The Shoutbox
Suuuure... all you care about is Chris... what about the rest of us Mofos?!? Guess we can't get any love b/c we aren't rich and famous webmasters with over 40k posts
Hello again...Chris, you around?
"I book a lot of tours to Dollywood, and EuroDollywood - that's in Alabama."
Sheesh people... I nod off for two hours and look what happens! I am far to lazy to read through the 10 pages of Shouts
"Yes, if by 'crestfallen' you mean 'kill us'".
I'm going now.
Farewell all...

I get it Chris.
It wasn't innuendo.
It just came out wrong.

You and your fragile mind...
Pshaw! You're more corrupt than the majority of us...

So it shall be written, so it shall be done...which involves writing it. You know, in the Glossary...

I practice both the Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet.
Stop it. My fragile mind can't take this much innuendo.