Movie Ratio of Films Watched/Not Watched


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Curious to see out of all the films you watch, how many are those you've already seen, and how many are new.

I'd say mine is 50/50 - I love watching movies I've already seen to re-evaluate, and sometimes I just want a guaranteed great experience, especially if I'm watching at night, in case I get sleepy, etc etc..

But of course I prefer to watch films I've never seen. There's nothing like a new experience!

Do any of you guys worry when they day comes there aren't many movies left to watch?

Just checked with the movies I have watched in 2015, and so far it's pretty 50/50 (42 rewatches, 49 new watches)...

But yeah, I don't try to balance anything or whatever, I just watch whatever I feel like, and sometimes perhaps I'll end up in a mood for many rewatches and other times I want to watch new stuff. So yeah... It's very evenly split overall.

100 new to 1 rewatch maybe.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Same as Mr Minio I mostly watch movies I haven't seen yet. There are so many that are supposed to be good and I haven't seen yet, especially older movies.

Just depends on my mood. Sometimes I'll go days or weeks seeing only rewatches. Other times I'll have a run of first time watches. Other times I'll alternate between first time and rewatches. Still other times I may go many days without watching anything at all.

Curious to see out of all the films you watch, how many are those you've already seen, and how many are new.

I'd say mine is 50/50 - I love watching movies I've already seen to re-evaluate, and sometimes I just want a guaranteed great experience, especially if I'm watching at night, in case I get sleepy, etc etc..

But of course I prefer to watch films I've never seen. There's nothing like a new experience!

Do any of you guys worry when they day comes there aren't many movies left to watch?
I have to admit that there was a time when I thought the possibility of running out of movies to watch might be a reality, but after being on this website for over a year, I know that that is NEVER going to happen.

Mine is similar to Minio's. I believe that you can "revisit" films without necessarily rewatching them, which makes first impression seem that much more important to me

Since January 2014, I've watched 46% new and 54% repeat.
You can't do 100% new, because there's not enough movies.