GBGoodies 2015 Movie Logbook


I Saw What You Did (1965) - I watched this for the upcoming 1965 movie list.

Teenagers Kit Austin, (Sarah Lane), and her best friend Libby Mannering, (Andi Garrett), are babysitting Libby's younger sister Tess, (Sharyl Locke), when they get bored and start making phony phone calls. (Remember, back in 1965 there was no caller ID.) One of their favorite pranks is calling someone and telling them "I saw what you did, and I know who you are.". What they don't realize is that the man they called, Steve Marak, (John Ireland), had just murdered his wife and buried her body in the woods.

This is a pretty good movie, but it's not as suspenseful as I had hoped. It has some suspense, but it's more of a drama than a really good suspense movie. Joan Crawford steals the movie as Amy Nelson, Marak's neighbor. Some of the scenes of the girls laughing and giggling are kind of annoying, and the wife's murder scene looks like a direct ripoff of Psycho, but the movie seems to get better as it goes along. And I have mixed feelings about the ending.

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Up (2009) - I watched this because it came in so high on the Animation Countdown. I love Pixar movies, but this one is one of my least favorite Pixar movies, so I wanted to give it another chance to see what many of you see in this movie.

Carl Fredricksen, (Ed Asner), made a promise to his wife before she died that they would go on a trip to Paradise Falls in South America. To keep his promise, he ties thousands of balloons to his house, and he flies away to Paradise Falls, house and all. After his house is in the air, he finds out that he has an accident stowaway, Russell, (Jordan Nagai), a young Wilderness Explorer.

I liked this movie a lot more this time than I did the first time I watched it, but in my opinion, it still ended up higher in the countdown than it belonged. However after the re-watch, at least I can see some of the good things that the rest of you see in the movie. I liked most of the interaction between Carl and Russell, and there was some excitement during their trip once they reached South America, but the whole concept of balloons being able to lift a house just doesn't work for me, especially the scenes where Carl and Russell have to use their owns strengths to maneuver the house.

It has some very good scenes, but just not enough for me to love this movie as much as the rest of you seem to love it. But it is a good movie, and I would definitely recommend it more now than I would have before the re-watch.

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Brainstorm (1965) - I watched this for the upcoming 1965 movies list. I choose this movie mainly because it starred Jeffrey Hunter, aka Captain Pike from "Star Trek", but also because it co-starred Dana Andrews.

Jim Grayam, (Jeffrey Hunter), saves the life of Lorrie Benson, (Anne Francis), when he finds her car stopped on the train tracks in front of an oncoming train. He later finds out that she wanted to commit suicide to escape from her millionaire husband Cort Benson, (Dana Andrews). Jim and Lorrie fall in love, and they plan to murder Cort. Their plan includes Jim faking insanity to try to get away with murder.

This is a good movie with some plot twists that you might not see coming. It's a great suspense movie with many elements of a good film noir, and a great ending. It has an excellent cast, with Jeffrey Hunter giving a standout performance.

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That Darn Cat! (1965) - I watched this movie for the upcoming 1965 movie list. I've always been a fan of the old Disney live-action movies, especially the ones with Dean Jones, so this movie sounded like a good choice.

Bank robbers Dan, (Neville Brand), and Iggy, (Frank Gorshin), take female bank teller Margaret Miller, (Grayson Hall), as a hostage. When D.C., a Siamese cat, shows up, Margaret scratches part of the word "HELP" on the back of her watch, and puts her watch around D.C.'s neck as a collar, hoping someone will find it and rescue her. When D.C.'s owner Patti Randall, (Hayley Mills), finds the watch, she contacts the F.B.I., and F.B.I. agent Zeke Kelso, (Dean Jones), sets up a plan to follow the cat, and hopefully find the hostage.

This is a very funny movie, and possibly one of the best Disney live-action movies. The cat is really the star of the movie, with the human cast playing second fiddle to D.C. Just try to picture a bunch of grown men, who are straight-laced F.B.I. agents, carefully following a clever cat around the neighborhood, and trying to avoid the cat catching them watching him. It's as funny as it sounds. The entire cast does a great job, including a great supporting cast of Tom Lowell as Patti's boyfriend Canoe, Dorothy Provine as Patti's sister Ingrid and Roddy McDowell as Ingrid's boyfriend Gregory Benson, and William Demarest and Elsa Lanchester as the neighbors.

