Oscar Picks

The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Austruck
And now I've overexplained what was likely supposed to be just a joke...
that’s what they want you to think. it’s all part of the plan
Originally Posted by I_Wear_Pants
Originally Posted by Austruck
Pretty sure ynwtf knew that.
Hm maybe. It's hard to say. He seemed really convinced his conspiracy was accurate so I'm not sure. I quit putting effort in trying to decipher honesty online. If people want me to believe something, then what needs to be believed needs to be stated, and not the opposite of what needs to be believed.
He's kinda silly here a lot of the time, with a good sense of humor, so I didn't take his shout seriously at all. Plus, that biopic is beyond outrageous in how it tries to tell Al's "life story." To me, ynwtf was mimicking that same over-the-top silliness.

And now I've overexplained what was likely supposed to be just a joke...
Originally Posted by Austruck
Pretty sure ynwtf knew that.
Hm maybe. It's hard to say. He seemed really convinced his conspiracy was accurate so I'm not sure. I quit putting effort in trying to decipher honesty online. If people want me to believe something, then what needs to be believed needs to be stated, and not the opposite of what needs to be believed.
Originally Posted by I_Wear_Pants
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Originally Posted by Austruck
Originally Posted by WHITBISSELL!
Actor Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog were found dead in their New Mexico home. Sounds made up but the Santa Fe Sheriff's Department confirmed it to the local ABC news affiliate.
I'm guessing carbon monoxide poisoning.

The same thing killed both of "Weird Al" Yankovic's parents as they slept in the beds a few years ago.

That's what they said was the cause, but anyone that's seen his biopic knows better. It's just sooooo convenient that several, allegedly, damming photos were lost during the "supposed" 6.0 earthquake not 6 months later in Parkfield? Coincidence?? Why are there no records on his first two wives? Oh, that's right! They never existed! Or did they? So then whose finger prints are all over those Grammy awards from 1989 and 1995?? Madonna's!? HA! Not even close....
Um... the movie is a satire and barely factual...
Pretty sure ynwtf knew that.
Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
I like Labrador retrievers. Yep.
I never met a Labrador retriever that I didn't like
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Originally Posted by Austruck
Originally Posted by WHITBISSELL!
Actor Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog were found dead in their New Mexico home. Sounds made up but the Santa Fe Sheriff's Department confirmed it to the local ABC news affiliate.
I'm guessing carbon monoxide poisoning.

The same thing killed both of "Weird Al" Yankovic's parents as they slept in the beds a few years ago.

That's what they said was the cause, but anyone that's seen his biopic knows better. It's just sooooo convenient that several, allegedly, damming photos were lost during the "supposed" 6.0 earthquake not 6 months later in Parkfield? Coincidence?? Why are there no records on his first two wives? Oh, that's right! They never existed! Or did they? So then whose finger prints are all over those Grammy awards from 1989 and 1995?? Madonna's!? HA! Not even close....
Um... the movie is a satire and barely factual...
I like Labrador retrievers. Yep.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Originally Posted by doubledenim

pics or it didn't happen.
Seems harsh