The Cabin in the Woods is very good. It didn't make my ballot, but it was one of the horror films in contention for such. It's one of the most go-into-it horror films I've ever seen. It's the kind of horror film which is hard to write about without spoiling what makes it so great. So, I'm just going to cut it short here and urge you all to check it out if you haven't done so.
As for The Artist, I thought it was pretty good. Here's what i wrote on it earlier this year:
I thought of giving this a 3.5/5, but I decided to give it a 4. It's a well-crafted and moving story (though one with few surprises) and the amount of effort put into it to resemble a silent film makes it a nice throwback to such, but it didn't quite provide enough for me to love it. I enjoyed some of the visuals, like the montage of Miller's name moving up in the credits, or the hallucinatory scenes which get into Valentin's headspace (the miniatures in the bar were a highlight). Also, the dog's scenes were pretty much all cute. However, I felt these aspects were underutilized and that the movie was just throwing me a bone from time to time. Still though, I found the final act very moving and the same goes for a few scenes which came before that, so I still enjoyed the film quite a bit. Also, bonus points for including a nightmare scene which doesn't feel unnecessary but actually acts as an omen for Valentin's future struggles, seeing how he's unable to "keep up" with the sounds.