Movie You're Watching Tonight


I personally loved this film. I did not have any issues with that "specific" scene.. but I have seen far worse perhaps.

Hey, nice post, it s rare to hear about this movie Irreversible...quite hard for sensible eyes, i remember people leaving the theater when i saw it in france.... only one scene is tough, because it s realistic ...this movie is a real experience..

A master piece regarding editing and film making...full immersion guaranteed

Kevin Hart's Let Me Explain

Continuing my classical watching spree with these 3 movies:

Singin' in the Rain (1952) by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen

I am not sure what to expect, as i have only seen 1 musical before, which was The Sound of Music. Hopefully im in for a treat.

The Conversation (1974) by Francis Ford Coppola

I have pretty high hopes for this thriller by one of the better american directors.

Annie Hall (1977) by Woody Allen

I've nearly only seen newer movies by Woody Allen, and i thought they were pretty average. I hope this one will change my perspective.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Hangover Part 2 was so damn bad, I thought this one was pretty decent. Not a good movie by any means, but decent.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Pretty outdated movie.
That's a bit of a shift in tone over one of the worst movies of all time.

Annie Hall (1977) by Woody Allen

I've nearly only seen newer movies by Woody Allen, and i thought they were pretty average. I hope this one will change my perspective.
Because newer movies by Woody Allen are pretty average. He lost any ability to discuss morality after his affair with Soon-Yi Previn was discovered, and thus his films greatly suffered.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Dont drop the soap, cricket!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

That's a bit of a shift in tone over one of the worst movies of all time.
I would seriously say that found it to be fairly average but not very good. It has some atmosphere and was interesting at times, boring at other times.

I was being sarcastic when I named it one of the worst films ever. Spiders II is much worse:

Finished here. It's been fun.

In the mood for horror.Never seen this flick so why the heck not? Looks like fun.

That's My Boy

Hardly expecting anything. Not a big fan of comedies as a start, but hey.