The Bear


Was gonna wait to see the 3rd season of The Bear in a couple months or so when all the episodes would be released. Just found out they dropped the entire season to be viewed now. SUBSCRIBED!

I can’t believe Carmy was savvy enough to send Sydney a Docusign. He gives the impression of being barely able to send an email.

LOVED the opening credits of season 3, episode 2. I loved seeing all the real locals waving to the film crew.

Isn’t the Faks family a tad overdone? And now there’s another brother?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Season 3, Ep 4. On one hand, there's something about Claire I don't like, but on the other hand, Carmy really needs to get laid..
Claire is kinda doofy IMO. A doctor who is waiting around for sad-sack Carmy seems unrealistic to me. And nobody can be that sweet all the time.

Just watched episode 1 of Season 3...good, but an odd choice for an opener to the season. I'll have to watch at least one more to see how they try and repair what happened in the S2 finale.

Finished season 3, and overallit feels like a setup for the upcoming last season. So its good but not as good as 1 or 2, but feel 3&4 are really gonna be one season.

Jaime Lee Curtis does terrifyingly manic to-A-T. She scares me. The dynamic between her and Sugar in the "ice chips" episode was a tour de force.

John Cena? Really? I like Cena, but him being on this show feels out of place. Being it was scenes with the Faks though he'll get a pass.

Oliver Platts great. I always light up when he's on the screen.

Sydney, meh. Marcus dodged that bullet.

Tina's story was ok. The theme of this shows season wasn't restauranting as much as the struggle of a worklife itself, and in this episode a lack of one.

Again, this is a setup season for the last season in the series. I can see why they're ending it as the storyline depth is noticably stretched thin, but I still love it.

The mean Chef in The Bear is actually based on a real person

Not surprising. Even the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld was based off someone.

She always seems like she's rubbing it Carmy's face that her career is so much more important than his.
Heck, no. She doesn’t do that. Quite the opposite.

Finished season 3, and overallit feels like a setup for the upcoming last season. So it’s good but not as good as 1 or 2, but feel 3&4 are really gonna be one season.
What are you saying? That season 4 will be the final season?

Pivoting: the DP sure does love closeups. Too many of them.

How cute is Will Poulter as Luca.

I really liked Tina’s backstory. I cried for her when they gave her a free coffee & sandwich.

What are you saying? That season 4 will be the final season?
90% sure of it. They filmed season 3 & 4 back to back hence why they did the To Be Continued at the end of episode 10. Certain publications have eluded to it before season 3 aired, but nothing official.

This is a recent one.

90% sure of it. They filmed season 3 & 4 back to back hence why they did the To Be Continued at the end of episode 10. Certain publications have eluded to it before season 3 aired, but nothing official.

This is a recent one.
The NYTimes got aerated about that & said “to be continued” was very lazy, etc. I mean the entire thing could have been “to be continued”. Season 3 opened with the Carmy/Claire thing again & went nowhere with that arc. If they’re getting together again they sure better hurry up.

Ugh, whoever wrote that review imagining Carmy & Sydney having sex. She would never.

Great review of season 3 - actually the entire show so far - from the NYTimes. Its critic loved the opening credits of season 3, episode 2 also. Yea, me.

Season 3. Ep 5. What wasa that opening scene wth Ntalie about with the creepy song playing in the background. I actually have omething in common with Sydney...I'm always ten minutes early for everything. So Andrea (Olivia Colamn) going to officially be working at The Bear? It's seaspn 3 and Natalie is still pregnant. It seems like she's been pregnant for abot a year and a half. "You know I'm afraid of boxes you can't put me in a box." What was that green sauce Tina was messing with? It looked like medicine. How does Andrea have the power to close the restaurant. Jon Cena! Who he is supposed to be playing? I'd love to know that is playing Computer but for some reason, they don't want us to see his face. Would love some backstory on Jeff's history with John Cena. They're really funny together. Loved Natalie standing up for Marcus with Computer. Does Jimmy know about Andrea closing the r estaurant? Shouldn't he have some say in that, considering all the money he's put into this?That episode was kind of blah, not a lot of forward motion to it.

