One cancellation by a streaming service, that hurt you the most?


Psychopathic Psychiatrist
NETFLIX cancelling "1899".

The cancellation of this just after its first season, was so hurtful, off and also kinda weird to me, i thought i am living inside some fu**ed up computer-simulation.

May the souls of those being responsible for this cancellation, rot in hell for eternity.

Hmm… Not on Netflix (I think it was Prime), but Outer Range, I think, maybe. But generally I don’t care that much. Always something else to watch.

Netflix rarely sees the value in continuing shows, sometimes even if they are fairly popular.

All they care about is generating new content to get new subscribers...then cancelling that content as soon as they've signed up.

They are a garbage company. Absolute garbage

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
But generally I don’t care that much. Always something else to watch.
I agree but also...THAT IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM! I usually don´t care, but i fu**in cared about "1899"!!!

That show just hit my nerves on the right spot unlike most shows/movies do these days.

Netflix rarely sees the value in continuing shows, sometimes even if they are fairly popular.

All they care about is generating new content to get new subscribers...then cancelling that content as soon as they've signed up.
It almost seems as if this is really true.

But most important, those morons continued this *******, childish and infantile kiddie-teenie-weenie WEDNESDAY series, where i ask myself, who in gods name finds that show to be THAT great??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????

No, seriously now, what so great with that show?

It almost seems as if this is really true.

I can't remember where I read it, if it was straight from some Netflix itself, or if it was from an old disgruntled employee, but this is their business model.

It doesn't benefit them to keep the majority of their shows going. Production costs generally rise as a series goes from season to season, and unless it is a show that is generating massive amounts of buzz (like Stranger Things), they drop them before this can happen.

Their entire business model is about attracting new eyeballs, so they just keep flinging spaghetti at a wall, hoping to get new subscribers. Then dropping the shows once they get these people to sign up (with the presumed hope enough of them won't cancel their subscription in protest)

It's their business, so they can obviously do what they want....but for a viewer experience, they are cut throat and do not care about you.

At the very least, most people now understand that Netflix just totally sucks in general, and hopefully people start cancelling their subscriptions en masse so it makes it less and less lucrative for these streaming services to do these kinds of things.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
hopefully people start cancelling their subscriptions en masse so it makes it less and less lucrative for these streaming services to do these kinds of things.
To be honest, i wish them all to go down the gutter.

I want people to buy PHYSICAL MEDIA DISCS again, like BLU-RAY or DVD.

I also never was a fan of streaming services to begin with, the only good thing coming with them: Several really great shows i would hate to miss, but on the other hand, now that they are cancelling more than half of them all, i could as well live without all those cancelled shows.

I could now make a list of all the cons i share with streaming services, but that would take up too much space, time and would be off-topic too, i probably do that another time in another thread.

You ready? You look ready.
Altered Carbon

What I would do for one more season.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Not on streaming but one that really annoyed me was the cancelling of Utopia. The original British series was suppose to go for four series I believe and they cancelled it after two... so many things were never answered/concluded.

A brilliant and beautifully shot series. And the music, perfect.


Opening scene of series 1:

While we're ragging on Netflix, I wish The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance had continued. That show is amazing.

The service seems to be experiencing the same reality show creep, degradation, whatever you want to call it that happened to A&E, Bravo and TLC. Those are the only ones worth committing to on the service these days because they're much less likely to be cancelled.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
HBO.... across the board. Though most were before streaming was a thing.
  • Carnivale
  • Deadwood
  • Rome (while it ended well enough, I would have enjoyed more)
  • Raised by Wolves (I mean, wtf!?)
  • Possibly Avenue 5
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I expect Netflix, like all businesses, and in particular all businesses in relatively new industries, to change as it learns the difference between short-term and long-term effects. Chasing short-term growth metrics while you're a growing company makes sense and I would expect nothing different. Then you stabilize, you run out of new customers (not literally but in terms of the exponential growth stuff), and you have to downshift and figure out what people want a bit more. I think that'll happen, and I expect a sort of second renaissance of good Netflix shows, more on par with what we saw early on.

We'll see, though.

As for things I'm really sad they canceled...Santa Clarita Diet would have to be the #1 choice. That one really grew on me and its mythology was getting pretty zany by the end, too. One or two more seasons of that would've been lovely.

After that, it's hard to get too riled up about any of them, most of their biggest hits are, in fact, their better shows, and those are the ones they usually keep around. I guess I'm annoyed (and a little surprised) they keep small, cheap things like The Joel McHale Show around. I would say American Vandal, too, but I suspect that had as much to do without the creators' interest in doing something else. I thought Daredevil was pretty solid, too, and would've liked more of that.

