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The Shoutbox
Glorious? Heh heh heh. It is indeed.
Saw LOTR again. What a glorious movie.
Saturday?! Saturday was YESTERDAY! Stop livin' in the past!!
HAHA...I hate rednecks who have no clue that fire and wind don't mix well. Some idiot was down by my house burning today and it's a very windy day. IDIOT!!!
word it to your mother
HAHAHA....Well I'm gonna go see Black Hawk Down tonight....
Crap, got delayed. We ended up going to The King of Burgers instead...we're gonna see it around 4:30. Just as well...I'll geek it up until then.
Going to see it now. Bye bye, suckas! Mwahahaha.
Lucky bastard...I wanted to see LOTR last night, but wouldn't you know it...the theater wasn't playing it anymore. BASTARDS!!!! So what did I have to see...Kung Pow....can we say...YAY!?
Top o the morning to you TWT. And all the rest of MoFo's! Glorious Saturday!
Good morning everyone. Well, morning for me. I slept in like crazy. I think I'm going to see LOTR again. Joy.