The deadline for the Top Musicals list is coming up! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here
The Shoutbox
Honey roasted cashews. Yum.
Sunflower Seeds.
Now a question of food: Pine Nuts, Sunflower Seeds or Honey Roasted Cashews?
There's no such thing as a quick game.
oooh games are not quick... we'll leave it till another time...
alrighty....I might just leave and watch A.I. though...I'll play a quick game..
now now SB no need to be jealous over my supreme golfing capabilities
Don't trust Fez as far as you can kick the bastard...

not yet I just got a new e-mail registered but get yourself an electrotank ID to play and i'll meet you in the lobby1 room there's other stuff too... very adavnced games like tank blast