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Omni's Random Video Noise

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I don't expect the movie to make sense within the context of the real world, but I do expect it to make sense within the context of the movie. It's not a question of, "WHAT? Video game characters coming to life? PFFT, that's not real." it's a question of, "Why doesn't Ralph build a house to begin with? If he doesn't like his existing home and he has the means to do it at the beginning of the movie, why does it take him until the end of the movie for him to do it?"
As Miss Vicky said Ralph could only "Wreck" stuff, in the end it was Felix that helped him make his house and the little village for the exiled video game characters.

Also at the end Ralph realized it wasn't really the penthouse that he wanted but to be accepted by his in-game acquaintances.

As Miss Vicky said Ralph could only "Wreck" stuff, in the end it was Felix that helped him make his house and the little village for the exiled video game characters.
Are we just assuming that? He's literally inhibited from building anything? See if that's the case, I would have wanted a scene to have specified that because otherwise I'm just left to assume that the NPCs are saying he "only wrecks stuff" the same way someone might say you're "always negative". It's absolutism, not necessary truth. I have no reason to take what they say seriously just because that's all I've seen of the character so far, especially if I'm even remotely genre-savvy.

But you know, even if there WAS some throwaway line I missed that said, "and Felix helped"? It really wouldn't change anything. That's just one example of the sort of stuff that occurs all throughout the movie.

Originally Posted by False Writer
Also at the end Ralph realized it wasn't really the penthouse that he wanted but to be accepted by his in-game acquaintances.
I don't recall the penthouse factoring into any sort of revelation. Being treated equally was a pretty obvious theme right out of the gate and to that end he wanted to get a medal so he'd be appreciated the same way Felix was.
Movie Reviews | Anime Reviews
Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I don't recall the penthouse factoring into any sort of revelation. Being treated equally was a pretty obvious theme right out of the gate and to that end he wanted to get a medal so he'd be appreciated the same way Felix was.
Whoops I meant the medal, sorry.

Anyways, I don't think there's any use continuing, if you didn't like it then you didn't like it. Definitely wasn't the first time someone didn't like a movie that was liked by many others. But that's okay! No one said that we all need to like the same things.

Resident Bitch's Movie Log thread[/url] where it got arguably the most collective praise of any movie I've seen on this site so far. The savage tongue-lashing of plebians helped too.
I though it was the best Disney movie of the past 60 years or so.

Originally Posted by False Writer
Anyways, I don't think there's any use continuing, if you didn't like it then you didn't like it. Definitely wasn't the first time someone didn't like a movie that was liked by many others. But that's okay! No one said that we all need to like the same things.
Yeah, it's not like it was a
or anything, then someone would get lynched.

Originally Posted by Guaporense
I though it was the best Disney movie of the past 60 years or so.
*laughs* This is easily the biggest exception I've taken since Madoka Magica. In both cases it's the plot that's mucked it up for me. I just can't care about any of the drama or action if they're only motivated by obvious plot devices. "Glitches can't leave the game" is a showstopping SLAP in the face to me because there's absolutely ZERO excuse for it.

Tangled was better.

The Stuff
Horror Comedy / English / 1985

I've mentioned it several times around here, been procrastinating on a rewatch. Reassessment time!

What happens when you mix the goo from The Green Slime, the body-snatching from The Thing, and the cynical 80s commercialism from Looker?

You get The Stuff.

And yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.

It sounds like the most generic movie title in existence which probably contributes to why it's so heavily overlooked, and it ALSO sounds like a perfect recipe for ironic horror camp.

Truth be told, I really like The Stuff, I eat it all the time, you should too, IT'S VERY GOOD FOR YOU. But I also like the movie, despite the fact that thiiiiisss... is well below anything I'd call exceptional quality.

There are issues all over the place. Pretty glaring ones.

I could point to the editing which implies that characters never see the monster, but later dialog contradicts that assumption.

I could point to the practical effects which may have been somewhat impressive back in the day but are no less disgusting and fake now (props for transforming the Nightmare on Elm Street bed from a literal blood geyser into an actual attempt to represent the monster's amorphous movement).

I could even point to the pretty ****in' shameful use of their single racial minority character who just edges the border of a stereotype before inverting the Black Dude Dies First cliche and diving headlong deep into the Black Dude Dies Last Because He's Secretly A Monster cliche.

Is that a cliche? It should be a cliche, just so I can criticize it. It's one thing to kill off your token minority first incidentally, but it's another to obfuscate the truth about him to the point that he's explicitly painted as untrustworthy in every single scene he appears in.

Points also lost for the usual stuff. Not that Stuff, THAT STUFF IS BETTER THAN ICE CREAM. I'm talkin' actual ice cream. And dogs. And this:

So yeah, this movie has problems, and I'm sure a lot of people won't like it because it's either offensive or gross or whatever. But hey, it's not South Park, it's just a little lost B-movie with aspirations of something more.

I usually HATE horror movies, but -PFFT, this? This is just silly.

The basic premise follows as such:

The world's biggest brainiac discovers a bubbling white liquid coming up from underground. Probably some sort of dangerous chemical or moldy fungal slop, right?

Welp, he dips his finger and and immediately sticks that sucker in his mouth. ALAS, a franchise was born. The Stuff, as it was creatively named was marketed as "better than ice cream" and thanks to a mysterious sidestep by the FDA, The Stuff takes the world by storm due to it's frighteningly addictive nature.

Our main character, who I'll just call "Moe", is an industrial saboteur who is hired by ice cream companies to infiltrate the shadowy corporate monster that sells The Stuff, and discover what it is.

What is it you ask? Why it's only THE ONE THING YOU'LL EVER NEED TO EAT of course. Plus "MONSTER" sort of, uhh... gives it away.

And the poster (cool as it is).

Basically anyone who eats it is actually being eaten from the inside and they become walking advertisements for the ****. Yeah. That's GOD-TIER diabolical stuff.

But you know what really sells me on this movie besides the concept?

The characters.

WELL... mainly a few characters.

Mainly a few lines.

Maybe two or three actors.

