Michael J. Fox Reportedly Returning To TV


According to lots of entertainment websites, Michael J. Fox is reportedly working with a writer from Arrested Development to create a sitcom based upon his current life for the 2013 fall season in which he would star. Apparently all the major networks are fighting over picking up the pitch, and one network is reportedly going to offer a deal that would proceed directly in production.

I think this is awesome. Michael J Fox is a great actor. T.V gold too. I love Family Ties and Spin City. And it sounds like he is going to be surrounded by an arsenal of creative people. Thoughts?
Going 18600 miles per second.

I like him. Last time I saw him on TV, though, it was in Scrubs, and it worked in part because he played someone with a lot of nervous ticks. I don't know how much of that was choice, and how much of it was necessary to integrate his condition. If it's the latter, then that might limit what they can do here, though if it's really based on his life I suppose he might just be playing a character with the same condition.

Either way, I've always liked Fox and I'm glad he's doing this.

How could Michael J. Fox not be on TV these days? I mean, how many TV shows are they going to make that focuses on little people?!

Every time I turn around, there's a new show about little people and the other night I saw a preview for a show about a girl with two heads/siamese twins.

Freaks are all the rage on TV, so, yeah, the Michael J. Fox and his Parkinson's Disease show should be like Seinfeld in the 1990's.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I have been watching Peter Gunn and Billy Barty had a recurring role as a pool shark.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Love Michael J Fox so very excited about the prospect of this. He's one of my favourite actors. Loved him in the wonderful Back to the Future series as well as other films like Doc Hollywood, The Hard Way, Greedy, The Frighteners etc

And he starred in two classic sitcoms I love (Family Ties, Spin City), and he's guested in some of my favourite shows (Scrubs, Boston Legal) and he wrote a terrific autobiography. Love the man!

I truly admire this man. Not just his ability but even with the condition what he has done with it. I've read his autobiographies and I highly recommend them. I will support anything this man does. Michael J. Fox might be the actor with Parkinson's but he is without a doubt a talent and just so damn likable in everything he does.

If it's the latter, then that might limit what they can do here
He is on a new medication plan apparently and it has calmed the shaking and so on down.

It's a shame that you've missed his work on THE GOOD WIFE the past couple of seasons as Louis Canning. He was excellent and his medical condition was written as part of his character on the show, making the character all the more compelling to watch.