Who Will be Our Next President?


cricket's Avatar
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I am listening to Biden's speech on the radio and I just heard him say he was going to try to get rid of systemic racism. Is he going to try to get rid of welfare and abortion?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I am listening to Biden's speech on the radio and I just heard him say he was going to try to get rid of systemic racism. Is he going to try to get rid of welfare and abortion?
Sounds like somebodies fishing tonight Don't worry some small fry will bite on that.

cricket's Avatar
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Sounds like somebodies fishing tonight Don't worry some small fry will bite on that.
You think so huh? I would say take a look into it a little bit. We might be surprised at what you find.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
WTF?? You guys are seriously putting Biden's sanity in question because of the way he speaks??? The man stutters which means he constantly has to be changing the words he's saying because some are more difficult to pronounce than others. And he does a tremendous job at this, btw, because it's incredibly difficult to do.

Who's hating? Who's angry? Did I swear or call you names? No I didn't. I simply stated your comment was insensitive, short-sighted, and out of line. Here another person tells you why she legitimately can't make your demands of making it to a polling station especially during a pandemic I might add... and you pop off with some smart-aleck remark? I'm sorry, you needed to be put in your place. And it wasn't just me who made the comment about your comment, it was also Yoda, (and I believe there were a few others too). You're out of line son, and I think you owe Miss Vicky and apology. You're in the wrong. And, as you get older, you get to a place where you accept you're not going to "hit it out of the park 100% of the time." That "sometimes" you're wrong. And *gasp* that's okay! But when you foul-ball, admit your wrong, brush yourself off, act like an adult, and play again. That's life! Oh the friggen "growing pains" here.

Your anger was obvious in the tone of your text. Calling somebody a "dog", telling them to "back off" and saying "you're out of line son." Where I'm from if a man talks to another man like that there's going to consequences.

It's fine though, I can take all the insults you want to throw at me. What I don't understand is where this is all coming from? I never attacked or insulted Miss Vicky personally, I just posted a couple of edgy comments and then you come out of nowhere gunning for me. The word triggered is definitely applicable here. Are you her husband or something? I could understand it then.

When I said people who are too lazy/scared to vote in person shouldn't be allowed to vote, that was a joke. I was using hyperbole for comedic effect. I would have thought that was obvious by the tone of my post where I referred to "pesky mail-in ballots." It wasn't directed at anyone. The fact that apparently people interpreted it as some deadly serious statement shows that it failed to be funny so in that sense I apologize.

I do think people should vote in person but if they chose to do it by mail that's perfectly legal. Can we put a pin in this or do you want to throw some more insults?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I love how mail in ballots were never a hot issue until Republicans/Trump figured they'd lose the election (Dems are more likely to vote by mail) so they adjust the narrative to fraud and people eat it up.

Russian interference is fine, but Americans voting by mail is wrong....got it.

Can we put a pin in this...
Brilliant. Moving on.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

I happen to go to church, I am a Christian, and am friends with "Christians." ... It's amazing the narrative I hear from the "American Church." Especially the "Religious Right." I don't really know if you all are aware or not, but from what I hear down from the grapevine from these "Christians" is that apparently God is a Republican, and Biden/Harris' win yesterday is an indication of "The End Times," and that Trump's loss yesterday represented a loss to "Christian Values." ... yes, I am literally hearing this from people! I'm hearing not only these such absurd things from them, but other delusional-non-sensical ramblings... on and on, etc. etc. Point is, (it's actually been a long-time coming), but this "political climate" really divided me from my church... I don't go anymore... When a church starts "spinning a narrative" to make what is "spiritual" "political"... I'm done. I have a spirituality, I have a faith, and yes, I have had "encounters with God"... and guess what I've gathered from it? God isn't political, God isn't "spiritually tribal", and He/She speaks to all people! So I'm just done... done, done, done... in a way I'm kind of "glad" this election worked out the way it did, because it's kind of the final nail in my personal life when it comes to my "Oh-so 'Political-God' Church"... Now being more "led" to seek Him/Her on my own terms and develop a more "personal spirituality." Ecclesiastes 3: "There is a time and season for everything."

cricket's Avatar
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For anyone who watched it, including democrats, her implication was quite clear. I refer to the issue she raised as Biden's racially questionable voting history, as I don't like to flat out call people a racist without evidence, something many others think is a perfectly decent thing to do. During the time alluded to by Harris, Biden did say he didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle. You can decide for yourself how to interpret that statement. Watch the clip again and you will see that it was quite clear what she was doing.

Ecclesiastes 3: "There is a time and season for everything."
No offence to any religious people intended and quite probably it's just me but this so sounds like it should be a promotional tagline for a fillum.

Hey, it's just an observation and this is a movie site after all.

cricket's Avatar
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I love how mail in ballots were never a hot issue until Republicans/Trump figured they'd lose the election (Dems are more likely to vote by mail) so they adjust the narrative to fraud and people eat it up.
The democrats went all across America to change state's voting laws before this election, and contrary to popular belief they started before corona. Trump has said from the beginning that they were trying to rig the election. The common Trump supporter looked at it as shady from the very beginning, but then as you watch it play out it starts to make you wonder even more. There's certainly a valid reason why it ended up being so many more democrats than republicans who voted by mail with how their parties supported it or were against it, but nobody knew that when it first started. So my question is why did the dems change the laws right before the election in the first place? It wasn't because of the virus, but obviously they saw some advantage for them doing it. You can't not be skeptical. Trump knew this from the beginning and it played out that way.

