Robert Downey Jr


What do you guys think of him?
I think he is one of those guys that is just a natural and should have won an academy award already. Even when he was high on Heorin he could act.

Glad he cleaned himself up. Iron man is his defining role IMO he is the only actor who I could see playing Tony Stark.

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
I've always liked Robert Downey but I think the majority of films he plays in certainly don't show him with his fullest abilities.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I like a lot of his films, but I don't think he's had a role that challenged him to give a great performance. He does solid work in most of his stuff, but he seems to coast on his effortless charisma. I'd say his best and most engaging performance was in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Him and Val Kilmer had excellent chemistry.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Liked him in Zodiac. Never much cared for comic book or superhero movies but he was ok in both Iron Man movies I had to endure. He's ok, I guess, but no great shakes from my point of view.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
*****, I completely forgot about him in Zodiac and that's one of my favourite films . That's probably my favourite performance of his, although KKBB is still his best.

I used to like him a lot, way back when, in films like Less Than Zero, 1969 etc (yes, I'm that person) but there's not been much to excite me for the last 10 years. That's nothing unusual, though. I'd probably say the same about most actors/actresses.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I used to like him a lot, way back when
You're English, that's why!

I like a lot of his films, but I don't think he's had a role that challenged him to give a great performance.
Still think his best is Chapin but nothing really to challenge him do like him though
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I think he's hilarious. I love the humor in the charactors he plays.

I never have watched Chaplin (I have only sadly seen him in the Iron Man films and Tropic Thunder). But I heard that he was amazing in that. He was nominated for an academy award. He was nominated for one too for Tropic Thunder.

He needs to do another big drama again. He has become such a huge action star. He is one of the few dramatic actors to cross over to that and do it well (that was Nichloas Cage's downfall going from drama to action films), and one of the few action stars that can actually act well. But he has been doing Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes which are mainly action films. I want to see him in another biopic or something.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I think he could be a better suit in the planned Thin Man remake , more than Johnny Depp. Depp could pull it off, but Downey Jr's acting style is very reminiscent of William Powell in The Thin Man and it's sequels.

I've been secretly in love with Robert Downey Jr. for years and learning that the guy could actually act made me love him even more. How could anyone not love him after seeing LESS THAN ZERO or CHAPLIN or NATURAL BORN KILLERS. He has even redefined the action hero with the IRON MAN franchise.

I like him.He often chooses more funny/typical roles,I bet he could pull off a dramatic performance,too.