Movie You're Watching Tonight


After the big success that was Marathon Man (review here) I think I might have a 70s thriller season. The 70s are often associated with a large number of great thrillers, many of which I've not seen yet, plus a couple I'd like to revisit. So over the next week or two I will watch at least some of the following -

All the President's Men, Day of the Jackal, Sleuth, Dog Day Afternoon, Three Days of the Condor, The Conversation, Charley Varrick, Deliverance, Assault on Precinct 13, Parallax View and The Boys from Brazil.

Not sure what I will go with first yet.
All the movies that you mention, I think are worth seeing. The stand-out for me would be Deliverance and I really liked Three Days Of the Condor but I like Robert Redford. I liked him ever since i watched him in a movie called the Chase with Brando. When Redford directed A River Runs Through It, he was looking at a young Brad Pitt and almost wanting him to be his successor. He wasn't too far off the mark.

After the big success that was Marathon Man (review here) I think I might have a 70s thriller season. The 70s are often associated with a large number of great thrillers, many of which I've not seen yet, plus a couple I'd like to revisit. So over the next week or two I will watch at least some of the following -

All the President's Men, Day of the Jackal, Sleuth, Dog Day Afternoon, Three Days of the Condor, The Conversation, Charley Varrick, Deliverance, Assault on Precinct 13, Parallax View and The Boys from Brazil.

Not sure what I will go with first yet.
^ What a collection. Some fantastic films there.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Its our Friday Curry, Drinks and movie night and I have to bring 2-4 of my films as usual and tonight so far I think were going to watch Domino as I havent seen it yet and I picked it up yesterday for £1.50 We will have to watch it first though because after the first film normally we cant remember the rest of them
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I will be watching The Pacific and the end of band of brothers

Just watched made for TV movie Ice Twisters. One of those typical TV movies with constant sythesised music in the background.

I wouldn't say it's so bad it's good, more along the lines of: So bad I wanted to pull my eyes out with a pair of pliers.

Seriously not in the mood for another film today.

Captain America.

Probably one or two from NF instant, too. Any recommendations?
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

I have been thinking about rewatching Captain America for a while. Sort of getting into the mood for The Avengers :P

Good Netflix movie? Black Hawk Down :P Love that movie

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Very surprising, I enjoyed so much!

Y tu mamá también
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I will be watching The Pacific and the end of band of brothers
I really want to see The Pacific and the rest of Band of Brothers. I had a chance to pick them both up back last year for £15 each and I didnt and I havent seen them that price anywhere since
Attachment 8745

Very surprising, I enjoyed so much!
I loved this film
Tomorrow night will have the following films to watch:

These look pretty good, im intrigued about them You'll have to tell me what they are like in the "Last DVD you watched thread"

Im going to watch Domino and Cowboys and Aliens tonight as I havent seen either yet.

I'm wacthing 30 minutes or less on show time whicth I think will be funny but as an all round movie not great and then if I have time I'm wacthing All about eve whicth I am very excited for

Tonight I'm multi tasking and running between Boardwalk Jungle and Sons Of Anarchy episodes, but I'm in no trouble of mixing up the chracters nor the story line.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Let me know what you think of it. Looks like something I'd like to check out.
HK let me know what its like mate. Snap Cinemaafficionado, does look like something Id want to check our aswell