The Shoutbox
You could use the rolling eyes smiley. Or the indifferent one.

Nuance, dear boy, nuance!
Originally Posted by Tacitus

Had to be done.
Too bad you can't embed images in the Shoutbox, otherwise I'd use the ideal reaction images to express my exasperation.

Had to be done.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Do you think it's because you've matured or that the whole internet opinion-giving thing has changed so much in that time?
Both? Either way, that green sticking-tongue-out smiley looks too ridiculous to use anymore.
Originally Posted by Yoda
I hear that. I started this place when I was 15. And what's worse, some of my decade-old threads get resurrected now and then. So I have no shortage of cringeworthy reminders of my teenage self.
At least you made a fairly popular website in the process so it's sort of acceptable.
Do you think it's because you've matured or that the whole internet opinion-giving thing has changed so much in that time?
I hear that. I started this place when I was 15. And what's worse, some of my decade-old threads get resurrected now and then. So I have no shortage of cringeworthy reminders of my teenage self.
Reading old threads and cringing a little every time I see a post where I use a smiley.

(Not necessarily a condemnation of smileys in general, but they just seem wrong when I use them.)
You know, except for the wrong artist name and all that!
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite
damn i suck
Meaty! Hello!! Why so self-deprecating?
Originally Posted by rauldc14
Originally Posted by Sedai
Blade Runner on OnDemand? Why, yes...I think I will...
I still have to watch that to complete one of my challenges.
Avoid the OnDemand version, which is the far inferior theatrical cut.