A couple scenes.

Okay, this guy:

This guy's awesome, and I wish he was in the whole movie because he just ****ing robs, NOT STEALS, ROBS, every single scene he's in.

He's the dad of the main kid who discovers The Stuff moving in his fridge and as the movie progresses we see him gradually transform from a strict father figure into one intimidating freak-of-nature.

Seriously, it's worth seeing the movie just for his scenes alone.

Once you've figured out that The Stuff is actually controlling people and that's all he's been eating for days, he turns on that car salesman smile and rattles off a pitch to his son, even arguing him down with that same word-twisting ******** you get from religious fundamentalists.

And when his son rebels he flips like a light switch into full-on death glare mode which contributes best to the scene when his son (okay, I'll admit, I still don't know the kid's name) pretends that he's tasted The Stuff and really likes it now. His mom and brother totally buy it and they're all happy smiles left and right, but his dad...

Oh ho ho ho ho... Watching like a ****in' predator.

Who is this guy anyway? Robert Frank Telfer?

What has he been in? A lot of TV dramas...

Mr. Deeds? Pff...

Something's Gotta Give? Whatever...

Arachnophobia? Hmmm...

Wicked Stepmother? Ooh... another Larry Cohen movie... I think we got a winner.

Anyway... all in all, THE STUFF IS PRETTY GOOD.

Final Verdict:
[Pretty Good]

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Action / English / 2014

I'd seen ads for Lucy when it came out and immediately wrote it off on the "unlocking 10% of your brain gives you superpowers" premise. However after Hard Boiled, Dragon Tiger Gate, and Mad Max: Fury Road, I decided to dig around for more... "hyper action" movies. And came back across this. Is it really that good of an action movie?

He he he he he hell no.

This is a ROUGH movie. And I'm really sorry to say that because this had MASSIVE potential right out of the gate.

The first 15-20 minutes of this movie are really strong. It's well paced, it's upbeat, it's building tension, Scarlett Johansson's boyfriend drags her into a mob exchange, he gets shot, turns out the package she's handcuffed to might be a bomb, turns out it's not, it's a new superdrug, and they knock her out, cut her open, and turn her into a drug mule.

Following an altercation with a mob member which splits the package inside her and drops all that superdrug into her system she suddenly becomes Badass #1, ready to kick some ass, take some names, chew some bubblegum, and get revenge before the high ends and the shock kills her.

Amidst it all we have a collection of brief but inventive intercuts that draw parallels to what we're seeing go down alongside tangentially related events in nature.

Sounds like a fairly reasonable setup for some creative over-the-top action right?

Well, let's start with small issues: The acting is pretty weak.

Now, I know I'm not prone to speaking much on the topic of acting or even ACTORS in the movies I watch, but these two issues really stood out to me:

Firstly: Morgan Freeman is wasted. I know he's a good actor, I've seen him do it, but he brings absolutely nothing interesting to this role, and really what can he do when all he's expected to do is to parrot exposition and look as perplexed as I was when they turned that 20%-of-the-brain crap on full blast? He's a boring character and he could have been played and neglected by easily as anyone else.

Secondly: Scarlett Johansson is wasted. All the way up to the drug trip she's a pretty wracked girl and I totally buy her justified panic. EXCEPT that one moment where that one guy gets shot in front of her. I swear she was about to burst out laughing (why'd they keep that take?). But MOSTLY she's plays out her emotions well.

As soon as she hits that drug trip mode though she immediately falls into that cliche where the more intelligent and enlightened you are, the less you are able to emote because to be human is to be fallible and to be superhuman is to bore me to tears.

A couple other small issues would include awkward dialog and... other stuff, look, they're not my main concern.

My main concern is the scary blackhole of a plot and how this movie manages to excel at both skeeving me out and ****in' DESTROYING my suspension of disbelief.

The movie is REALLY uncomfortable to watch. I said The Stuff was gross, but this is an entirely different level of gross.

We see multiple animals having sex.
We see Scarlet's stomach cut open.
We see multiple animals graphically giving birth.
We see Scarlet repeatedly kicked in her bleeding stomach wound.
We see an antelope get run down by a cheetah (I always want to punch that camerman).
And we see Scalet's face literally melt off.

WOW. Not what I was expecting. Nor is it what I wanted.

Let's interrupt this negativity for a moment with something positive:

I almost didn't recognize the CG.

Okay, back to the crap.

Obviously, the biggest issue this movie suffers from though, and is obviously the biggest reason people are split on it, is that it goes to extraordinary lengths to ruin your immersion.

Morgan Freeman gives a speech about the hypothetical possibilities of using more than the mere 10% of our brains we use (which is a debatable claim to begin with) and points towards the dolphin as an example (I'll paraphrase):

Originally Posted by Morgan Freeman
You see, because dolphins use 20% of their brains they've developed echolocation. That must mean that if we were able to use more of our brains we could do magic tricks *insert literal cutaway to a stage magic performance*
Okay, fine, I'll extend my suspension of disbelief far enough to accept that dolphins have echolocation purely because they can use 20% of their brains. I'm going to just take all of that extremely dubious premise at face value. FINE. Cool. Whatever. So what does that mean? When Scarlett reaches 20% she'll get a personal sonar? Better reaction time? Powerful calculation skills?

No. She can levitate people.

(O_O )

Seriously. She becomes a ******* demi-god. She gains literal omniscience (and I mean LITERAL OMNISCIENCE), can flip cars with her mind, transmit her image to any screen, and shatter suspension of disbelief with every scene she's in.

She's super smart so she's a super fast typer, right? Well apparently her regular laptop is capable of opening, closing, and processing information in dozens of programs many times per second.

I've never seen any computer do that and this is set in modern day when both Youtube and Firefox are sluggish pieces of ****. Yeah right.

She's able to see and hear through walls and great distances, but she's unable to transmit her voice anywhere without a cell phone?

Why does she ever even get in a car? If she can levitate anything, why can't she just float her ass where she's going?

