I'm hopefully going to see this movie sometime this week, I think it looks entertaining, and am looking forward to it. I don't expect perfection but I expect sheer entertainment.
World War Z
→ in Movie Reviews

World War Z (2013)
Like most other zombie movies, World War Z lacks a strong emotional core. The focus is all about action, but right from the beginning I didn't give a damn about Brad Pitt's character or family. Poor performances abound. The final scene at the W.H.O. building could have been the movie's saving grace but it was far too short (just like the airplane scene) with no sense of tension at all. The ending is typical Resident Evil style, blatantly heralding a sequel for another pitiful director to pick up.
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*********! Why didn't they just follow the book, and do a bunch of short stories. 4 writers they hired to do this when they already had the only 1 they needed, Max Brooks!
I HATE the fact that Hollywood feels the need to make the Zombies superfast as opposed to the slower zombie's from NOTLD or Dawn of the Dead. In the books the human race has a hard enough time surviving the slow Zs. The biggest epic fail is the PG 13 rating, a Zombie film should be graphic and have plenty of gore. What a corporate greedy disaster Hollywood has become.
I hate this movie and I haven't even seen it yet.
I HATE the fact that Hollywood feels the need to make the Zombies superfast as opposed to the slower zombie's from NOTLD or Dawn of the Dead. In the books the human race has a hard enough time surviving the slow Zs. The biggest epic fail is the PG 13 rating, a Zombie film should be graphic and have plenty of gore. What a corporate greedy disaster Hollywood has become.
I hate this movie and I haven't even seen it yet.
Im starting to loose interest in this if Im honest... the more im hearing the more im going to wait and get it in the bargain bin. I heard someone saying there wasnt much of a story and the zombies all were done with bad cgi and the ending was poor. Also as its pg13 there isnt any gore. Im on the fence with this now.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~
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Im starting to loose interest in this if Im honest... the more im hearing the more im going to wait and get it in the bargain bin. I heard someone saying there wasnt much of a story and the zombies all were done with bad cgi and the ending was poor. Also as its pg13 there isnt any gore. Im on the fence with this now.
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Wait for the bargin bin. Trust me, it is not worth paying to see in the movie theater.

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They turned WWZ into a PG-13 action movie starring Brad Pitt.
I do not need to add anything else.
I do not need to add anything else.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!
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I was expecting more, and was disappointed for the first half. Halfway mark I was definitely into it. The suspense was done well, didnt even know it was PG-13 and thats a compliment. I never read the book, and if I had Im sure I'd be disappointed. Books have no limits.
The gore wasnt there, gore does seem to be a zombie movie staple, but IMO the flick wasnt bad. Better than anything Romeros come out with in years. Zack Snyders Dawn Of The Dead still reigns supreme though.
The gore wasnt there, gore does seem to be a zombie movie staple, but IMO the flick wasnt bad. Better than anything Romeros come out with in years. Zack Snyders Dawn Of The Dead still reigns supreme though.
I was expecting more, and was disappointed for the first half. Halfway mark I was definitely into it. The suspense was done well, didnt even know it was PG-13 and thats a compliment. I never read the book, and if I had Im sure I'd be disappointed. Books have no limits.
The gore wasnt there, gore does seem to be a zombie movie staple, but IMO the flick wasnt bad. Better than anything Romeros come out with in years. Zack Snyders Dawn Of The Dead still reigns supreme though.
The gore wasnt there, gore does seem to be a zombie movie staple, but IMO the flick wasnt bad. Better than anything Romeros come out with in years. Zack Snyders Dawn Of The Dead still reigns supreme though.
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After 3 weeks at the box office it has made 370 Million Worldwide… with 150 Domestic (seems like 200 is very reachable)
Over 500 Million Worldwide is a lock at this point but how far can it go? IMO it will close its run with 580 million… I
Considering this was looking like one of the biggest flops of the year, with some websites prediction a gross of less then 250 million worldwide, and less then 100 domestic…it is doing very well… with rentals, sales and streaming rights it will add a huge profit… and a sequel is already in the works..
It seems like Johnny Depp has taken the Bullet that Brad Pitt dodged…Lone Ranger is tanking hard in the us.
Is anyone suprised at this?? Personally I thought it would be this years John Carter/Battleship
Over 500 Million Worldwide is a lock at this point but how far can it go? IMO it will close its run with 580 million… I
Considering this was looking like one of the biggest flops of the year, with some websites prediction a gross of less then 250 million worldwide, and less then 100 domestic…it is doing very well… with rentals, sales and streaming rights it will add a huge profit… and a sequel is already in the works..
It seems like Johnny Depp has taken the Bullet that Brad Pitt dodged…Lone Ranger is tanking hard in the us.
Is anyone suprised at this?? Personally I thought it would be this years John Carter/Battleship
No. As troubled as the production was, it's a big star, summer blockbuster and it has the whole zombie subset to help it. Just look at After Earth. Total crap, I've hardly heard a good word about it and yet, according to BOMojo, it's so far taken $235,655,050 worldwide.
The reason that The Long Ranger probably won't make it is because, worldwide, The Lone Ranger isn't a 'thing'. It also has to get past that it's a Western which, I feel, is not a big pull worldwide.
The reason that The Long Ranger probably won't make it is because, worldwide, The Lone Ranger isn't a 'thing'. It also has to get past that it's a Western which, I feel, is not a big pull worldwide.
5-time MoFo Award winner.
5-time MoFo Award winner.
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Ive heard so many different views on this film, im still waiting to see when I buy it on dvd. But im not buying it on release

