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Triangle 2009

→ in

I greatly enjoyed Triangle. By the end of the film you can see that it is impossible and contradictory even by twilight zone standards but it didn't matter, It still hooked me. One of the best direct to dvd films I've seen, though it might've shown in UK theaters.

I enjoyed this too.. This is a good mystery thriller. It's the kind of movie that demands your full attention coz the story is very complex. This movie kept me guessing until the end. But I didnt know that Triangle was the original name of this film. It was just release here on our country early this year with the title Ghost Ship. At first I thought this was a remake but it wasn't.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.

Yes, I think it had a short cinema run over here a couple of years ago. I only saw it because Melissa George was in it, but I liked it. I don't think the logic of the film quite works, but I enjoyed the ride.

BTW, I think there's a thread about this film somewhere else. If so, maybe one of the mods will merge them.

that's what she said...
I enjoyed this too.. This is a good mystery thriller. It's the kind of movie that demands your full attention coz the story is very complex. This movie kept me guessing until the end. But I didnt know that Triangle was the original name of this film. It was just release here on our country early this year with the title Ghost Ship. At first I thought this was a remake but it wasn't.
I've seen Ghost Ship and it's not the same movie as Triangle. Unless it has a second name as Ghost Ship and it's different than the Ghost Ship I know. I've yet to watch Triangle, but I saw the trailer and it looks interesting.

Triangle is a great little horror movie. I believe it's also a remake, of a movie called Timecrimes I think, though I haven't seen the original.

I did have a problem with its story logic too after I finished. Personally it didn't bother me enough to detract from my enjoyment of the film. It has great performances (especially the main actress), effective direction and music, and I agree it is a fun ride.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Actually I just looked around out of curiosity and saw it mentioned that Triangle is NOT a remake but is pretty similar to Timecrimes....people seem split on which is better, so maybe I'll check it out soon....

You're right, Deadite, it's not a remake of Timecrimes. Though, apparently, Timecrimes is getting the US remake treatment. I think Cronenberg was mentioned, but I don't know if that's still the case.

I've got Timecrimes but, as with so many films I have, I've not yet seen it.

It's very similar to Time Crimes, especially with the 'mask' and the plot in the film that I will not mention. The person in Time Crimes has their face wrapped in bandages like a mask and then it's revealed who it is, like in Triangle. Not a remake, but they definitely got a lot of ideas from it.

Time Crimes is the superior film, but both are worth seeing.

I enjoyed Triangle too. I agree with others that it's not as good as Time crimes, but it's still a solid effort in regards to analysing and displaying the themes of casuality and temporal paradox. Oh, and Melissa George is in nice tight hot pants throughout which enhances the fun factor a little.

I like the idea of Cronenberg directing a remake.

that's what she said...
I just watched it last night (like I said I would, lol) and it was really good just like you all said. I thought it was a cool idea and I liked that even when there was multiples of herself, that the story stayed focus on just her. Otherwise it would have gotten confusing but the movie stayed in her point of view from start to finnish. Very cool movie, it should have been in theaters in my opinoin. Now i've got to watch Time Crimes to see the similarities.

I'm watching Timecrimes right now, and yes as you guys have stated Triangle has sevral similar themes. A masked killer, time loop, and just full aroundsetting and themes. I watched Triangle three years backs, and it was amongst my favorites at the time, and still is in high regards for me. I'm digging Timecrimes so far too, might even be a better film. But no Triangle is not based on it. Planning for both started in 2005, but Timecrimes crew was able to get er done first. Brilliant films, really.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

^ Just watched it myself, it sure does! Both films I'd easily give
. Given the similar time in planning the films, it'd be an interesting thing to look into.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
My problem with the film....she doesn't remember?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

^ Fair point. How could somone be that unaware of themselves? But the Sisyphus symbol puts it all together, imo.

A system of cells interlinked
Really liked this one, and I also think it's pretty much just an updated version of the Sisyphus myth. I think they pulled it off pretty well, and Melissa George did a fine job in the role.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell