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The Departed
Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg View AllCrew
Martin Scorsese (Director), William Monahan (Screenplay), Alan Mak (Screenplay), Felix Chong (Screenplay) View AllRelease: Oct. 5th, 2006
Runtime: 2 hours, 31 minutes
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Ending of The Departed
Why did Mark Wahlberg kill Matt Damon at the end? At first, I just assumed it was because he didn't like Matt Damon, and he found out he was the rat, which made him hate him more. Now, I'm wondering...
The Departed
So I just watched the departed and I'm kinda confused and wondering what exactly the twist was supposed to be and every time I look it up I just get people not discussing it but just saying it has a l...
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someone is still left to kill Damon's character and give the film a "happy" ending, which I absolutely hate when it comes to this film because it seems like an easy way out for Damon's character, who is clearly so miserable by the end of the film that letting him live with his mistakes would seem to....
someone is still left to kill Damon's character and give the film a "happy" ending, which I absolutely hate when it comes to this film because it seems like an easy way out for Damon's character, who is clearly so miserable by the end of the film that letting him live with his mistakes would seem to....
Both characters struggle with their identities and the increasingly tense web they've spun throughout the film, but DiCaprio has the last laugh from beyond the grave.
Both characters struggle with their identities and the increasingly tense web they've spun throughout the film, but DiCaprio has the last laugh from beyond the grave.