If you like the Disney live-action movies, and you're looking for a movie that's just a whole lot of fun, then this movie is for you.

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Ten Little Indians (1965) - This is another movie that I watched for the upcoming 1965 movie list. I've seen this movie before, so this is a re-watch. This movie is a remake of the 1945 classic And Then There Were None.

Ten people are invited to a house on an isolated mountain by a mysterious stranger. They are each accused of having gotten away with murdering someone. One by one, the guests are being killed. Can they find the killer before it's too late?

This is a good movie, but it's not as good as the 1945 version. The characters have been updated a bit, and the setting has changed, but the story is basically the same. There's still plenty of suspense and thrills to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the movie, and the ending is fantastic. Most of the cast is great, with the possible exception of Fabian, who just isn't as good as the rest of the actors.

If you're looking for a good suspense movie, I would recommend the 1945 version over this version, but this movie is definitely worth watching.

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I was really enjoying Up until they arrived at their destination, and then it lost me a bit. I may also try it again.

It will probably surprise you, but I'm a fan of That Darn Cat. It most likely makes my 1965 list, if we do one.

I was really enjoying Up until they arrived at their destination, and then it lost me a bit. I may also try it again.

It will probably surprise you, but I'm a fan of That Darn Cat. It most likely makes my 1965 list, if we do one.

Yeah, Up has it's moments, but when they get to the part with Kevin the colorful bird, and the talking dogs, it kind of loses something for me too. I like most of the stuff with Carl and Russell, and I like Dug. I have mixed feelings about Christopher Plummer as Charles F. Muntz. For some reason, he reminded me of Kirk Douglas.

I'm glad to hear that you're a fan of That Darn Cat. The Disney live-action movies aren't for everyone because they can get a bit goofy sometimes, but this is definitely one of the better ones. It has a good chance to make my 1965 list too.

The 2nd Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World aka Licensed to Kill (1965) - I watched this movie for the upcoming 1965 movie list. I had never heard of it before, so I knew nothing about it, but it aired recently on a local cable channel and I noticed it was from 1965, so I DVRed it.

James Bond is unavailable, so Agent Charles Vine, (Tom Adams), is called upon to protect Henrik Jacobsen, (Karel Stepanek), a Swedish scientist who invented an anti-gravity device.

The movie started out good, with a catchy theme song sung by Sammy Davis, Jr., but it pretty much went downhill fast after the theme song ended. The pacing isn't too bad, but overall, the movie is just boring. If this guy is supposed to be "the second best secret agent in the whole wide world", then the world is in trouble. The scenes when they are in danger are so predictable, that it makes no sense how the agent didn't see the danger coming from a mile away. Even Maxwell Smart would have seen these bad guys coming. And the acting is terrible, especially the bad guys who overact so badly that it actually made me laugh during scenes that should have been suspenseful.

Don't bother with this movie. It's just a big waste of time.

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ID:	19809  

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
If this guy is supposed to be "the second best secret agent in the whole wide world", then the world is in trouble. (Ha!)
The scenes when they are in danger are so predictable, that it makes no sense how the agent didn't see the danger coming from a mile away. Even Maxwell Smart would have seen these bad guys coming.(double Ha!)That's too funny, gbg.

There was a lot of spy send up films in the 60s. This one sounds like I will skip it.I never even heard of the actors?

The Glass Bottom Boat (1966) - This movie was not on my schedule, but it aired on Turner Classic Movies, so I decided to watch it. I've seen this movie before, so this was a re-watch.

NASA Scientist, Bruce Templeton, (Rod Taylor), is fishing one day when he reels in the bottom half of Jennifer Nelson's, (Doris Day), mermaid costume. Later, when Bruce finds out that Jennifer also works at NASA, he hires her to be his biographer so he can spend more time with her. Bruce recently invented a new formula for duplicating gravity while in outer space, and NASA is taking extra security measures to protect the formula. When people start to think that Jennifer is a spy, things begin to get very complicated for Bruce and Jennifer.

