The Shoutbox
Tongo, sorry to hear that...But know that you're a good son and I'm sure you're a comfort to your mom at this time, even if she can't show it because of her condition. Try not to get to down if possible and take care...and don't get lost in the maze : )
Thank you again Lisa, thank you Sean, Yoda, and Camo. Its been quite a day. She had a seizure in the hospital, during that they told me she had a brain hemmorage and then were asking if she wanted a DNR as it looked like she wouldnt recover. Then this evening a doctor said she still could. Btw, the hospital interiors down here are designed like mazes.
Yeah, TONGO. Best wishes to you and your mum.
Yeah, keep us posted, Rob. Hope she's alright.
Originally Posted by TONGO
Thank you Lisa & HK. I come home to get a food break then go back shortly.
You take care, dear. Keep me updated, whenever possible. *Hugs!*
Sorry to hear that Tongo. Take care.
Thank you Lisa & HK. I come home to get a food break then go back shortly.
Originally Posted by TONGO
Ill be offline. My Moms in the hospital.
I hope your mom is doing OK.
Hope she's OK, T. Thinking of you.
Thank you Rules
Originally Posted by TONGO
Ill be offline. My Moms in the hospital.
Sorry man