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So and watched it, and if it was a standalone with a different title I would say that it was an ok blockbuster 6-6.5/10.
But.....because they have used the title "World War Z", a book beloved of millions of people the movie is a total disgrace, basically 0% resemblance to the book I have to give it a 4/10.
I hope in 10-20 years when we get the inevitable reboot that someone comes along and makes something resembling the short stories from the book.
This is bad Hollywood at it's worst.
But.....because they have used the title "World War Z", a book beloved of millions of people the movie is a total disgrace, basically 0% resemblance to the book I have to give it a 4/10.
I hope in 10-20 years when we get the inevitable reboot that someone comes along and makes something resembling the short stories from the book.
This is bad Hollywood at it's worst.
So and watched it, and if it was a standalone with a different title I would say that it was an ok blockbuster 6-6.5/10.
But.....because they have used the title "World War Z", a book beloved of millions of people the movie is a total disgrace, basically 0% resemblance to the book I have to give it a 4/10.
I hope in 10-20 years when we get the inevitable reboot that someone comes along and makes something resembling the short stories from the book.
This is bad Hollywood at it's worst.
But.....because they have used the title "World War Z", a book beloved of millions of people the movie is a total disgrace, basically 0% resemblance to the book I have to give it a 4/10.
I hope in 10-20 years when we get the inevitable reboot that someone comes along and makes something resembling the short stories from the book.
This is bad Hollywood at it's worst.
The best movie is an anticipated movie | Anticipatedmovies.com
The best movie is an anticipated movie | Anticipatedmovies.com
I was actually surprised that i didn't hate this film after watching it, i didn't read the book so i didn't really know what to expect going in but the pg-13 rating and ant hill zombies had me worried.
Brad Pitt considering he was one of my favorite actors in the 90's is sorta bland in this role as most of the other characters are as well. That being said, that is sorta true for most zombie movies, except 28 days and weeks later.
I watched the "unrated" version and the gore wasn't lacking per say but it defiantly wasn't anywhere near a good episode of Walking Dead and zombie makeup looked good, they weren't all cgi like i thought.
I didnt think i would but i did like the super fast super quick infection time with these zombies, it gives you a dooming sense that walls and barriers are of no use.
All in all IMO i was surprised, defiantly no golden zombie movie like it could have been but it wasn't a complete disaster as i feared.
Brad Pitt considering he was one of my favorite actors in the 90's is sorta bland in this role as most of the other characters are as well. That being said, that is sorta true for most zombie movies, except 28 days and weeks later.
I watched the "unrated" version and the gore wasn't lacking per say but it defiantly wasn't anywhere near a good episode of Walking Dead and zombie makeup looked good, they weren't all cgi like i thought.
I didnt think i would but i did like the super fast super quick infection time with these zombies, it gives you a dooming sense that walls and barriers are of no use.
All in all IMO i was surprised, defiantly no golden zombie movie like it could have been but it wasn't a complete disaster as i feared.