NatashaR's Avatar
Last Activity: 10-07-16


Why so serious?


9½ years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 8
  1. 06-15-15
    Your Grill thread is up!
  2. 06-04-15
    Yep, and thank you.
  3. 05-10-15
    Interesting, nice to see that you're not afraid to move abroad, I'd love to go to America, it's just the cost. And haha, I have two housemates who study accounting and finance, and I hear enough from them about how boring it is And yeah that sounds really cool, I tried joining film society at university but I didn't like it that much, so I mainly just use this forum to discuss films, it's a good place
  4. 05-10-15
    Yup, I will do, hopefully I'll start shooting next month

    And where are you from? If you don't mind me asking. I'm just wondering as when you say you need to move do you mean to become a producer, or is that just something that's happening anyway. I don't know much about production to be honest, I kind of wish I did something film related in university though because at the moment my course is boring.
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