Help me out, Simpsons fans


Now With Moveable Parts
thanks,I'll try to quit feeling all rad now,wait,no I won't.

Registered User
oh, yeah, and another favorite character is cletus the slackjawed yokel.
Some folks'll never lose a toe, and some folks'll, like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel!

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
how about the episode where the kids had to get uniforms?

bart: these shorts suck!
marge: bart, where did you learn that type of language?
homer: (on the phone) yeah, moe, they sure did suck last night. i've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.
marge: homer!
homer: oh, I gotta go, my damn weiner kids are listening.

hey sadesdrk, my favorite ralph wiggum line was
me fail english? that's unpossible... lol

or how about the time he was using the school's coleco and he called superintendant chalmers "supernintendo chalmers"? that was hilarious.

a couple more favorite episodes:
when they all thought homer touched that girl that babysat for them. remember how the media and protestors were surrounding their house. and then they interviewed grampa..... my son is not a communist. he may be an oaf, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star.

also, one of my alltime favorite moments was when homer tried to get the nasty letter he sent burns from the post office:
homer: hello, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me
guy at the post office: okay, mr. burns, what's your first name?
homer: i don't know.

that was classic.

Now With Moveable Parts
Ah,I just got done laughing my @#$%! off.Those are great Simpsons moments.I also love the episode where Mrs.Krabappel and Principal Skinner have like that romance going on and Bart exposes them to the school.Later Ralph goes home and tells his dad,"Today I saw my teacher and the principal in the closet making a baby,and the baby came out and it looked at me."Chief Wiggum says,"The baby looked at you!"

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
do you remember uncle moe's family feed bag? or when moe was under the lie detector test?
cop: ok, he's free to go
moe: good because i have a hot date tonight
moe: A date
moe: dinner with friends
moe: dinner alone
moe: OK! i'm gonna sit at home and ogle the girls in the victoria's secret catalog!
moe: sear's catalog
moe: now would you let me go? i don't deserve this shabby treatment


Now With Moveable Parts
You are so right.Funny,Funny stuff.Have you ever played the Simpsons Trivia board game?I got it for my younger sister(Emily,17)For christmas.We all love it.Also do you have the Complete Guide to our Favorite Family book?If you ever forget anything it's in there.Don't got it?Get it!

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
yes, i have that book! i always thought i was a dork for having that book, because it's so pointless and trivial, but i love every page of it. oddly enough, my family and i are strangely united by the simpsons, also. no matter what's going on, or who's mad at who or whatever we all gather around the tv to watch. and we're all a bunch of simpsons trivia nuts, too. i have a pretty funny family, i guess. it's cool you have that book that's really awesome.

Now With Moveable Parts
Hey BrodieMan I always feel kinda bad for using a thread to talk to each other so I downloaded the Yahoo messenger thing.Now what?

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
well, i hope you got the letter i sent. i tried to outline what you need to do in order to download/install it the best i could. if you have the program downloaded and installed, you should be able to start it up and login just like you would any other time. you can click on add a friend, and then enter my name.


i hope it all works out. i look forward to chatting

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
ok, i got your letter. anyway, just so you know, once you log on (you always have to log on first) the little smiley face tells you if someone is on or not. if it's lit up, they're on, if not, then they're not.

Now With Moveable Parts
At the risk of pissing people off by talking to just each other,I put you on my friend list and so...yeah.I am usually on after school,around 12:20am.I live in California so whenever that is for you.That's a good time for you to catch me.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
hey, here's another good one, simpsons fans-
remember the pulp ficion parody episode? the whole scene about not calling them milkshakes in shelbyville cracked me up so much. or the halloween episodes? "you killed the zombie flanders!" "he was a zombie?"
it was pretty cool when they went to mr. burns' castle just like in the coppola dracula, too.

lisa: dad, mr. burns is a vampire!
homer: lisa, vampires are make believe. just like gnomes, elves, and eskimos."

lisa: dad, bart's a vampire!
homer: lisa, stop making up stories, bart's a vampire, beer kills brain cells... now let's go to that place were our.... t.v.... and beds...are.

or the teachers strike:
bart (to the protestor): you know, i heard skinner say the teachers will crack at any minute
final teacher in line: skinner said the teachers will crack at any minute purple monkey dishwasher.

