Longest Book You've Read?


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I'm reading a partial memoir, and it's 4,000 pages as it is. Willem Oltmans memoirs (spanning about 70 years). I don't know if I can finish it, since I pause to look up certain names, or watch a documentary mentioned on YouTube, etc..

Moby Dick is 720 pages, and I've read that.

I feel like I read something that was 800-some pages long in college because I remember thinking that I could read 400, then 200, then 100, then 50, then 25 and then be done.

I know I tapped out of Godel, Escher, and Bach, not because the book wasn't interesting, but the print I had was made up of super-thin pages that were hard to turn and the font was really small. It made the reading experience, especially before bed, really unpleasant.

4,000 pages just sort of sounds unwieldy to me.

"You're insane!" "I thought I was a Pisces!"
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It's 876 pages.

Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi - 1510 pages

Stephen King's It (1,153 pages). I liked it, but it took me nearly a year to read. I didn't find it to be the brisk read that his similarly long books like The Stand, Salem's Lot and the longer Dark Tower books are.

A system of cells interlinked
Just thinking quickly about it, the longest books for me would be:

Stephen King's The Stand Uncut at 1,153
Pandora's Star by by Peter F. Hamilton at 1,144
Stephen King's It at 1,138

In actuality, Pandora's Star is just the first half of the story, with Hamilton's Judas Unchained being the second book that completes the story, and that one clocks in at 1,024 pages. A whopping 2,168 pages for the complete story! I'm glad I read them, because they contained some really cool sci-fi ideas and one of the better nasty alien races I have run across, but man, that stuff took me forever to finish.

I am just finishing up Wolfe's You Can't Go Home Again, which is just a bit under 700, but I must say, I am ready to read some shorter books or short stories for a nice break!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Just had a look at my bookshelves and the longest books all seem to be around the 700-800 page mark, mosty the non fiction.

There is a book on my wish list called The Anatomy of Melancholy and it's apparently 1376 pages long.

Not sure, the first thing that comes to mind is Shōgun by James Clavell, 1152 pp