If she's so intelligent that she can see telephone data streams in the air, why does she need to physically move them around to find what she's looking for? Why is this there a literal user interface for her magic god powers?

Also why does she melt? She spits her teeth out, her skin dissolves away, and she explodes on a plane only to wake up perfectly fine elsewhere? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?

Was it... uh.. her.. learning to teleport? Why did that require BODY HORROR?

You know, this whole movie's superpower excuse is paper-thin enough to begin with, why do you pack so many stones on the suspension-of-disbelief scale that it's collapsed three floors down beneath the table you set it on?

She walks into a room unarmed full of bad guys with guns and for a moment I think about that really cool action I was promised, but then she just walks forward monotonously as everyone around her just floats away. ANTICLIMAX.

And you know what dug into me harder than anything else in this movie? What happened NEXT:

Originally Posted by Scarlet
Let's go.
Originally Posted by Cop Guy
I'm not sure I could be of any help for you.
Originally Posted by Scarlet
Yes you are.
Originally Posted by Cop Guy
What for?
Originally Posted by Scarlet
*deep kiss*
PENIS. The answer is PENIS.

Final Verdict:
[Just... Bad]

I was so disappointed seeing Morgan Freeman spout that nonsense in the trailer. He hosts a damn science show!

I was so disappointed seeing Morgan Freeman spout that nonsense in the trailer. He hosts a damn science show!
I laughed when he makes an inane statement and the entire room laughs as if it's funny before the camera cuts to their fingers all rigorously typing on their laptops.


Batman v Superman:
Dawn of Justice

Superhero Action / English / 2016

You guys wouldn't believe how disappointed I was in this movie before I'd even seen it, you have no idea.

So apparently, what I thought was Batman X Superman was actually Batman V Superman. V as in Versus. And here I thought we were finally going to get the nerdgasm of the century with Batman stripping down to his ears, Superman draped only in his cape, and out comes the utility belt for some smooooth lovin'...

DAMN. The movie we might've had.

Anyway the REAL movie is just a straight up fight between the two superheroes. I wasn't really interested in seeing it, but given the controversy surrounding it with fanboys lining up on both sides of the fence, where does someone like me fit in?

I have virtually no interest in western comics. The medium itself is a joke to me. You want me to invest time and money into any one of numerous adaptions across of tens of thousands of comic books that come in the form of coverless 14-page pamphlets, half of which are ads for other comic books?

Hell to the **** to the no.

Factor in my general unenthusiasm towards hyper-machismo superheroes and you've got my general attitude towards them. Superman is intrinsically boring to me as a character. He's one-dimensionally good, he's invincible, and about the only thing that can stop him is a single extraordinarily circumstantial macguffin. Hard to make that interesting beyond a simple power fantasy.

Batman generally fairs better. He has no superpowers, but inventiveness and the resources of a multi-billionaire give him a lot of options. He's got a much bigger personal stake in the action too.

He can still get Mary Sued like crazy though. I liked playing Arkham City, but Batman was so stupidly perfect it was laughable. Just look at this crap:
  • Trained to a physical and mental peak
  • Inventor, detective, genius-level intelligence
  • Expert in most known forms of martial arts
  • Trained in all aspects of criminology
  • Mastery of the physical sciences
  • Computer expert
  • Master of disguise
  • Photographic memory
  • Expert escape artist
The game literally says he's the peak of human strength, a genius, and the world's greatest detective. **** OFF WITH THAT.

I prefer the flawed hero characters in anime who are typically just regular people with only one or two limited abilities to their name and seeing how they take that tiny window of opportunity and exploit it creatively.

All told, my interest in superhero movies was PRETTY MILD before I saw The Dark Knight which kicked tons of ass.

Because of it, I eventually read The Killing Joke and Mad Love, the latter of which is now the only western comic I own.

Does that make me a batfan now? NO. The Dark Knight Rises was weak and if I were to hand out ratings to the trilogy right now it'd be 4/5 for Batman Begins, 5/5 for The Dark Knight, and 3/5 for The Dark Knight Rises. The earlier Batman movies would likely fair worse (though they certainly have their merits).

So, what'd I think of Man of Steel? I didn't see it. And I have no interest in seeing it or any other Superman movie because Superman's boring.

This is my first one and I'm only watching this because I can appreciate the idea of pitting the two most famous comic superheroes against each other for a good old playground "who would win" throwdown.

Is this movie as awesome or terrible as I've heard?

Who actually wins in the end? Batman or Superman?

Well, Wonder Woman, obviously.

Now calm your raging ****, let's get the usual criticisms out of the way: Pearls, eggs, horses.

Did we need pearls, eggs, and horses to tell this story?

**** no. GTFOut of here with that ****.

Now that that's out of way, what's the real problem with this movie?

A combination of lackluster setup and WAY TOO MUCH PADDING (also editing that makes it look like a bunch of scenes were chopped up and mixed around).

You could sum the whole thing up as "a misappropriation of time" given the fact that a lot of this movie TEDIOUSLY drags itself out longer than necessary and then inexplicably squanders what few key scenes we need developed.

The biggest culprit here is the demonization of Superman. We get it, we saw it in the trailers, he's indestructible, he's dangerous, he's beholden to no one, and he's caused a lot of collateral damage.

It feeds into a paranoid public which then filters Batman's interpretation of his actions which are seen as catastrophic, intentionally or not.

I really like this angle and I would have been interested to see it explored beyond the obvious made-for-the-trailer scenes, but unfortunately this plotbeat is thoroughly half-baked.

Batman's suspicion turns antagonistic after an event which frames Superman as the killer of numerous terrorists.

Firstly: They're terrorists. Who cares?

Secondly: They're blaming him based on NOT an eyewitness account, but a testimony where someone walked in on the crime scene after Superman left? Dead bodies everywhere, everyone shot dead. Sounds like Superman, right? CAUSE HE REALLY NEEDS GUNS TO KILL PEOPLE.

There's this one wheelchair guy who seems to want to sue Superman because in the chaos of battle a metal beam ruined his legs. **** off, dude. I totally get that there are really people that stupid out there, but remember, this is all supposed to be informing Batman. And Batman should know better.

