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Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Michael Preston, Max Phipps View AllCrew
Terry Hayes (Screenplay), George Miller (Screenplay), George Miller (Director), Brian Hannant (Writer) View AllRelease: Dec. 24th, 1981
Runtime: 1 hour, 35 minutes
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The Road Warrior
Ive always wondered....were the people in the movie....ALTERED physically in some way?
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Reviewed by
The Gunslinger45
From the look of Maxs Ford Falcon (one of the best movie vehicles ever), the desert scenery, to the costumes for Humongous and his band of raiders, this movie set the standard for post apocalyptic fiction.
From the look of Maxs Ford Falcon (one of the best movie vehicles ever), the desert scenery, to the costumes for Humongous and his band of raiders, this movie set the standard for post apocalyptic fiction.
This film was a perfect mix of action, sci-fi, and fantasy, and they blended perfectly together for this film, and it much surpasses its slower paced Mad Max, and the more action-packed Fury Road.
This film was a perfect mix of action, sci-fi, and fantasy, and they blended perfectly together for this film, and it much surpasses its slower paced Mad Max, and the more action-packed Fury Road.
mark f
It's true that in the prologue of this film, there are scenes which show why Max (Mel Gibson) went mad, based on what happened in the first film, but they basically have nothing to do with what happens in this film.
It's true that in the prologue of this film, there are scenes which show why Max (Mel Gibson) went mad, based on what happened in the first film, but they basically have nothing to do with what happens in this film.