The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Allaby
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Hi, there GT!!

So anyone care to guess if I will like Happiest Season?
I guess you will like it.
Here's hoping!
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Hi, there GT!!

So anyone care to guess if I will like Happiest Season?
I guess you will like it.
Hi, there GT!!

So anyone care to guess if I will like Happiest Season?
Good evening.
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Why does that jalapeno have a bit of paper in it??? That is strange.
Certificate of authenticity, of course!
Why does that jalapeno have a bit of paper in it??? That is strange.
Well, I couldn't quite find a Ghostbusters-themed restaurant, so I guess tacos will have to do!

I wish companies would stop asking me what I'd like for compensation. I know they're just asking that to lowball me into as low of a pay rate as possible. They should already know the pay range for the position, so simply tell me that and we can go from there.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
That and the fact it won’t appear in the US or on streaming does suggest there are some contractual forces at play.
Hopefully, if there is some exclusivity clause or something, it is limited rather than indefinite. So, maybe after a certain time, it will become available.

Here's hoping, anyway!
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Absolutely, Prima Facie is a miracle of an experience. I’m also constantly checking if it’s available to stream to show some friends and relatives. I’m really lucky that it has gained traction in London and is occasionally shown again in random places.
It's a shame that it still hasn't become available for home viewing. I'm starting to get the feeling there's some contractual reason that's preventing it.
I think so — I was stunned to discover relatively recently that this play was performed in Serbia, of all places, this spring, I believe. Not really a natural market for it, I would argue (I have family living there). That and the fact it won’t appear in the US or on streaming does suggest there are some contractual forces at play.