The Shoutbox
I FOUND IT...I FOUND THE clip of val's signature. The last part of it anyways...
I've been trying to find the WAV clip of bigval's signature, I found it, but it was a broken link. Found the clip for Kramer's Moviefone though.
Good Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawnin' Spudlay!

What a fine day. Good night to all.
wooohooo i just ordered donnie darko and mulholland drive

Just got back from the mall...had a blast and got two of the three things I went after. Mulholland Dr DVD, and the mystery item, which will be revealed tomorrow.
...I'm talkin' to you...c'mon.
these are the things i can do without, c'mon
Afternoon...gettin ready to leave for the mall where I will be picking up a few items, one of them being'll see it tomorrow (i'll take a picture of it). Don't worry, nothing bad, it's actually something that had me laughing for hours after I saw it.