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Forum: Movie Questions 10-24-08
Replies: 2
Unanswered:  Trailer song (Ong Bak's US trailer)
Posted By Tatima
Re: Trailer song (Ong Bak's US trailer)

cmon there gotta be someone who knows.
Forum: Movie Questions 10-22-08
Replies: 2
Unanswered:  Trailer song (Ong Bak's US trailer)
Posted By Tatima
Trailer song (Ong Bak's US trailer)|1701&filmid=4265&s=3&n=3 (
I really want to know what is this...
Replies: 19,071
The Videogames Tab
Posted By Tatima
Re: The Videogames Tab

There is only one movie that I'm waiting for and it is Alan Wake from remedy. Looks really interesting movie. And because it is from Remedy it must be good.
Replies: 1,805
What Is The Last DVD You WATCHED?
Posted By Tatima
Re: What Is The Last DVD You WATCHED?

It was Jackie Chan's tuxedo. It was pretty bad movie 8\
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 10-22-08
Replies: 21
The Matrix 4
Posted By Tatima
Re: The Matrix 4

I really really that is ********.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-22-08
Replies: 79
Movies that you loved as a child...
Posted By Tatima
Re: Movies that you loved as a child...

Umm... First Karate Kid, Ghost buster 1 & 2 and Gremlins 1 & 2.
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 10-22-08
Replies: 5
The Ring 3
Posted By Tatima
Re: The Ring 3

First was good movie but sequal was boring 8\

and I think this wonät be so good
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-22-08
Replies: 104
The best movies of 2008 so far
Posted By Tatima
Re: The best movies of 2008 so far

The Dark Knight ofc 8DBegins was great and this was awesome
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 10-22-08
Replies: 19
What Is Your Favorite Peter Jackson Movie?
Posted By Tatima
Re: What Is Your Favorite Peter Jackson Movie?

LotR: The Return Of The King... This was the only good movie from the trilogy.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 10-22-08
Replies: 32
Movies that touch you inside
Posted By Tatima
Re: Movies that touch you inside

I would say Green mile was touching movie
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 10-22-08
Replies: 54
Max Payne
Posted By Tatima
Re: Max Payne

Is this worth of watching?
Forum: Movie Questions 10-22-08
Replies: 12
Answered: What is Jet Li's best movie?
Posted By Tatima
Re: What is Jet Li's best movie?

Danny the dog and Fearless are my favorites. Such a great movies