The deadline for the Top Musicals list is coming up! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here
The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
How mean am I on a scale from 1 to 10?
You refused to watch that movie I recommended to you, so clearly you are a 10. Super mean!
Congrats to the USA Women's Gymnastics team for bringing home the gold!
Obviously a 5
I dunno, 2? You don't come across as mean to me.
How mean am I on a scale from 1 to 10?
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
Ohhh someone (Allaby) changed their profile pic!
Not just Allaby! MG too.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Are you okay
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
Why do humans willingly eat frozen burritos? THAT is the question.
to eat or to not eat, that is the question
Why do humans willingly eat frozen burritos? THAT is the question.
Over two hours and not a single call, although that's a GOOD thing.
One more hour of volunteer work and it's bed time.