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Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-26-07
Replies: 62
Best (Worst) Movie Deaths
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Best (Worst) Movie Deaths

Cornelius in Escape from the Planet of the Apes

The head on collision in Death Proof

Leo bites the berg in Titanic

The conclusion of Bride of Frankenstein

Jennifer Lopez in Gigli (oh...
Replies: 299
It's Friday: What Are You Doing This Weekend?
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: It's Friday: What Are You Doing This Weekend?

I'm going to check out Charlie Wilson's War and Walk Hard today.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-21-07
Replies: 243
Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life

I wouldn't say that I incorporate too many lines into my everyday dialogue. I will sit down and toss around quotations until the cows come home, but that is different. Only one comes to mind that I...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-21-07
Replies: 334
Movie everyone HATES
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Movie everyone HATES

Amen. That is what separates "movie" lovers from "film" lovers. I probably have a hundred different ideas floating around in my head while I am viewing any given film. I like to try and cut to the...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-20-07
Replies: 334
Movie everyone HATES
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Movie everyone HATES

I know a guy, they are out there. He also thinks that all the Psycho sequels are a blessing as well. There is truly no accounting for taste.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-20-07
Replies: 121
Movies people can't dislike without losing your respect
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Movies people can't dislike without losing your respect

If someone told me they didn't like City Lights, I would question whether or not they had a soul. I also gasp when some folks tell me they do not enjoy the Back to the Future trilogy or the Planet of...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-20-07
Replies: 334
Movie everyone HATES
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Movie everyone HATES

The title of the thread is ridiculous, I agree. There is no such thing as a movie that everyone hates. In truth, us cinephiles never really "hate" a movie. We can always find at least a few redeeming...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-20-07
Replies: 40
Most Surprising Film of the Year:
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Most Surprising Film of the Year:

Stardust is certainly on my to do list in the next few days. Everything I have heard has been solid. As far as which film surprised me the most this year, I must say that it was Live Free or Die...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-20-07
Replies: 72
Worst movie of the year!
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Worst movie of the year!

Fair enough. I won't be addressing my top twenty-five until then either.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-20-07
Replies: 5
Where is the Love?
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Where is the Love?

Very interesting selections here, but all of them are certainly worthy. Apatow has a stranglehold on film comedy right now, and at least one of his efforts should be recognized.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-19-07
Replies: 5
Where is the Love?
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Where is the Love?

I agree, and Zodiac will be on in my top ten of the year regardless.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-19-07
Replies: 72
Worst movie of the year!
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Worst movie of the year!

Yes I mean Planet of the Apes and I am just pointing out the articulation and attention to detail, the love the makeup artists must have had for the project in order to put in those painstaking...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-19-07
Replies: 5
Where is the Love?
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Where is the Love?

The Golden Globe nominees have been revealed, and as I had anticipated, Zodiac is getting no love. I knew the spring release would have an effect on its awards potential, but come on. How can you...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 12-19-07
Replies: 72
Worst movie of the year!
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Worst movie of the year!

Hmmm...too many to count. Where shall I begin? This year has been both a blessing and a curse. Here is the scum from the bottom of the barrel:

Epic Movie (Ouch...I apologized to the people I saw...
Forum: Movie Reviews 08-07-07
Replies: 2
Hot Rod
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Hot Rod

What you have here is a send up of every cheesy, overly confident, stand up and cheer sort of film that was released in the mid and late 80s. Take moments from Dirty Dancing, Footloose, hell, even...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 07-11-07
Replies: 229
Your Favorite Dark Comedy Movie
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Your Favorite Dark Comedy Movie

Terms of Endearment...oh dark COMEDY....oh okay. Well I am kind of partial to The Ice Harvest.
Forum: Movie Reviews 07-11-07
Replies: 1
Posted By Captain Driftwood

One of the numerous reasons I am so concerned about Indiana Jones 4. The title is not only fitting, but prophetic, because shortly into this, I lit myself on fire and ran into a wall to stop the pain.
Forum: Games and Tabs 07-09-07
Replies: 27,332
Important: Movie Tab II
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Movie Tab II

Live Free or Die Hard - Twelve years is not too long for John McClane. Despite the PG-13 rating, this sequel holds up and is every bit as good as any of the previous installments. Time was kind to...
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 07-05-07
Replies: 147
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Transformers

It has been awhile since a film went above and beyond all of my expectations. This one did. I went in thinking, "Hmm...they are going to try and make me take the Transformers seriously...and besides...
Forum: Movie Reviews 07-03-07
Replies: 50
Transformers vs Fantastic four?
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Transformer vs Fantastic four?

I saw an 8 o'clock screening of Transformers, and although I have yet to see FF:ROTSS, I must say that Transformers will be extremely difficult to trump in terms of the big popcorn movie this summer....
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 07-03-07
Replies: 9
Red State(Kevin Smith Horror Movie)
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Red State(Kevin Smith Horror Movie)

Well I have total faith in Kevin Smith. If his scares are as sharp as his dialogue has always been, this could be one scary flick. Of course, there will be sprinklings of his comedic genius as well :)
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-28-07
Replies: 120
Top Ten Favorite Movies...EVER
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Top Ten Favorite Movies...EVER

I would like to apologize for starting this thread so long ago. I realize how horribly uninspired it is now and as Sedai said, there is a wonderful top 10 feature which I myself have utilized.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-25-07
Replies: 68
underrated movies
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: underrated movies

I may get nailed to the wall for this, but I didn't hate Norbit. If you consider Showtime, Daddy Day Care, and Pluto Nash :( this film was actually refreshing and allowed Eddie Murphy to return to...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-25-07
Replies: 69
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: The Best MOVIE of ALL TIME

Wow, I return after over a month, and I have to come back to this...simply stunning. Kill your account, now.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 05-13-07
Replies: 16
Favorite Back to the Future Film
Posted By Captain Driftwood
Re: Favortie Back to the Future Film

I agree with the third being way off in the distance, although it is certainly a better third installment than TMNT III. That was a time travel experiment gone terribly wrong. A scepter instead of a...