1990's Countdown Group Watch

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The Last Boy Scout

You know for a dancer he's one hell of a detective.

Outside of maybe two scenes, I had completely forgotten the rest of this movie. Which is good because seeing this again reminded me of all the things I found hilarious the first time around. Definitely in the vein of Lethal Weapon, just what I needed for a quiet Monday evening.

The Last Boy Scout
I hadn't seen the flick, but had come across the clip of Bruce catching his wife.

It's a typical 90s action flick. In the end it even felt a wee bit like The Nice Guys, what with two lads & a smart arse for a daughter tangled with the bad guys.
It was a fun action flick. Damon Wayans & Willis had good chemistry. Bruce's bit of distracting bad guys with jokes was well done.

It's a shame Wayans hasn't done a lot of action flicks. I only remember seeing him in Bulletproof apart from this (he had a guest appearance in BHC2 I know). He is a really good action star.

Definitely in the vein of Lethal Weapon...
It's a typical 90s action flick. In the end it even felt a wee bit like The Nice Guys, what with two lads & a smart arse for a daughter tangled with the bad guys.
Yes, all written by Shane Black.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The Last Boy Scout -

I'm convinced that no one is better than Shane Black at writing buddy relationships and quotable dialogue in action movies. Whether it's the first strip club scene or the bonding scene at down-and-out private eye Hallenbeck's (Bruce Willis) house, I appreciated how this movie took its time to develop the relationship between Hallenbeck and the equally down-and-out ex-football player Dix (Damon Wayans) instead of doing what other, lesser action movies usually do: truncating scenes like these in favor of ones with meaningless action. As much as I enjoyed Willis's and Wayans's performances and their chemistry, it's Taylor Negron (R.I.P.) who steals the show as the delightfully smug villain Milo. It's hard to believe that this production was disastrous, whether it be Willis and Wayans' contentious relationship or Joel Silver limiting Black and Scott's creative contributions. Even so, I'd still like to see the version of the movie in Black's original script, especially since Milo is apparently even crazier in it.


Pop some corn, and watch The Last Boy Scout tonight, enjoy yourselves and don't forget to put it on your ballots before you turn them in.

A fun way to discover some hidden gems from the '90s! I'm in! 🎬 Looking forward to watching and discussing everyone's picks.

Never heard of this movie. Reading the synopsis I can't say I have high hopes for it, but it's only just over an hour long and is on Kanopy. We'll see how this goes.

Allaby's Avatar
Registered User
I love this film because it is a beautiful, funny, sweet, and honest film that combines narrative and documentary elements in an unusual and engaging way. The interview segments are insightful and entertaining and the narrative scenes are compelling and very well acted. Hide and Seek is a really interesting look at lesbian adolescence.

Hide and Seek
(Su Friedrich, 1996)

At just over an hour in length, this should have been an easy watch even for my attention span deficient brain. It was not. I really disliked the structure of the film and I think I would've had a better time had this been either a straight forward documentary film or a narrative film, but this tried to be both (though the narrative elements had very little in the way of a story to tell) and that mish mash just didn't work for me. I'll give it some credit because I did enjoy some of the anecdotes from the people being interviewed, but overall I was pretty bored by this.

Allaby's Avatar
Registered User
Tried to find the movie here on my usual sites. It's not available anywhere. Kanopy doesn't work here. Allaby is it possible for you to PM some links.

Thanks in advance.
Yes I will send a link.

Hide and Seek
This was a breezy watch. It had three things going on at the same time: a fictional story of a young lass, real life Lesbians telling anecdotes from their lives & weird 50s sex education/moral values videos.

I felt the fictional story wasn't adequately developed. It had potential, cause the little girl was a really natural actor. But her story felt almost under developed.

I absolutely enjoyed the documentary aspects, where the Lesbians told anecdotes from their life. What made it beautiful was how relaxed, casual & undramatic those segments were.

I didn't really care for the third track of those weird old sex education clips. They should have shown them once nor not at all.

Overall this was quite a fascinating watch. Also thanks Allaby for providing the link to the movie.

Election is one my favourite satires. It's definitely my favourite Alexander Payne film, and will feature highly on my 90s list.

I watched it first as a teenager. Loved it. But absolutely hated Tracy Flick. I have watched this movie several times since. & as an adult I feel differently about her. I don't condone her actions, but I don't hate her. After all she was a child.
It also helps that I have seen deleted scenes which do add to her character.

I have also seen the alternate ending (meant to be the original ending), & I am glad they didn't go with it.