Russian interference is fine, but Americans voting by mail is wrong....got it.
The democrats have used a lot of dirty tricks to bring Trump down, and I am very comfortable calling some of their tactics downright evil.

I'm wondering if you just get your news from the main stream media? If that's true, be skeptical of everything you hear. The most true thing Donald Trump has ever said is "fake news".

cricket's Avatar
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I disagree with the idea that you should not condemn a group you have significant problems with because some of them might say some true/good things some of the time.
Not to bring this up again but I just saw this.

I'm just a little more hesitant to label. When looking at a group, the first 2 things I look at is their stated ideology and their body of work. The proud boys stated ideology would not qualify them as a hate group and their body of work seems to consist of them fighting with Antifa. They appear to be a nationalist group rather than a white nationalist group. As much as we all despise Antifa (I hope) I don't know if I would classify them as a hate group either. They are certainly something, and I am at least comfortable saying we could do without both of them.

I do think the very mention of the proud boys in a Trump/Biden thread is telling.

Anita has caused practically nonstop mayhem and destruction all across America. Leaders openly state that they use violence for political purposes.

The Proud Boys I would surmise is a group we'd be better off without, but whatever they've done it's not in the same ballpark as Antifa. Leaders openly state that they will use violence but only in self-defense.

Trump: condemns Antifa and the proud boys.

Biden and other democrats: condemns the Proud Boys but refuses to condemn Antifa, and claims they don't even exist, yet Biden and Harris helped fund bailouts of some of their members including some very violent criminals.

This thread: let's talk about the proud boys?

Of course we know exactly why the proud boys are brought up, because apparently they are Trump supporters, and any Trump hater would want to connect them.

Can somebody explain how the Democrats are responsible for all these voting changes? Why didn’t the Republicans stand up to them. Are the Republicans not complicit in this by their inaction.

Look, I listened to Alex Jones go on about Bohemian Grove and all sort of conspiracies. I’m open to seeing both sides.

What I can’t buy is the Dems running roughshod over this stuff when Republicans have been running the country. Just because liberals “seem” to be inclined to be maskers and therefore more inclined to vote by mail, they pulled this off under the Republican overlords?

NC was a swing state and went Red short of the governor. Why didn’t it work here?

cricket's Avatar
Registered User
Can somebody explain how the Democrats are responsible for all these voting changes? Why didn’t the Republicans stand up to them. Are the Republicans not complicit in this by their inaction.

Look, I listened to Alex Jones go on about Bohemian Grove and all sort of conspiracies. I’m open to seeing both sides.

What I can’t buy is the Dems running roughshod over this stuff when Republicans have been running the country. Just because liberals “seem” to be inclined to be maskers and therefore more inclined to vote by mail, they pulled this off under the Republican overlords?

NC was a swing state and went Red short of the governor. Why didn’t it work here?
There were a handful of democratic states prior to this election that used mail in voting. The data suggests that there was either no change, or not change enough to matter, in who voted by mail more. What I mean is that people keep saying that Democrats are more likely to vote by mail, but before this election there was no evidence to support that. The dems suddenly started changing laws just before corona in swing states for this election (without a test run), and what we have to ask ourselves is why did they do it. Republicans fought it and there is at least some question as to if what the dems did is constitutionally legal.

Trouble with a capital "T"
We need a little equal time here...so I'll let these headline links speak for themselves:

Republicans’ only way to win is to stop people from voting
from: washingtonpost.com

Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Are Targeting Minorities...
from: npr.org

The five ways Republicans will crack down on voting rights in 2020
from: theguardian.com

‘They Don’t Really Want Us to Vote’: How Republicans Made It Harder
from: NewYorkTimes
Restrictions on voting, virtually all imposed by Republicans, reflect rising partisanship, societal shifts producing a more diverse America, and the weakening of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court in 2013.

Block the Vote: Voter Suppression in 2020
from: aclu.org
Across the country, one in 13 Black Americans cannot vote due to disenfranchisement laws. One-third of voters who have a disability report difficulty voting. Only 40 percent of polling places fully accommodate people with disabilities. Across the country, counties with larger minority populations have fewer polling sites and poll workers per voter.

cricket's Avatar
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Is there some truth in any of this? Sure, but these are biased liberal publications and we know not to trust the media. Everything has a counter argument, and perhaps very valid points.

Some valid questions, but a lot with valid counter arguments. Is having to show an ID to vote racist? I would say no. There's also more than one way to skin a cat, meaning there's not always just one solution for every problem.

cricket's Avatar
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If you look at the last link you may get an explanation as to why it may be more difficult for some black Americans to go out and vote. What you then do is take that explanation and ask yourself why that is happening. If you follow the trail and continue to ask why you may be surprised where it leads you.

cricket's Avatar
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Trump talked about how proud he was to be getting a lot of black people off of welfare. Some liberals shaped it as racist Trump is taking welfare from black people. He wasn't taking anything away, he was giving them something, a chance at self-reliance and prosperity.