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If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 89
10-13-17I KEEP forgetting to, but just wanted to tell you I LOVE the new avatar. A wonderful gif of Lorre!
01-16-17we're taking the noms in the tournament now just to let you know. The ones that have been picked are in the first post, you nominate 6 right now.
01-15-17Ah ok. I was looking on the Banner thread and the image you'd posted of your banner base was kinda small. I thought the site had to resize the banner for you.
I found those images though on Google and made this
I kept the green area on the right as a base for where your pics can go without the left side covering them
All you'd need to do is save this image as a BMP... but any changes you make, save them as JPG.
BMP will allow the image to keep its resolution and won't go grainy or blocky so you'll be able to edit it over and over.

The Glass Bottom Boat (1966) - This movie was not on my schedule, but it aired on Turner Classic Movies, so I

I love Pixar movies, but this one is one of my least favorite Pixar movies, so I wanted to give it another cha
gbgoodies has not joined any clubs.