The Shoutbox
And that reminds me, I still think at The Oscars instead of "DIRECTOR" or even "ANIMATOR" under Chuck Jones' photo during the "In Memorandum" segment, they damn well should have put "SUPER GENIUS".

But did they call me? Nooooooo.
I can't say I blame you. I'm sure Dick Cheney looks rather cute after downing a few.

A shepherd? I feel more crude sheep jokes approaching.
"Mornin', Ralph."
Fu*k the government, BTW.

I'm a shepherd.
And I haven't ralphed drinking since the two (and not consequently only) times I've consumed mass quantities of tequila. Even lottsa Grain Alcohol on Spring Break didn't make me vommit. But to this day, the very smell opf tequila - even in a margarita, makes me sick to my stomach.

Thank Bacchus for Red Wine and Vodka!

I can only assume that, if you waltz into work every Monday like this, you must work for the government. Or you're a member of the teacher's union.
Gonna be a fun day at work tomorrow. I've already set my alarm and placed it over thirty-feet from my bed (assuming that's where I crash). Hopefully that'll be enough to get me up.
Seems like you like to spend your Sundays worshipping a different kind of God...chiefly the porcelain kind.

Anybody got any mustard? I'm tryin' to finish this bag of pretzels before I run out of Vodka, but I'm runnin' outta mustard, fer Cripe's sake.
One of my favorite party exchanges ever...

GIRL: You keep Vodka in the freezer? Doesn't it freeze?

ME: Take the stick outta your @ass and have a drink already, will ya'?
Oh, and of course, it's the inevitable way to this:

Whether or not that's good or bad depends on the individual and the place, I'm sure.