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Last Activity: 14 hours ago


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4¾ years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 2 of 2
  1. 12-05-20
    In case you hadn't noticed your Happy Birthday thread.
  2. 07-18-20

    I saw you on a thread I was posting on and thought you looked new here and it turns out YOU ARE! Then I saw High and Low on your list of favorite films. A FANTASTIC film by Kurosawa. Anyway, I just wanted to share my love of High and Low and welcome you to the forum.
The Gospel According to St. Matthew   3/10/25
Ah, but Jesus instead chastises Judas, saying that the woman

Chicken for Linda!   3/09/25
I could feel myself fully uncouple from her as a character when she first throws the chicken out a second stor

Holiday Boyfriend   3/09/25
Someone must have been really proud of making Mandys car look like a reindeer, because we get like 5 superfluo

WNUF Halloween Special   3/09/25
It looks more like a filter over modern footage, while this film does look like it was made in the 80s

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