Movie You're Watching Tonight


Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
^ I really enjoyed The Man from Nowhere, thought it was a great movie. If you haven't seen it you should really watch I Saw the Devil after that, for some reason I always put those two movies together.

I will check it out akatemple, just going to watch The Man from Nowhere now. Cheers for the info about I saw the Devil

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Along with the Great Yokai War and One Missed Call, I thought that Izo was also a dud from Takeshi Miike.
Two Years before he made a remake of Kinji Fukasaku's: Graveyard of Honor and this fared much better and went on to make a masterpiece that is 13 Assassins ( 2011 ). All this and much more from the same director. Go figure!

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Basic Instinct or Eyes Wide Shut. Or I might just watch Eddie Murphy: Delirious again.

"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

I'm going to watch Zodiac, The french connection and The ghost

It's a toss up between The Hills Have Eyes or Rocky IV. Hmm...

I'm watching first of The Mummy series with Fraser and Weisz. But on DVD this time. I was watching it in VHS, believe it or not.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Not feeling that great the last few days so I fancy something fairly light, and the film equivalent of comfort food. So I'm feeling in a bit of a James Stewart mood, as well as a Frank Capra mood, so I think I'll give You Can't Take it With You a shot.