17th MoFo Hall of Fame


Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
At least I’m beating the guy who was disqualified.
Well I'm approaching this with an "I wasn't late, y'all were just early" kind of mentality and I feel better.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
14/14 Day for night
Extremely short post once again I'm sorry it's really chaotic over here. I really enjoyed this one, I thought the concept was very captivating and I really liked how immersive it was in showcasing the whole behind-the-scenes fiasco going on at movie sets and I liked how it decided to tell a more fleshed-out story following that initial idea. It was tightly paced, pretty engaging, and nicely confined.

Weird is relative.
Okay, final two. Here we go.

Pixote (1981)

I basically agreed with everyone else who wrote a mostly positive review, as well as some of the negative aspects mentioned by those whose disliked it.

Yes, there was too much ultra-disturbing and shocking content involving children and teens, but I realize that the director was showing us an experience that was very similar to what real kids were living at that time, and probably still are today. That is the most tragic and saddening part about this "docu-film."

Rush (2013)

This car race movie wasn't as "thrilling" this time at home as it was while seeing it on the big screen in the cinema, but it was still a pretty solid viewing on my second watch.

Niki Lauda was portrayed as a more interesting and complex person than James Hunt, the charming, good-looking womanizer and alcoholic, so I am glad the filmmakers prioritized Lauda's story. I felt very bad for him when he suffered his accident.

I don't actively watch competitive automobile racing, but I think it's a cool sport and I understand why people would get into it despite the high risk for casualties.

@Miss Vicky

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Pixote is a a homeless street kid, one of thousands in Brazil. He's part of a pack who roam the streets. Their sent to a reform school but escape and are back on the streets. Non-professional actors here, more or less playing themselves. It's heartbreaking seeing some of these kids here. I didn't let the inexperience of the acting hurt my viewing experience, in fact I think it elevated it a bit. Made it seem more realistic and made me part of their lives for two hours.

All these kids really have to depend on is each other. There is a nice scene in which they are on a beach and discuss what life would be like if they were rich. Scenes like this speak to everybody's day to day life. I know I've thought about my life as a rich guy.

Reminds me a little bit of films like The Bicycle Thieves or even the more recent City of God. A look in the life of everyday people, so there is little plotting. One of the benefits for this film is that it isn't a "Hollywood" movie, instead it is from a filmmaker who had a story to tell, so nothing is sugar coated or hidden from our eyes. Everything we see, as terrible and raw as it is, is on the screen.

Excellent nomination, a film I had never heard of before and am glad I got the chance to see.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Hawks and the Sparrows

While Pixote might have had the toughest subject matter to sit through, this one might have been the toughest one to sit through, in terms of being a little bored. Comedies are hard to pull off, here we have a foreign language comedy in black and white from the 60's. A triple threat!!!

It had its moments, but they were few and far between. The one thing I remember most about this movie are the faces. Especially of the man, he looks like he's lived a life worth seeing.

I was shocked to see the director was the same guy who did Salo.

It's an interesting attempt, to tel la film about two guys walking down some streets meeting some 'characters' along the way. Introducing a talking bird ups the absurdity level to new heights, heights that weren't hitting my funny bone unfortunately. Maybe because I watched it on my computer around midnight, but I don't think I'll be giving this one a second chance anytime soon.

I'm liking all the activity in here tonight.

I've received 12 ballots and am now just waiting on the rest of the write-ups and ballots from Suspect and Hashtag, who each have three films left.

-Day For Night
-The Dressmaker
-The Libertine

-Day For Night
-Lean On Pete
-The Libertine

The deadline is in roughly 72 hours.

@Miss Vicky;

You can tell that the dude who made this absolutely loves movies. References to famous directors, Citizen Kane, the Godfather. There are montages of the film production set to beautiful classical music. The passion is steaming up the room. As a film nerd there's something so lovely about this film about films, it expresses perfectly what the appeal of cinema and the creation of it is. Usually in these 'film within a film' films the fictional film is very half-assed, but in this film it looks like a legit film the director would make. On the technical side it's great film-making with excellent montages and engaging characters.

Great film @Nathaniel


Trouble with a capital "T"
All my Lean on Pete streams seem to be cam footage of Spider-Man. Anyone got a link?
You might ask @Luis or @rauldc14, see below.

Btw, I just bought Lean on Pete on Blu-Ray, I never really use the digital, so if anybody is interested in the code to have the movie PM me, I'll give it to whoever does it first.
That just leaves Lean on Pete and Rush. If anybody has suitable links for them let me know please. Thanks.
Raul did watch Lean on Pete, so he might know.

Interesting opening. I see some people don't like the washed-out colours and film tint (A big contrast to the colourful Amadeus), but I think it works: It shows how dirty (physically and morally) people were back then. Nobody took showers, they were constantly sweating underneath their white face-paint, just general grossness. I won't lie I got bored and inattentive halfway through (Committed the unforgivable sin of looking at different tabs on my laptop). There's lots of good about the film though. The make-up is really nice, there's good performances and casting choices all around, and the soundtrack was great (My favourite element of this film). I loved the scenes where Depp was teaching Morton to act.

Interesting film film @Miss Vicky


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
You might ask @Luis or @rauldc14, see below.

Raul did watch Lean on Pete, so he might know.
sent one in comments that'll work very well.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

These types of movies aren’t usually very high on my watch list. Maybe it’s something about trying to be serious in a ridiculous wig that puts me off. But...Depp manages to make his compelling performance work. I did not like this guy, which made the film a decent watch for me. He pulled him into his world.

Rosamund Pike...such an underrated actress. Stunning in her chillingly cold beauty. Samantha Morton shines here as well. The only person I didn’t care for was Malkovich. I find it hard for him to disappear into the role, I just see John Malkovich.

Great music, muted cinematography and gorgeous costumes elevate the picture. Then again, you have to ask yourself; every picture set in this time period has gorgeous costume design, so does it matter?

I wish the material was more interesting and worthy of the talent involved.

I don't think I've ever seen a film like this before. It just has a very unique tone. It feels nostalgic and rural, being set in a tiny village in the '50's. I got incredibly invested in the story and characters. I loved all the characters. I loved the mystery. I loved the romance. I just don't know how to describe it cause it's so unique. The light-hearted tone and comedy was very nice. The performances were great.

Very unique film @Citizen Rules, if it weren't for you I would've never have watched this.


The deadline is in about 9.5 hours.

I'm still waiting on write-ups from @TheUsualSuspect for Day For Night and Lean On Pete and his ballot.

@HashtagBrownies sent a ballot, but it was missing one film so I'm waiting for his correction.

I have all of the points for the other 12 ballots tallied up. Assuming I get Hashtag's correction and Suspect's ballot on time, I'll announce the results tomorrow. I'm thinking probably noon-ish Pacific Time.