My typical stopping point for shows is somewhere in Season 3 (unless its exceptionally good), and I think I have hit that point with The Bear after watching episode 2. Of course the confrontation between Carmy and Richy was expected, but it wore thin really quickly in the kitchen for me this time around. And given the press seems to be pretty average for this season, I think I'm out.

Cheers to the first 2 seasons haha

Season 3, ep 6. Watching Tina's clock hit 6:00 AM reminded me of Groundhog Day. How nice was it to see Liza playing a scene with her real life husband. Didn't know he was playing her husband on this show. didn't get what Tina and her husband were talking about specifically. So Tina's married to Willy Wonka? Have no idea if this Tina business was before or after The Bear. Since she's observed revising her resume, I'm going on the assumption that what we saw was a flashback. This is the first real look at Tina's work ethic, which I've never really seen addressed. She always seemed anti=work at The Bear. Liza played that scene with the male receptionist, could he have been any ruder to her? So, if this Tina stand alone episode is any indicator, is the show winding down, "You cannot negotiate with gravity." I understand how Tina feels to a point, but let's face it, Tina is not the only person on the planet who can't find a job. That scene with Liza and Jon Bernthal was really good too. Love the love Michael expresses for Carmen. "You gotta make a certain amount of money today to pay for yesterday." That scene between Liza Colon-Zayas and Jon Bernthal was excellent and worth sitting through the rest of the episode.

Season 3, Ep 7. Who's Shapiro? Just for the record, Step nine is NOT about apologizing, It's about clearing your side of the street. It's about saying "This is what I did to you and it was wrong, how can I make it up to you?" It's very different than apologizing. Why does Sydney have to think about it? I thought the Bear was closing. Do you know many people would be grateful to have a job fall into their laps days after learning they're about to lose their current position? Why was Sydney dressed like a parochial schoolgirl? "To make it good, I'd have to filter out the bad." The bag, silverware, mayonnaise discussion was on the money, how funny was that? I like that guy playing the wine steward. Service sounds chaos. Loved Richie's story about Tiffany giving birth. Richie is clearly still in love with Tiffany. Thanks to Ebon Moss-Bachrach, now I really want to know what happened on that trip for Jimmy. They just got a raise? I thought they were closing. I'm must have missed or misinterpreted something. I can't believe they made a woman nine months pregnant go to Home Depot and haul that stuff off the shelves. Richie thanked someone...I didn't know the words were in his vocabulary. They are not too subtly setting up Sydney's mutiny, which, if the truth be told, would be OK with me.

Season 3, Ep 7. Who's Shapiro? Just for the record, Step nine is NOT about apologizing, It's about clearing your side of the street. It's about saying "This is what I did to you and it was wrong, how can I make it up to you?" It's very different than apologizing. Why does Sydney have to think about it? I thought the Bear was closing. Do you know many people would be grateful to have a job fall into their laps days after learning they're about to lose their current position? Why was Sydney dressed like a parochial schoolgirl? "To make it good, I'd have to filter out the bad." The bag, silverware, mayonnaise discussion was on the money, how funny was that? I like that guy playing the wine steward. Service sounds chaos. Loved Richie's story about Tiffany giving birth. Richie is clearly still in love with Tiffany. Thanks to Ebon Moss-Bachrach, now I really want to know what happened on that trip for Jimmy. They just got a raise? I thought they were closing. I'm must have missed or misinterpreted something. I can't believe they made a woman nine months pregnant go to Home Depot and haul that stuff off the shelves. Richie thanked someone...I didn't know the words were in his vocabulary. They are not too subtly setting up Sydney's mutiny, which, if the truth be told, would be OK with me.
The actress playing Sugar wasn’t pregnant in real life towards the end of season 3. She had given birth already & had to wear a prosthetic to extend her “pregnancy” on the show.