This movie is kind of silly, but it's also very funny. Rod Taylor and Doris Day have great chemistry together, and the supporting cast is excellent. With a supporting cast that includes Paul Lynde, Dom DeLuise, Dick Martin, Arthur Godfrey, George Tobias and Alice Pearce, it's impossible to watch this movie and not laugh. Even the cool gadgets make this movie a fun James Bond spoof. This movie starts off good, and it just gets better and better as it goes on.

This is one of my favorite movies from both Rod Taylor and Doris Day. If you're looking for a good slapstick comedy, watch The Glass Bottom Boat. You won't be disappointed.

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If this guy is supposed to be "the second best secret agent in the whole wide world", then the world is in trouble. (Ha!)
The scenes when they are in danger are so predictable, that it makes no sense how the agent didn't see the danger coming from a mile away. Even Maxwell Smart would have seen these bad guys coming.(double Ha!)That's too funny, gbg.

There was a lot of spy send up films in the 60s. This one sounds like I will skip it.I never even heard of the actors?

I never heard of any of the actors either. I only watched it because it was from 1965, and it happened to air at the right time, but it was just a big waste of time.

If you want to watch a fun spy spoof movie, try The Glass Bottom Boat instead. There's not as much spy stuff in it, but there is some, and the movie is hysterical.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Yup it's hysterical. I seen for the first time a few months ago. Very funny. I liked Doris' bungalow pad....and Rod's super modern house was great to see, it had a neat kitchen too.

Yup it's hysterical. I seen for the first time a few months ago. Very funny. I liked Doris' bungalow pad....and Rod's super modern house was great to see, it had a neat kitchen too.

I loved the kitchen. I might actually learn to cook if I had a kitchen like that.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) - I watched this movie because I was challenged by Jiraffejustin to watch all the movies in Swan's Top Ten, and after a discussion with Swan, he convinced me that even though they didn't sound like my type of movies, I was wrong to dismiss his movies without at least giving them a chance.

This movie is a German silent horror film that is a story told as a flashback by Francis, (Friedrich Fehér), about when he and his friend Alan, (Hans Heinrich von Twardowski), went to a fair in Holstenwall. At the fair, they see Dr. Caligari, (Werner Krauss), and Cesare, (Conrad Veidt), a somnambulist who can predict the future. Cesare predicts that Alan will die before morning, and when Alan is murdered that night, his prediction comes true, making Cesare the prime suspect.

Before I rate this movie, you have to understand that I'm not a fan of either silent movies, or horror movies, but I tried my best to watch this movie with an open mind. Having said that, this movie was much better than I expected.

The story is interesting, although somewhat predictable, and the movie is a little bit slow at times, but it's not boring. It feels more like a mystery than a horror movie. However it lacks any real thrills and excitement, possibly because it's a silent movie. I never really got drawn into this movie. It has a very interesting twist at the end that makes the movie worth watching.

Like I said at the beginning, I'm not a fan of either silent films or horror movies, so this isn't a movie that I would ever have chosen to watch without a push, but it definitely exceeded my expectations.

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Cool gb. Glad you got something out of it. I'm glad you mentioned the twist, in my opinion it's the best twist of all time, as it's the only one to ever actually surprise me.

Anyway, thanks for watching.

Cool gb. Glad you got something out of it. I'm glad you mentioned the twist, in my opinion it's the best twist of all time, as it's the only one to ever actually surprise me.

Anyway, thanks for watching.

Thanks for giving me the push that I needed to watch it. You were right, and I was wrong. I shouldn't have been so stubborn.

No worries gb. I can understand not wanting to watch stuff you don't want to watch - I just feel every once in a while, we should, so we experience the great variety of life.

Big Hero 6 (2014) - I watched this movie because I love animated movies, and this movie was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. I didn't read much about it before watching it, so I didn't know much about it. I didn't even know that it was based on a Marvel Comics story.

Hiro Hamada, (Ryan Potter), is a young robotics genius who would rather bet on robot fights than go to school and reach his potential. His brother Tadashi, (Daniel Henney), takes him to the robotics lab where he meets some of Tadashi's friends, and sees their inventions, including Baymax, (Scott Adsit). Baymax is an inflatable healthcare robot that is similar to a doctor or nurse. Hiro also meets the head of the Institute, Professor Callaghan, (James Cromwell), who is impressed with Hiro's miniature battle-robot, and encourages him to apply to the university. Hiro invents micro-bots that are controlled by a neural transmitter, and he demonstrates them at the robotics exhibit, impressing Professor Callaghan. Without giving away spoilers, when tragedy strikes, Hiro and his friends team up with Baymax to solve the mystery.