Speaking of Batman, might as well talk about the performances and the portrayals of each character.

Superman? Eh. Serviceable.

Batman? Eh. Serviceable. Batman's kinda weird, actually. He wears this big cybersuit that looks clunky as ****, but he mostly manages to pull it off. The more I watched, the more it seemed to make sense given how little of Superman's punches he'd actually be able to withstand besides.

I read split opinions on whether Ben Affleck made a more or less intimidating Batman than Bale or Keaton and I would have to say... Eh. Serviceable.

The REAL nitty gritty is where the reviews say that Batman is an ******* or that his hate towards Superman is entirely unjustified or that Batman doesn't kill or that Batman doesn't use guns.

Let's knock these off one by one:

1.) Guns. Bruce has one nightmare sequence in which he looks stupid and shoots a ton of people. It's not canon, whatever it is, and I admit it's jarring at the very least. Batman going all gun-fu on people is really a disservice to him as an inventive gagdet-oriented character. Following the main fight with Supes, Batman beats up a bunch of thugs and despite involving guns, it's much more the back-breaking slugout with grappling hooks, smoke bombs, and batarangs we're used to.

Frankly, I think this Batman was underwhelming compared to Nolan's Batman. Not because it's Ben Affleck, but because his suit seems to heavily compensate for his general lack of creativity. The Batmobile isn't as cool or complicated as the Tumbler, he doesn't have projectile arm spikes, and he never pulls anything really fancy out of his ass. He just sorta punches stuff... and shoots on occasion.

2.) Killing. Yes, Batman kills, that's hardly debatable. SHOULD he kill? That depends. A lot of versions of Batman never highlight his strict aversion to lethal violence and so in those incarnations, it's most important to make sure he remains consistent in that regard. In THIS version, Batman doesn't have anything against killing. In fact, this is a big issue I expected to have with a lot of interpretations of this movie.

People seem to think that Batman hates Superman because he kills people which is hypocritical because HE kills people.

That's not even remotely true and there are two huge distinctions here: One being that Superman never kills anyone intentionally, he's unquestionably involved in battles that resulted in inadvertent INNOCENT casualties, but that's it. Second being that Batman doesn't have any apparent record of collateral deaths and he only kills GUILTY people.

The argument here might be that Batman doesn't kill anyone ever, but as some fans would point out, Batman's story has expanded to the point of questioning that thick logic (if Batman would only kill Joker, many more lives would be saved) which SEEMS to be retroactively referenced in one shot of the movie implying that this is a Batman with a history we haven't seen yet. This is a CYNICAL AS **** Batman, so just because we don't know how he got that way doesn't mean he CAN'T be that way. It's not like he's evil now, he's just pessimistic to a fault.

3.) Motivation. Batman's motivation is actually pretty clear, but it's questionable primarily because of the weakass framing-Superman setup. Superman is dangerous, even when he goes to have a peace talk the place blows up around him. To Superman, there's obviously no point in walking out alone knowing what people already think about him, but to Batman it looks undeniably skeevy to see Superman walk into a building, it explodes, and then he just flies away without saying a word.

4.) Jerkass Batman. Batman doesn't come across as an ******* to me, he just comes across as slightly too antagonistic. If the setup were stronger and better portrayed Superman as a monster, it'd be easier to see why Batman thought he needed to be stopped, but it doesn't take a brainiac to figure out that when there's a city-wide smackdown in the sky going on that you should probably get more information before you assume that both involved are callous walking time bombs. If Superman were provoked and publicly portrayed on television to be unstable, that would certainly warrant Batman's fury, BUT they didn't do that and instead Superman gets a lot of glamour shots for saving people. In this regard, I don't blame a badly written Batman, I blame a badly written scenario.

Let's get back to what we were talking about before... where was I... oh yeah, wasting time. So the setup is pretty weak and as it turns out the battles are too. Mostly.

The first "encounter" between Batman and Superman occurs at the 1 hour mark when Batman, driving after some thugs, swerves around a corner and see Superman standing in the way.

That's a pretty epic OH **** moment, but the ensuing fight I expected never happened, and the claims I heard about "in the first fight, Superman kicks Batman's ass" are beyond false. There is no first fight, Batman hits Superman in the Batmobile and Superman flies away out of mercy. Pretty anticlimactic.

The actual fight is just... AVERAGE... and it's really unremarkable when compared to something like Iron-Man vs Thor in The Avengers which was a very memorable scene in that movie (and actually more narratively justified). My biggest problem with it is with the whole gimmick itself, Superman is only vulnerable to kryptonite and Batman's got kryptonite grenades and a kryptonite spear. Any time Superman is unaffected, it's one-sided in his favor, any time he is affected, it's one-sided in Batman's favor.


Here's how they could have done it AWESOME:

Imagine if the entire fight was built up to with a preparation montage of Batman setting up traps all over the building. He gets a badass workout, sure, but I mean let's see him set up all the cool stuff in advance and watch how and when he uses each as the fight goes on. Put a lot of emphasis on the fact that this is probably Batman's last fight, that this is suicide and he really will die.

Then, and this is the most important part, expand the effective range of kryptonite and instead of making it an on-contact debilitation, make it a gradual radius of effect. This would mean that if Superman got too close for too long he would weaken and lose his powers, and we could play with this environmentally. We could have a lot of back and forth, moving the kryptonite and dancing around it, and what we'd have is an actual fight brought down to somewhere around Batman's level entirely hinging on his technical skill where it'd be Batman's range of gadgets vs Superman's range of powers. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.

We don't get that though, unfortunately, and instead we get a lot of padding leading up to it which I largely blame on gratuitous slow-mo, real scenes that have absolutely no business delaying the fight everyone came to see, and nightmare scenes that have absolutely no business delaying the fight we came to see.

Uhhh... a few other bits and pieces...

The CG was mostly pretty good. A few shots are really obvious, especially any shot with Supes' cape dramatically flyin' in the wind, but otherwise really nice.

