The Shoutbox
I've seen and liked Willy's Wonderland, but haven't watched Pig yet.
watch pig and his willy's wonderland!!
I want to watch all of Nicolas Cage's films. Am I crazy? Probably.
ynwtf you busted into our hearts like the kool aid man
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
Originally Posted by Allaby
I just watched Madame Web and it honestly wasn't that bad. was worse.
Nah, it's a 6/10 for me. It's not even one of the worst films of the year.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by Allaby
I just watched Madame Web and it honestly wasn't that bad.
You need help.
This is true, but not because of my movie watching.
sowwy, y'all.
i'm on vacation tomorrow through the week and I'm mostly caught up with work today. i know, i know. you're had a good run without me, but I feel that, today, i may be a bit social.
nobody loves me,
everybody hates me.
I think I'll go eat worms.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by ynwtf
bwings us togevah!
You need help.

help me, Minio, yeah!
get'r outta my heeeeaaaaarrt!

I'm talking about that worm btw.
Originally Posted by Allaby
I just watched Madame Web and it honestly wasn't that bad.
The movie is a hoot. A camp masterpiece!