For sure I was thinking Richie could or would ask the woman making reservations in the “Forks” episode for a date.

Season 3, Ep 8. I'm sorry, but that opening scene was a little pat and melodramatic. Any other time, Nat would have been able to get one of these people on the phone, and now, at the most crucial point in her current life, no one is available? Please. Great to see Jamie Lee back. The breathing had me on the floor. "As someone who's been around the block, this particular block, this block hurts like mother f8ckin sonovabitch!" I love all the thought that Natalie put in her birth plan. Abby and Jamie Lee are just wonderful together. Whoa!!! Natalie never told her mother she was pregnant? Jamie Lee should win an Emmy for her work in this episode. "You know? You have your dad's ass." It's just a little too convenient that no one has shown up at the hospital all this time. "I'm still reeling over the fact that I have dad's ass." Loved Jamie and Abby's reaction to that baby coding down the hall. "Mom I made myself sick to make you feel better. Do you understand that?" As hurtful as some of things Natalie might have said to Donna, I was very impressed that Donna didn't deny or argue with anything Natalie said. The camerawork during the contractions was excellent. Loved when Donna told Natalie about the day Natalie was born. Can't believe Pete didn't show up until four minutes before the episode ended. The opening scene not \withstanding, this, episode ruled and can we just give Jamie Lee Curtis an Emmy now?

Season 3, Ep 9. As fascinating as it was to watch, didn't understand the clips in the opening but I guess more will be revealed. Where was I when Carmen and Claire had this big fight? Like that The Bear is receiving mixed reviews. I'm impressed that Richie knows what an asterisk is. I knew Sydney was going to chicken out when she started to tell Carmen about her job offer. "I don't want it to be so hard to keep up with me." Carmen and Sydney...what's up with these two? Why do they have so much trouble saying exactly what's on their minds to each other? Carmen in the walk in with the phone trying to call Claire...that went on well beyond viewer comfort zone. Looks like Sydney resents that Carmen is being given full credit for The Bear. So was the whole point of Jimmy's long boring speech was to inform Carmen that he's going to be punished over something over which Carmen has no control? Camen hasn't seen Nat's baby yet? Is Jimmy in some kind of trouble? Sounds like Jimmy is in even more deep that Carmen and the Bear. Love that Tiffany brings out the vulnerability in Richie. Richie and Tiffany are one of the most civilized divorces I have witnessed. That Tina/Marcus scene was sweet. $70, 000 a year? Damn!!!! How cute is Nat's baby?

Season 3, Ep 10, Season 3 Finale. Liked the flashback opening scene of Carmen learning how to prep the roast chicken. That chef is a little on the gregarious side though. Does anyone now why removing the wish bone is the first step? Good to see Will Poulter back. "If I had known he was going to leave to get a haircut, I would have cut it myself." Love that accent that Pouter is using, didn't notice it the last time he was on. Cornbread ice cream? Ewww. I don't get the humor behind Sydney's comment about pre-ordering. This scene seems to have been written purely for cooks. The leaping back and forth in time is getting confusion. The dinner conversation with the chefs wasn't interesting enough for the time devoted do it. Andrea's speech is the first time ever that Olivia Colman has bored me. I love that Carmen seems to want to strangle Joel McHale and is trying to hold it in for some reason. Jeremy and Joel played the hell out of their little reunion scene. ude, you need to unclutch your pearls."- Best line ever. OMG, that was amazng when Jeremy let that tear drop at the end of the scene...that's the kind of stuff that should win him another Emmy. I disagree with what Luc said about siblings going through the exact same thing because they're siblings. I wish Sydney would sh*t or get off the pot regarding this job change. That final bit with Sydney was a little much. A little rambling and unfocused for a season finale, but I've seen worse and can't believe I have to wait an entire year for season 4.