Lawrence Fishburne is slightly better than he should have been, and Jesse Eisenberg is slightly worse than he should have been.

I thought Eisenberg was a weird choice for Lex Luthor too, but this isn't really Lex Luthor anyway and he makes a fine over-the-top villain. My problem is he chews scenery way too much, mainly in scenes that don't warrant it. It's one thing if he's monologuing to Superman, but it's another when he's monologuing to an entire room of clapping people. This guy is just a gibbering twitchy nutjob, I have difficulty imagining him being host to such professional gatherings.

I'm never quite sure what Little Lex's relationship with Zod is either. He cries over his dead body so I guess I'm just supposed to know he meant something to him? But why? Was he even in Man of Steel?

Why was Bruce Wayne getting checks from Wheelchair Guy? Or did I completely misread that scene? I have no idea what was going on there. If he was it doesn't make any sense for Wheelchair Guy to give him grief over his family. Or was that Lex?

Why does Lex have a guy literally standing by Superman's mom with a flamethrower? I know he said he suggested fire as a means of killing her, but I didn't think they meant it that literally. It was kinda funny actually.

Why does Lois Lane trap herself in the final fight? I thought she was a fairly respectable character up until she inexplicably seals herself in a watery tomb. That was kinda funny too.

Arguably the biggest slap in the face this movie can muster is the flippant masses. The general population revile Superman as a dangerous unstoppable X factor and he's getting ruthlessly catcalled and picketed right up until the explosion scene that they eventually pin on him too. FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES MOST PEOPLE DON'T LIKE SUPERMAN, and yet even the government, who's building and people were sacrificed because of his existence, throw him a teary-eyed respectful funeral when he dies.

Yes, he dies, and yes there's a huge city full of sad people who hated him with pretty fairly reasonable justification not a few minutes ago.

Actually, Batman's much the same. He's inches from killing Superman and you know he's gonna like it, but Superman says his mother's name which turns out to be Batman's mother's name which pacifies him. That's... oh that's not good. That's a pretty ****ing feeble reconciliation.

Mere minutes later, Batman refers to Superman as his friend as if the two have thoroughly resolved their ideological perspectives.

In regards to Superman's death, I'm in agreement that they shouldn't have done it, especially if they were going to tease his revival as they do in the last shot of the movie. It's not because Superman shouldn't be allowed to die though and it's not because it jeopardizes the stakes in further movies. It's because, once again, it wasn't set up properly. It doesn't feel earned the same way Wreck-It Ralph doesn't feel earned.

Batman v Superman could easily be an fantastic showdown movie where Superman dies in the end, and it could even be the sequel to Man of Steel, but it has to have build up. EMOTIONAL build up. I was more emotionally invested in Batman in this movie, and he's not the one that ****ing DIED.

Ironically I'm hearing a LOT of people complaining that this movie tried to cram too much **** in to set up Justice League simply as a means to catch up to The Avengers without putting in the effort of releasing all these interconnected movies like Thor or Iron-Man or Captain America.

I STRONGLY disagree with that assessment. DC shouldn't have to play up to Marvel's standards. It doesn't have to be a comedy to work, and they don't have to spit out a million and one ****** one-off superhero origin story movies to justify axing off their most iconic character.

It could have been completely justified in this movie, but it wasted time instead of developing that emotional connection. In this regard, I can see where both comic book fans and non-comic book fans would be bothered. No one wants to be expected to care for a character that doesn't earn our concern and DC lore masters don't want to wait another several years for the inevitable Justice League movie only to know that they already played the "Superman Dies" card. They can't play it again. It won't work. Not in this context.

The movie isn't as jampacked full of references as some people may lead you believe either. We get two extremely brief bits of The Flash sequelbaiting, we see a fraction of Cyborg, and even get a long beautiful look at the ravishing shampoo commercial known as Aquaman.

But, you know what I've been putting off...

Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman's awesome. And it's telling that her reveal was the only part of the movie that got any sort of cheers from my theater audience. She's just hovering around in the background being inoffensive for most of the movie, but when the final battle drops, she gets her digs in harder than Batman.

It really just makes me want to see that Wonder Woman movie. Not another Batman movie, not another Superman movie, not even a Justice League movie, just Wonder Woman.

And Suicide Squad.

Please, let that be awesome...

Final Verdict:

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Demolition Man
Action Comedy / English / 1993

Reassessment time!

Demolition Man gives me the giggles.

It's Sylvester Stallone in all the ways you expect, but it's also a fine satire of political correctness.

Humorously named John Spartan (for ****'s sake) is cryogenically frozen in prison after mosted wanted man, Simon Phoenix (for sake's ****) is captured, but frames him for the unintentional deaths of 30 people. When Phoenix is thawed out to wreak more destruction, Spartan is unleashed to take him back out.

The twist? The future is so thoroughly mired in political correctness that the police aren't actually able to handle real criminals. Where the technological progression serves as a user-friendly boost to Phoenix's mayhem, it also serves as an awkward inhibition for Spartan.

The movie's pretty funny, the action's pretty good and I can overlook most of the nitpicky stuff like continuity errors, generic font choices, and some odd editing.

Bigger issues would be plot-related such as how Spartan's daughter is mentioned multiple times, but she never feels totally resolved. Another would be the plan to break out 80 cryo-prison inmates "all without rehab".

This a pretty big ****up if you think about it. Prison is supposed to be a deterrent, right? A punishment, a payment in time and isolation as a means to convince the prisoner that their crimes aren't worth the cost, right?

I absolutely WILL NOT argue the merits of prison system, I think they're thoroughly ****ed in general, but the IDEA still has to make some degree of sense to the operators, right? Well, at the beginning of the movie, the fact that the inmate will be in cryo-stasis the whole time (as in you get in and get out as if no time has passed at all, and don't argue the nightmare angle, that plainly explained to be unintentional) was handwaved because they were being fed rehabilitating signals to their brain.

