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Never Let Me Go
Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield, Keira Knightley, Domhnall Gleeson View AllCrew
Alex Garland (Screenplay), Mark Romanek (Director) View AllRelease: Sep. 15th, 2010
Runtime: 1 hour, 44 minutes
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Reviewed by
I would have rather had Thomas and Cathy get together when they were kids and have Ruth be in love with him too, but neither Thomas or Cathy knew.
I would have rather had Thomas and Cathy get together when they were kids and have Ruth be in love with him too, but neither Thomas or Cathy knew.
thracian dawg
Later in the film, as adults, it's learned that all the boarding schools have closed down and been replaced with something a more efficent.
Later in the film, as adults, it's learned that all the boarding schools have closed down and been replaced with something a more efficent.