SusanScott1989's Avatar
Last Activity: 09-05-09


I bet I get all dirty again.


15½ years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 12-10-15
    Just looked at your top 10. Glad to see some love for Regarding Henry for once.
  2. 08-22-09
    Can I ask why did you give me a neg rep because I dont like the Indy films?? That is my opinion! noob the neg rep system is to give a neg rep about something that is completely wrong or disgusting not something you disagree with. I could go through your posts and I can garantee I wont like something but I wont give you a neg rep because im no that ridiculas.
  3. 08-14-09
    You're giving negative rep out just because you disagree about Costner's accent (which is inarguably bad)? Sheesh.
  4. 08-08-09
    You're welcome! Welcome to MoFo.
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