In short, this movie was great. The first half was interesting to see how intelligent and inventive Hiro is, and the second half was exciting watching the kids team up with a big, lovable robot to find out what happened. There's lots of action to hold your attention throughout, some comedy to make you laugh, and even some drama that can make you cry. And don't leave before the end because there's even an extra scene after the credits that you won't want to miss.

I wish I had watched this before I turned in my animation list because this movie was probably a lock to make my list if I had watched it sooner. Don't miss this fantastic movie. I haven't seen the rest of the nominations yet, but I can't imagine liking any of them more than this movie. It's got my vote for the Best Animated Feature Oscar.

BTW, did you wave when the big micro-bots hand waved?
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My 2015 Movie Logbook:

January 2015 Movies
February 2015 Movies (Scroll Down)
March 2015 Movies
April 2015 Movies
May 2015 Movies
June 2015 Movies
July 2015 Movies
August 2015 Movies
September 2015 Movies

February 2015 Movies:
71) Feb 1st: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
72) Feb 1st: Big Hero 6 (2014)
73) Feb 2nd: Foxcatcher (2014)
74) Feb 2nd: Downhill Racer (1969)
75) Feb 3rd: Die! Die! My Darling! aka Fanatic (1965)
76) Feb 3rd: Nightmare Castle (1965)
77) Feb 4th: 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)
78) Feb 4th: Kissing a Fool (1998)
79) Feb 5th: Doctor Zhivago (1965)
80) Feb 5th: Young Cassidy (1965)
81) Feb 6th: A Letter to Three Wives (1949)
82) Feb 6th: The Flight of the Phoenix (1965)
83) Feb 7th: A Perfect World (1993)
84) Feb 8th: Jane Eyre (1943)
85) Feb 9th: Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)
86) Feb 9th: Foreign Correspondent (1940)
87) Feb 10th: The Man from Earth (2007)
88) Feb 10th: Frequency (2000)
89) Feb 11th: The Sweet Hereafter (1997)
90) Feb 11th: This Boy's Life (1993)
91) Feb 12th: Blue Car (2002)
92) Feb 12th: Brokeback Mountain (2005)
93) Feb 12th: The Notorious Landlady (1962)
94) Feb 13th: Woman in the Dunes (1964)
95) Feb 13th: Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)
96) Feb 13th: Persona (1966)
97) Feb 13th: The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)
98) Feb 14th: X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
99) Feb 14th: Quiz Show (1994)
100) Feb 15th: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
101) Feb 15th: Inherent Vice (2014)
102) Feb 16th: Phffft (1954)
103) Feb 16th: All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
104) Feb 17th: K-On! (2011)
105) Feb 17th: Late Spring (1949)
106) Feb 17th: Pierrot le Fou (1965)
107) Feb 18th: Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
108) Feb 18th: Rushmore (1998)
109) Feb 19th: Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997)
110) Feb 19th: The Bounty Hunter (2010)
111) Feb 20th: Author! Author! (1982)
112) Feb 20th: Serving Sara (2002)
113) Feb 20th: Charlie's Angels (2000)
114) Feb 21st: Das Boot (1981)
115) Feb 22nd: Love Has Many Faces (1965)
116) Feb 22nd: Masquerade (1965)
117) Feb 22nd: Marriage on the Rocks (1965)
118) Feb 23rd: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
119) Feb 23rd: 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
120) Feb 23rd: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
121) Feb 24th: Ten (2002)
122) Feb 24th: Sonatine (1993)
123) Feb 24th: Fail Safe (1964)
124) Feb 25th: Hotel (1967)
125) Feb 25th: Ask Any Girl (1959)
126) Feb 26th: Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
127) Feb 26th: A Patch of Blue (1965)
128) Feb 27th: The Big Chill (1983)
129) Feb 27th: Dead Heat on a Merry Go Round (1966)
130) Feb 28th: The Best Man (1964)
131) Feb 28th: Wait Until Dark (1967)