Recommend me movies I will rate five stars!


I need to stop searching for movies and actually watch them
So true. I do this all the time, but I actually do both. Still, I spent countless hours searching for films. That's why even thought I might have not seen many of them, I heard about most. But then, there still are films I haven't even heard of! Only shows how many of them are there. But... I WILL WATCH THEM ALL!!!

Thanks for your recs. Again. I will check them out tomorrow. Meaniwhile... I'm going to bed!
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

So true. I do this all the time, but I actually do both. Still, I spent countless hours searching for films. That's why even thought I might have not seen many of them, I heard about most. But then, there still are films I haven't even heard of! Only shows how many of them are there. But... I WILL WATCH THEM ALL!!!

Thanks for your recs. Again. I will check them out tomorrow. Meaniwhile... I'm going to bed!
Im such a pseudo film fan. Listening to this
. Sleep well

1999s A murder of crows, such a decent thriller

The most positive you've received something was from Cinema de Bourbon or whatever his name is, he hasn't watched a single one of those films he recommended by the way ask his opinion of them and you'll be met with a wall of silence or a reworded review from elsewhere or maybe just a gif, but they completely match up with the generic arthouse fan so they of course are something you are interested in. That's not calling you a "generic arthouse fan" you have demonstrated varied taste but it's saying that someone can pull a few films you've not seen and you accept it as something more interesting than something you haven't really tried like Crickets suggestions especially.
Actually, I have seen these films. It took me a while to find (at the very least) three films to recommend for him, considering he's seen an assload of films. Last Film out of the bunch I've seen was 'Léon Morin, prętre.' While my personal favorite out of the 3 was 'Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters', which was unlike anything I saw before. Secondly, a "reworded review from elsewhere?" Please list an example. Also, I'd love it if you conjure up some evidence of this supposed "wall of silence" I use SO frequently, and remember next time to tag me in your post before talking unfactual garbage about me.
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Do you see what happens larry!?
Nightcrawler & whiplash are brilliant

1999s A murder of crows, such a decent thriller
Decent?! I don't want decent! I want a freakin' masterpiece!
Nightcrawler & whiplash are brilliant
I see what you did here...

Are you a lazy F--K!!

Just caught this thread

Try watching Ishtar and then see if Ben Affleck or Matt Dillion has ever done anything for you.

Do you need someone to hold your hand whist you cry...??

Niezwykla podróz Baltazara Kobera is a minor Has. I still haven't seen it.
Salto is the best Polish movie ever made.
Pociąg is a masterpiece, as well.
Pudovkin's Mat is a great masterpiece, as well.
I have Soleil O ready to watch, waiting for time when I feel like Brazil.
Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania is great, but not the best Mekas film. Both Walden and (especially) As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty are better.

Niezwykla podróz Baltazara Kobera is a minor Has. I still haven't seen it.
Salto is the best Polish movie ever made.
Pociąg is a masterpiece, as well.
Pudovkin's Mat is a great masterpiece, as well.
I have Soleil O ready to watch, waiting for time when I feel like Brazil.
Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania is great, but not the best Mekas film. Both Walden and (especially) As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty are better.
How have you seen almost all of these. They all have like less than 1k imdb ratings.