."


to me An "old" movie has to be atleast 15 years.. i would agree with nothing that starts with a 2 is old...

Well Pulp Fiction didnt seem like so long ago. But I'm gonna say anything below 1990 is old to me.

I'm a romantic at heart
I agree anything that came out before I was born is old. So That would mean anything before 1990

To me a classic movie is still a movie like The Wizard Of Oz, Gone With The Wind, Gunga Din, To Kill A Mockingbird. I agree movies like Forest Gump, The Lord Of The Rings and such are great but they are just not classic yet.
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