The Adventure Starts Here!
HBO.... across the board. Though most were before streaming was a thing.
  • Carnivale
  • Deadwood
  • Rome (while it ended well enough, I would have enjoyed more)
  • Raised by Wolves (I mean, wtf!?)
  • Possibly Avenue 5
At least Deadwood FINALLY came out with a movie a few years ago that wrapped up the stories in ways I could live with.

But honestly, Carnivale will always peeve me with the way it ended. Someone should go back and edit that final episode of season 2, take out the LAST FIVE FREAKIN' MINUTES, and then recast THAT as the finale. At least it would have felt more like closure.

I don't remember how Rome ended, but it was definitely worth another season or two. I've started a rewatch of it, so I'll get to be irked by its non-ending again soon.

Don't get me started on Raised by Wolves, mister.

At least Deadwood FINALLY came out with a movie a few years ago that wrapped up the stories in ways I could live with.

But honestly, Carnivale will always peeve me with the way it ended. Someone should go back and edit that final episode of season 2, take out the LAST FIVE FREAKIN' MINUTES, and then recast THAT as the finale. At least it would have felt more like closure.

I don't remember how Rome ended, but it was definitely worth another season or two. I've started a rewatch of it, so I'll get to be irked by its non-ending again soon.

Don't get me started on Raised by Wolves, mister.
Justified is coming back & Tim Olyphant is still as sexy as heck. (His voice alone is killer.)
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
I remember this was one of the first series, that got cancelled in a time when cancelling series wasn´t as "normal" as it seems to be these days.

I remember this series because it was the first time i asked myself if i should even bother to watch this cancelled mystery-show, when its mystery probably remains unsolved.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Justified is coming back & Tim Olyphant is still as sexy as heck. (His voice alone is killer.)
Olyphant is a much more widely talented actor than I gave him credit for during his stint on Deadwood (the first place I'd seen him). On Justified, he showed himself as a great dry-humor comic foil... and then in Santa Clarita Diet, he just went completely over the top with his comic chops.

In the later Deadwood movie, that mustache, though... I mean, yeah, it was probably how a person of that time and character would have looked, but I found myself laughing at that 'stache anytime he was onscreen.

A system of cells interlinked
NETFLIX cancelling "The OA".
Not only canceling, but also locking Brit Marling out of shopping the show to a different network/service for a full 5 years. Nefarious shit, if you ask me.

Alas, we get more Marling created material fairly soon, with her A Murder at the End of the World set to release in the near future.

This reminds me... There is quite the rabbit hole out there re: The OA if one is so inclined to go hunting around.

I recall a video about a year or so ago where a guy broke down the possibility that the show being canceled was actually part of the script (People who have seen the season 2 finale will see why this is possible), and that the show has been brought out into the real world as it hits several plot points to come, after which it would start back up again on Netflix.

Cryptic social media posts and statements by Marling and Batmanglij have helped fuel the fire on this one. There seems to be a rather rabid sector of the fan base that thinks that, in order for the show to return, they must stand on street corners, or in front of the Netflix offices doing the moves (again, people who saw the show will understand this) over and over again.

Pretty bizarre, if you ask me!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Not only canceling, but also locking Brit Marling out of shopping the show to a different network/service for a full 5 years. Nefarious shit, if you ask me.

Alas, we get more Marling created material fairly soon, with her A Murder at the End of the World set to release in the near future.

This reminds me... There is quite the rabbit hole out there re: The OA if one is so inclined to go hunting around.

I recall a video about a year or so ago where a guy broke down the possibility that the show being canceled was actually part of the script (People who have seen the season 2 finale will see why this is possible), and that the show has been brought out into the real world as it hits several plot points to come, after which it would start back up again on Netflix.

Cryptic social media posts and statements by Marling and Batmanglij have helped fuel the fire on this one. There seems to be a rather rabid sector of the fan base that thinks that, in order for the show to return, they must stand on street corners, or in front of the Netflix offices doing the moves (again, people who saw the show will understand this) over and over again.

Pretty bizarre, if you ask me!

When I read about those theories, I immediately think: coping. Anyway, the 5 years are almost up. so screw that.

A system of cells interlinked
When I read about those theories, I immediately think: coping. Anyway, the 5 years are almost up. so screw that.
Marling has posted that they will find a way to continue telling the story. Let's hope it is sooner rather than later!