Now With Moveable Parts
I like when the zombies are looking for brains and they run across Homer and knock on his head and then they continue their search for brains elsewhere.Homer's like,"Stupid zombies."

and then they interviewed grampa..... my son is not a communist. he may be an oaf, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star.
No, that was from the episode where Homer takes over the sub and navigates it into Russian waters. A hilarious episode (especially the sequence showing Russia and Eastern Europe reverting back to Communism in the blink of an eye; I love when Lenin smashes through the glass... "Must destroy capitalism!")

Some favorite Simpsons moments:

Bum on the street: Can you spare some money?
Abe Simpson: No! Everybody wants something for nothing these days.
<walks into Social Security office>: I'm old! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Homer: There's something terribly wrong when a son won't play catch with his father.
Abe: I'll play catch with you son!
Homer: Get lost, Dad.
Abe: I'm gone.

The entire "Ayn Rand Daycare for Tots" sequence

Homer: To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Homer: Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It separates us from the animals... except the weasel.

Lisa: I'm sorry for wrecking your barbecue, Dad.
Homer: That's okay, Lisa. I used to believe in things too.

Bart: Milhouse, what happened? You were supposed to be watching the factory!
Milhouse: I was watching. First it started to fall over, then it fell over.

Dealer: 19
Homer: Hit me!
Dealer: 20
Homer: Hit me!
Dealer: 21
Homer: Hit me!
Dealer: 22
Homer: Doh!

Reverend Lovejoy: This so-called "new religion" is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants, designed to take away the money of fools. Let us say the Lord's Prayer 40 times, but first, let's pass the collection plate!

Marge: Homer, the plant called. They said if you don't show up tomorrow don't bother showing up on Monday.
Homer: Woo hoo! Four-day weekend!

Smithers: People like dogs, Mr. Burns.
Mr. Burns: Nonsense! Dogs are idiots! Think about it, Smithers. If I came into your house and started sniffing at your crotch and slobbering all over you, what would you say?
Smithers: If *you* did it, sir?

I could list a TON more, but I thinks that's enough for tonight.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
d'oh! i messed up a simpsons moment. damn it!!

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
hey, i'm bringing this up again for the hell of it do you remember the episode with moe's family feed bag? that was one of my all-time favorites. he said something about there being a bunch of "crazy crap on the walls"... lol... that still reminds me of tgi friday's.

little girl: unky moe?
moe (pissed): what is it..... sweetie?
little girl: the ice in my sody makes my teef hurt.

flanders covers todd's ears
todd: ow, my freakin ears!

ned: well, i expected this kind of language at denny's but not here!

it'll be fun! bring the whole family! kids, grandparents, no, wait, no old people they're not covered by our insurance.

That was a great episode all around. The main bit about Bart selling his soul was great.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
i think the reason moe always struck me as being so funny is it's hilarious to watch a total dilweed try to fit in and function with normal people. moe has absolutely no good qualities, and such a jerk would make the perfect host at a "family" restaraunt, right? do you remember when he went out with his first date and he was asking her if she had a prosthetic butt or whatever? helen hunt was the guest voice i think.

Helen Hunt was the guest voice. And that episode had one of my favorite jokes from the series. Homer's in jail and Hans comes by with the book cart. Homer picks out a book called "How to Tunnel Out of Prison", says "This could come in handy" then proceeds to hit Hans with it and run off (taking the book cart with him).

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
yes! i love witty humor like that! it's worth every poop joke on comedy central and more. remember "that yellow, lemon-shaped rock... wait! there's a lemon behind that rock!"