The Sci-Fi Slob's Avatar
Last Activity: 11-18-16

The Sci-Fi Slob

8,282 POSTS



10¾ years HERE

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Film reviewer, blogger, sci-fi geek. Biography
Derbyshire, England Location
Watching films, reading, drinking beer, working out, cooking. Interests
Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 74
  1. 09-02-16
    2 miniutes then
  2. 09-02-16
    Yeah, I'm up for that, should be a laugh.
  3. 09-02-16
    A Slob, And A Rodent... Unknown/Unseen/Underseen Sci-Fi.

    You and me, hammering out **** like Quatermass and Invasion Of The Saucer Men.
    Even maybe newer stuff like the 1988 The Blob.

    B-Movies and gash sci-fi.

    Stuff not seen much, and stuff unheard of that you and I have picked up on over the years.
    Even something we catch on telly that nobody has ever seen before.

    Quick write up and a rating maybe? Not talking full on reviews... just me and you with a thread of our own "Rate The Last Movie You Watched" sort of thing made of totally gash sci-fi that any and all cinephiles must see if they're to call themselves true cinephiles.

    Fancy it? Doesn't have to be a daily thing. Just as and when.
  4. 09-02-16
    I got an idea for a thread...
San Andreas   8/29/15
After their skydiving excursion, The Rock and his wife ride a 500 foot tsunami wave into the heart of the city

Ant-Man   7/17/15
The film begins with a flashback to 1989 with Dr Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) arguing with Tony Stark's father o

Gone Girl   7/13/15
As you may have guessed, the film starts with the mysterious disappearance of Ben Affleck's wife, Amy

Mad Max: Fury Road   6/30/15
Taking less then 15 minutes to set the basis for the plot, the film kicks off right into action as Tom Hardy a

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