Link text to post


You guys ready to let the dogs out?
Hey guys, I tried searching the forums a bit but couldn't find anything about this. How do I link text to a specific post in a thread? I saw in someone's review thread that on the first page they'd linked all their reviews to the title of the movie in the first post. I would also like to do the same thing on my thread. Any help would be appreciated.

On each post you'll find a post count number that shows the order each post was posted in inside that thread. It'll be on the bar along the top of each post, on the right, usually just above the Movie Lists menu. Just copy that link.

You guys ready to let the dogs out?
Hmm I tried that earlier but it seems to link the whole page of the thread and then just goes to the post on that page. On MovieMan's review thread he seems to link just the post. When i try the link from the post number it gives me a link with showthread on it whereas MovieMan's links seem to have a showpost link in them.

You guys ready to let the dogs out?
Thanks for the help Yoda, managed to work it out, just needed to change the showthread to showpost and add an &postcount followed by the post number.

Hmm, I thought that's what you were asking for? The link currently, when linked to, scrolls you right to the post. MovieMan's links are from an older version of the template that gave posts their own page. This was frustrating to maintain and I didn't think it was really necessary, so I'm not sure I'd advise linking there, as future changes applied to posts on threads might not find their way onto the standalone pages.

Anyway, if it's of any help, you'll find all the tagged reviews have their very own specially formatted page in the User Reviews area.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I have a different question about linking:

I don't know how you guys create a link that has text (like the "User Reviews" one Yoda just posted.)

How do you get only text to show in your link?

Aye, Toose speaks the truth.

You can also highlight any text in your post and then click on the little link icon (the tiny globe with the link over it), and it'll prompt you for the URL and then do the rest. Just like Microsoft Word/WordPerfect, etc.