The fact that there are 80 prisoners with absolutely no rehab doesn't make any ******* sense. For one, why is that prison so small? And for two, when they eventually get out, what the **** do you seriously expect will have changed? Sure, you displaced their lives by around 30-40 years, but if they were raging psychopaths before they're still going to be raging psychopaths now. DUH.

That was just one passing line and it never culminates in anything anyway, no, my BIGGEST issue is obviously all the food talk.

Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Jello, Gravy Fries, Kissing, Rat Burgers, Barbecued Ribs, and T-Bone Steak.

On top of it all multiple grotesquely overdubbed lines in which they replace Taco Bell with Pizza Hut probably because of some sort of licensing issue.

**** Pizza Hut. **** it hard. It's stained my anime, and now it's bleeding into my action flicks. Go away, nobody wants your putrescent pizza product placement in pics. Palliteration.

Go puck yourself.

At least the movie ends without seriously placing a steel-toed boot in either the liberal or conservative side of the spectrum. You should have a middle ground between extremes. That's a fine message to take away.

Wish there was more of that.

By the way, **** this righteously ********, ****ed up, overzealous, *******, ****** censorship right in the ****. Seriously, I think we're above this pussy-whipped ******* ****, all it does is break my ******* links if it happens to have "****" in the URL and that's nothing if not irritating as ****, so get off my **** with this darn crap. What's your boggle?

Final Verdict:
[Pretty Good]

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Rumble in the Bronx
Martial Arts Comedy / Chinese / 1995

After an unpleasant little tit for tat in the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice thread, I decided to watch something that puts any action sequence by Zack Snyder to shame. Reassessment time!

Rumble in the Bronx may be my favorite Jackie Chan movie, but that may be because I haven't seen all that many Jackie Chan movies.

One thing's for sure: I got of a hell of a lot more action to watch.

Basic premise is about as novel as it gets: Jackie Chan is Keung who visits his uncle in The Bronx where he manages a supermarket. The thug wars around the neighborhood threaten the supermarket's livelihood and Keung needs to kick ass. Splash in a paper-thin romance with the thug-leader's girlfriend, a dash of genuine humor, and some overacting bad guys and you got a recipe for B-movie gold.

It takes about 17 minutes to kick in and our fight scenes are heavily restrained around the plot. The best fight scene by far is when Keung busts into the thugs' hideout and proceeds to whoop their asses up and down with everything from arcade machines to refrigerators to sofas to skis to shopping carts, you name it. It's an awesome sequence and it's totally worth seeing the movie just to witness that one scene. It really feeds into my general criticism of Batman v Superman too in that it never gets especially creative with it's combat. I'm not saying Ben Affleck needs to be flipping around like Jackie Chan, but it could certainly learn a thing or two about how to get the most out of an action scene.

There are a couple nitpicky things in the movie, a continuity error in which sand disappears off Chan's wet clothes between shots and the fact that Keung gives his neighbor Danny a handheld game that clearly doesn't have any games in the cartridge slot.

Less nitpicky is the rough dubbing. In this version, Chan voices his own character's English lines (it's always awkward hearing him dubbed), but nearly every other Chinese character is obviously dubbed over by an English speaker feigning a Chinese accent. The boy, Danny seems to be the only one who escapes an accent, but his voice actor is really bad so he's easily the worst of the bunch.

I take issue with one line in which Keung remarks, "Women." after he catches Supermarket Lady trying to sneak off with diamonds. **** off with that.

My biggest issue here are again the typical stuff:
Rats, Tigers, Ice Cream, Kissing, and a Wedding.

If they'd eschewed that crap and added more great action scenes, this movie would easily propel into a 5/5 for me.

As it is, I wonder how Keung's uncle is gonna feel only to come back from his honeymoon and see that his supermarket has been destroyed not once, but twice.

Final Verdict:
[Pretty Good]

Romantic Thriller / English / 1997

Been a few years and I'm still on the fence with this one. Reassessment time!

You know it's coming so let's do it:

Rats, Dogs, Dolphins, Squid, Horses, Elephants, Caviar, Meat, Goldfish, and Fur. There's a record-breaker for you, makes me wanna break a record over someone's head.

You know, I'm really sick of seeing this **** stain the movies I watch and it repels me from seeing them in theaters, but you know what? I'm getting ahead of myself. There are other issues with this movie.

Let's get down to brass tacks, we all know what the Titanic is and we all know that James Cameron's Titanic took the concept and glommed a romance story onto it creating one of the most extraordinarily profitable movies ever made.

Ever since it's been popular to hate it and everything from it's cheesy lines ("I'm the king of the world"!) to it's arguably overdramatic music ("near... far... whereEVER YOU ARE...") have been mocked and parodied.

*taps fingers*

It's always been REALLY HARD to admit publicly that I like this movie.



Okay a BIG part of it.

A lot of people took offense to the premise of the movie being that it rode on the heels of a tragic disaster, but I honestly feel that those criticisms are largely unwarranted given care and attention the movie actually gives it.

The movie doesn't shy away in the least by portraying the event as a horrific tragedy and we touch upon several of the myriad problems that were blamed for the Titanic's sinking, all tying back into human stupidity which simultaneously feeds into the themes of classism, decadence, and imposed marriage which surrounds our characters and were prevalent social issues at the time. Irish-themed music and characters also serve to lend validity to the scenario.

The concept of Double Standards could also be considered a theme the movie explores, but I believe it falters here with generally cringe-inducing moments like the "spit like a man" scene. Rose is certainly a rebellious character, but it's never exercised in a manner that demonstrates a sexual disparity. The best that could be put forth in this regard is the "women and children first" rule which is more of a plotbeat than anything the movie seriously concerns itself with.

Speaking of Rose, let's tackle the romantic plot of this movie once and for all.

The romance was always the part of this movie I couldn't get into.

Not that the two actors don't have chemistry or that they're relationship is nonsensical, but it's the contrivance as old as time that sinks this ship: They JUST MET.

The first half of the movie could be considered the romance arc where by the end, both Rose and Jack are in love with each other. The problem here is that this romance literally kicks off over the course of only a couple days.

