The MoFo Top 100 Action Movie Countdown

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How I figure it if they didnt make the Hundred the just didnt make the 100. I kinda dont need honorable mentionings when by however the ranking is made they just didnt make the grade which i am better with then knowing a better film lost out to a list film.

Dredd (2012) - I haven't seen this movie because I doubt it's my type of movie, but I like Karl Urban, so I might give it a try someday.
Hot Fuzz (2007) - Haven't seen this movie.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) - As a said previously, I've only seen the LOTR trilogy once, and the movies kind of blend together in my mind.
The Wild Bunch (1969) - I think I've seen this movie, but I don't remember it.
The Warriors (1979) - I haven't seen this movie, but it's one of Hubby's favorite movies.

Honorable Mentions:
Tokyo Drifter (1966) - Never heard of it.
Snatch (2000) - Haven't seen this movie.
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (1983) - I considered this for my list, but I decided to only include one movie from the Star Wars trilogy on my list, but this movie didn't get the spot.

I don't understand how the honorable mentions work, but it doesn't really matter.
I don't understand how the honorable mentions work either, but I like them. It gives us more than only 100 movies, even if they didn't all make the countdown.

Omni, just out of curiosity, how did you determine which movies became honorable mentions? Did they get more than one vote, but not make the countdown, or did some of them get only one vote?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Nice selection there...I haven't seen Dredd but need to as I'm a Karl Urban fan.

The Warriors almost made my list but was replaced by something else. However, I love that movie. Not the one they sell as The Director's Cut with stupid cartoon panels with comic book dialogue over some scenes, but the original theatrical version that you can get on Ebay.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I'm not surprised people are confused, my presentation is a little suspect.

I'm essentially running two concurrent countdowns, 1-100 and 101-160. As we go we'll get closer to the Honorable Mentions that almost made the Top 100.

I figure that it makes for better suspense than just spoiling everything up front.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
10. Hot Fuzz
12. Casino Royale
13. 300
17. The Bourne Identity
19. John Wick

Hot Fuzz is a perfect blend of action and comedy. No other film has been able to understand and parody the genre with such attention to detail and admiration.

Casino Royale
has a really entertaining opening chase sequence and successful reignited my interest (and others) in James Bond. Without a doubt one of the best in the series.

300 at the time was amazing to me. Looking back, it has faults, but the action sequences are extremely fun and re-watchable. It made Butler a star, had a pre-famous Fassbender and was instantly quotable.

John Wick is one of the newer films I picked and with good reason. The film is slick and kicks ass. It made Keanu an action star again. Well choreographed and with an interesting underground assassin system in the story, this film is one of the best action films of the last decade.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Dredd Probably *just* missed my list. It's a little too new and a little to similar to The Raid. I really like it though.

I made a conscious choice not to include any LOTR films. It doesn't scream ACTION film to me despite there being lots of action sequences.

Sorry for the delay guys, some video editing took a big jump up my priorities list. Next 5'll be up in a few minutes.
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