Deadite's Avatar
Last Activity: 07-11-14


Badash Mofo
5,697 POSTS


13¾ years HERE

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#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 44
  1. 11-09-14
    Dammit, Deadite. Why didn't you message me? I'm gonna miss you.
  2. 04-06-14
    So clearly, the way to Beatlejuice-summon you is to post in an old God thread you have a subscription to.
  3. 02-11-14
    It'll be worth it.
  4. 02-09-14
    The new profile pages are gonna force you to pick a real favorite movies list.
Predators   6/06/11
The film succeeds modestly well at giving fans what they expect, and there are some nice surprises to keep it

Whiteout   6/03/11
The dialogue is dull as rock, consisting of actors repeating the obvious, for the benefit (one supposes) of th

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