If they had known each other longer it wouldn't feel so, "AGH! Stupid idiot horny teenagers these days!", but at the 1 hour, 14 minute mark, Jack is already confessing his love to Rose and I cannot help but totally disengage at that point because IT FEELS SO FORCED AND STUPID AND CLICHE AND I can hardly get upset at this anymore.

When I used to think of examples of bad romance movies, I'd point to Titanic, but now that **** like Twilight exists, how could I POSSIBLY denigrate it further? Titanic is a masterpiece by comparison, but you know what? I STILL have standards. I STILL want my love interests to be realistic and I STILL say that if you've spent less time having any sort of meaningful interactions than the actual runtime of the movie, you've ****ed up. TIME LAPSE or something! PLEASE! Or establish that they knew each other before boarding the ship, SOMETHING before you jump into the kissing and sex!

Oh, Wall-E, whenever will they learn that it doesn't take words and social
conventions to make me want to see the characters spend time together?

At least the plot makes total sense besides even if Rose immediately puts me off as a protagonist because she's suicidal.

Anyway, Titanic doesn't exist purely for me to empathize with the lovebirds, it exists for me to empathize with them as survivors too.

Lines like, "I'm too involved now, I can't turn back without knowing that you'll be alright" do a fantastic job of serving a dual purpose by emphasizing Jack and Rose's relationship not just in a romantic sense, but in plot sense (if that makes any sense).

I really have to credit Titanic with how layered it is, it's does a fantastic job of juggling Jack and Rose's developing relationship right along with setting up the iceberg collision, the counter-classism, and world-building.

World-building is clearly a massive, MASSIVE part of this movie because it clearly doesn't just portray a social environment or a time period, it's out to present the Titanic as a once impressive and memorable place in and of itself. This grope in the dark is strongly emphasized by the fact that the whole movie is framed as a flashback from modern day where we see the contrast between the Titanic in it's heyday and the Titanic as it exists today, a rotted and overgrown husk that once represented something.

The second half of the movie is easily where the movie shines best because it goes full-on disaster movie, but not in a 2012 sense, this is a slow-burn and I cannot praise it enough.

After the iceberg collision, things seem to rock gently back into rhythm as if the movie was just unpleasantly interrupted, but the audience is privy to everything that goes on from the upper decks to the lower decks to the boiler room and a creeping sense of doom pervades the ship where people on the lowest levels attempt to escape being trapped in a watery prison while those in first class are brutally contrasted with how normal everything is. Ignorance is bliss.

As the movie goes on the ticking clock is rolling down I also have to give a lot of praise to the couple big-picture shots which drive home what might otherwise have been imperceptible before. We know the ship is going down slowly, but we don't know how screwed we are yet, that's when we zoom out to show that the bow of the ship is just barely keeping above the water. That's a big OH **** moment.

A little later down the line when a panic as very definitely broken out we see the ship shoot out flares to signal other nearby ships and that's when we get an extremely landscape shot that shows... there's nothing. They're just a little light in the middle of nothing. There's no one to save them. That's when you lean back in your seat and struggle to process it.

Is that CGI? That's gotta be CGI. ...Right?

'Cause you're invested! You're immersed! You're already getting claustrophobia and aquaphobia because the water's coming in too fast and there's nowhere to go! You're goin' in and it's just a question of whether you'll make into open water or die on one of the countless rooms where the pressure won't let you escape!

The whole movie just drags you in like riptide with shots such as when Rose is hanging on for her life at the back of the ship and looks over into the face of a total stranger who appears scared out of her mind. You don't know her, but it's a reminder that's there's more than one story going on right now. And it's somewhat humbling.

It's all extremely well done and it merely compounds with one of my biggest compliments I can give the movie: it's pacing.

This movie is 3 HOURS LONG, but I cannot deny that it's intensely absorbing all throughout (save that one moment, but you know...). I was never bored and that's really telling to me. So many movies struggle to keep an even pace and ratchet up the tension at regular intervals that I'm blown away that a movie this long manages to accomplish it in spades.

When musicians finally stop playing, you just KNOW that's when you've reach the big finale. It's do or die time and it's been an intense rush getting here.

I have to lend definite credit to the cast too, particularly Billy Zane who despite overacting somewhat is just too enjoyably fun to hate as a villain. He just a scumbag I wanna punch him in the face, but at the same time... no, that might be an idea I'll live to regret.

EEEGH... what else is there...?

Well, does it say anything about me that despite having issues with the romance, it still gets me to tear up at the end? Yeah. This is one of those few movies. It gets me. Right around the flashback to Rose walking through a Titanic restored to life and seeing all the people smiling and happy.

It gets me.

But enough. I know a lot of people like to poke holes in the movie, but things like, "Jack didn't have to drown" just feel like "Frodo could've walked" all over again. It's an experience, and it's one I've experienced many times and will undoubtedly wish to experience again.

Which is why I'm buckling down and once again to going to play hardball. Just like Hard Boiled, I'm giving it a 4/5. Had it ironed out it's few glaring issues I'd be able to enjoy the movie virtually unhindered, but as it stands, save a future re-cut, I'm calling it [Pretty Good].

That's a [Pretty Good] that's earned itself a spot in my personal collection though, so that's as close to a 5/5 as you can get without getting there.

Final Verdict:
[Pretty Good]

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I think this movie got out of Superman everything he can give, because there's only so much that can be made interesting involving all powerful being, albeit with weakness .
"Batman vs. Superman" Spoiler  

I enjoyed your review of "Titanic" and I think you were spot on.

House of Flying Daggers
Martial Arts Romance / Chinese / 2004

CiCi mentioned in the Batman v Superman thread:
Originally Posted by CiCi
I'll pipe in and say Zhang Yimou House of Flying Daggers is probably the best action film I've seen, because it interweaves a terrific story in as well, effortlessly. Hero was fantastic as well. Both are huge favourites of mine
This was so ho ho ho ho bad... aw jeez... ****.

Where do I star-okay so...

It's pretty.

( O__O) And that right there ends my praise for the movie.

Just because it's attractive on the surface, alright whatever, let's do this:

So the movie starts off with some drunk ******* guard captain in a brothel who asks to see the newest girl who's suspected to be a member of a rogue anti-government group called the Flying Daggers.

The girl is blind, but despite that puts on a fancy dance which goes on much longer than necessary. The dude decides that he wants to sex her up so he forces himself on her at which point the other women intervene because she's "inexperienced". If you're running a brothel, why in the hell are you teasing customers with jailbait?

So the other guards come in for some reason to break it up and the blind girl, Mei, is arrested for "dressing indecently". Yes, blame the victim, guys, excellent police work. BUT WAIT, they're not done yet! One of them agrees to let Mei go if she can play the "echo game".

The "echo game" is Simon Says. WOW, imagine how many people would get off the hook if after breaking the law they could shrug off any crime by playing a game of Bop It.

So Bop It is played apparently by surrounding the blind girl with drums and flicking nuts between them with an inexplicable disregard for gravity. I don't mind the idea of a character who can ricochet a walnut between multiple objects in a room, but I do mind seeing it in slow motion because it looks totally absurd.

It's during this game which also goes on much longer than necessary that Mei decides to use her spring-loaded sleeves to GRAB THE SWORD OUT OF THE MAN'S SHEATH AND

It looks SO GOOFY. Both the sleeves and the sword are flailing around like a worm and the man is making poses for some reason that just...

Suddenly a fight breaks out and we get rubber swords and bad wire-fu like it's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (which is also a substandard action movie).

We have a fight that's barely serviceable, we drag our ass a bit and finally Mei is saved by... Drunk Captain Dude? Wait, HE's our male protagonist?

Oh spare me. BUT NO, he's not just our male protagonist he's our LOVE INTEREST.

Ooooooh noooooo.

THIS is the kind of movie I was talking about before, a romance rushed harder than George Costanza with an erection.

So yeah, the vast majority of the movie is just these two out in the woods as they get repeatedly attacked by bad guys who really like ****ing up horses for scenes in movies that totally warranted their probable injuries.

Eventually the "flying daggers" make an appearance

Not only do the daggers act like boomerangs if they were possessed by the mindless spirit of an enraged woodpecker, but even when they're thrown in a DIRECT LINE at their target, their rotation just implausibly stops feet before impacting on their targets! THAT'S NOT HOW DAGGERS WORK! THAT'S NOT EVEN HOW PHYSICS WORK!

Mei constantly gives Drunk Captain Dude the cold shoulder before they're eventually found by the rebels where it's revealed they were both double-crossing each other and the one guy that Mei tried to kill at the brothel is actually a sleeper agent who's in love with her.


So now there's a love triangle, kissing, and double-crossers Mei and Drunk Captain Dude double-cross their respective factions which negates the original double crossing by quadruple crossing which makes them... triple agents? WHY IS THIS A THING!?

The final showdown defies all logic by inexplicably fading into winter MID-FIGHT during which Mei is down for the count. Holy hell, that must be jarring to wake up with three inches of snow on your face. I've received concussions that caused me to find myself in places I have no memory of ever visiting, but losing track of the seasons is impressive.

Anyway, I don't care how it ends because I was SO FAR BEYOND CARING by this point I had TUNED THE **** OUT.

All you need to know about this movie is that it contains this line:

I sacrificed 3 years for you, how could you love him after just 3 days?

Final Verdict:
[Just... Bad]

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I think this movie got out of Superman everything he can give, because there's only so much that can be made interesting involving all powerful being, albeit with weakness .
"Batman vs. Superman" Spoiler  

I enjoyed your review of "Titanic" and I think you were spot on.

The Princess Bride
Fantasy Comedy / English / 1987

Reassessment time? INCONCEIVABLE!

"Buttercup was raised on a small farm in the country of Florin. Her favorite pastimes were riding her farm boy and tormenting the horse that worked there."

The Princess Bride is what you would get if you took a typical epic romantic fantasy movie and pumped it so full of cheese it outright evolved into a comedy.

It occupies a weird middling place, a realm shared by the likes of Labyrinth, where it's not really trying to reinvent the wheel so much as roll it around and see what funny things it bumps into and if it trips anybody.

It's sort of like Army of Darkness, that level of comedy where it's largely concerned with telling an actual story, but it occasionally twists it's situations to be humorous.

I think it's pretty funny. Mostly.

A few jokes die on me like the "mawwiage" crap (strike that one off the list) and the second act feels like a lull which is nowhere near as memorable as it's beginning or ending, but are gems all throughout.

My problem with the movie is, once again, the romance (I'm like a broken record aren't I?). At least this time we have a definite time lapse which instantly elevates this above House of Flying Daggers, but the 5-minute setup is still extraordinarily poor given that the movie openly admits that Buttercup and Westley's relationship is entirely based on her only ordering him around and him nonchalantly complying.

"Farm boy, whom I waste not an ounce of my time learning the name of, seek out my parents whom I've misplaced in these scenes."

"As you wish."

"Ohh, your one-dimensional obedience turns me on, DO ME NOW."

"You know I love you, Buttercup, but when do I get paid?"

"Well I'm certainly not gonna pay you to flap your tongue OVER THERE."

To be fair there are weak special effects and logical leaps of judgment all throughout the movie (no one gets stabbed in the back despite mortal enemies CONSTANTLY turning their back on each other), but it's largely easy to overlook them because they're always pretty negligible next to the point, and the point is usually to make you laugh.

And that'd be enough for me, but much like Army of Darkness, The Princess Bride is very uneven and it's bouts of comedy are separated by inconsistent stretches of exposition, drama, and action. Some stuff just isn't as funny as they probably think it is, exposition is appreciably brief, and the action is enjoyably memorable (both duels with Inigo stand out of course), but the issue is the drama which is almost entirely dependent on the romance which I have no investment in.

Inigo's revenge arc was both a more engaging story (within a story) and a more satisfying climax (even if Kurotowa from Nausicaa is the main villain). Here it just sort of ends like they had some sort of point, but it neve

Final Verdict:
[Pretty Good]