Films to Be Buried With


Back in 2018 there probably weren't a whole lot of people familiar with Brett Goldstein, especially here in America. At least it was a small fraction compared to the legion of those who have become aware of him through the phenomenally successful and beloved series "Ted Lasso" (2020-2023) where he played Roy Kent, the growling, cursing, hirsute grump with a heart of gold. In addition to being one of the stars of that series, he was also a producer and writer there, and before acting he started as a stand-up comedian. He is also a podcaster. Five years ago he started the podcast Films to Be Buried With, which is a movie-lover’s must.

The premise is simple enough. Brett invites a guest – mostly comedians, actors, and filmmakers – who after a bit of chat about their careers he tells them, regrettably, they have died. But, there is a heaven, and in heaven they want to get to know you, and they learn about you through your love of film. Then each guest is asked the same set of questions.
  • What is the first film you remember seeing?
  • What film scared you the most?
  • What film made you cry the most?
  • What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?
  • What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?
  • What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.
  • What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?
  • What is the film you found the sexiest?
  • Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
  • What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?
  • What film could you or have you seen the most times?
  • What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?
  • What is the worst film you have ever seen?
  • What is the funniest film you have ever seen?
  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
  • What is the best opening sequence to a film?
  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?
  • What is your favorite film?
  • What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?

Most of the episodes are recorded via video conference, but here is an episode on YouTube that was recorded live in front of an audience with Will Poulter (We're the Millers, The Revenant, Midsommar, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3). The rhythms are a bit different in front of an audience, but you'll get the idea of how the show works...

This week's latest episode was #279 and the guest is Leslie Jones. The couple episodes before her featured stand-up Fortune Feimster and director Ed Zwick. Some of the hundreds who have appeared include Edgar Wright, Judd Apatow, Barry Jenkins, Bill Hader, Pete Holmes, Patton Oswalt, Sharon Stone, Jameela Jamil, Ricky Gervais, and lots of folks from "Ted Lasso" including Bill Lawrence and Jason Sudeikis. It can be found wherever you download your podcasts, I am sure.

I say it is a movie-lover's must not only because it is fun to hear the variety of guests divulge and dive into their movie taste and history, but also because it is damn near impossible not to play along yourself. So what other MoFos are regular listeners? Who are some of your favorite guests? And whether you have listened or not, feel free to answer the questions yourself.

I'll post my answers later.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I couldn't answer most of these questions without thinking. I had to use my brain, something I hate.

What is the first film you remember seeing?
Funny, because I can't remember. I remember watching several films when I was young but I wouldn't know which one (if any of them) was the first.

What film scared you the most?
Again drawing a blank for the obvious reason horror films never scare me. So, if anything, it must've been a drama - but being scared is an exaggeration either way. I'm fearless.

What film made you cry the most?
Movies make me cry a lot. But Sansho the Bailiff and Twenty-Four Eyes are two that made me cry throughout their runtime. By the end, there was a big puddle of tears on my sofa.

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?
Apparently Starcrash is really hated, which I find shocking, as it's a masterpiece much better than anything Star Wars. Beyond the Black Rainbow might not be popularly hated but many people disliked it. Last but not least, there are films like Song to Song and Only God Forgives - I love 'em but many people don't.

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?
What isn't? Seriously though, Everything Everywhere All at Once, Magnificent Obsession, Meet Me in St. Louis, Lady Bird, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Hoop Dreams, Paris Is Burning, Avengers: Infinity War, Nowhere, the list goes on.

What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.
None. It's either an improvement or no change for me when rewatching movies.

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?
Werckmeister Harmonies and SOAR: I Wish You Were Here and My Sons.

What is the film you found the sexiest?
Had hoped it said "sexist", but it's "sexiest". Drawing a blank again because I don't watch films because they're sexy (yes, even pinku eiga!).

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
Nice try, FBI.

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?
My Sons and Living With My Mother I guess.

What film could you or have you seen the most times?
SOAR: I Wish You Were Here - 5 times within two months, something unprecedented as I rarely rewatch films at all.

What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?
A tricky one - something I tried to squeeze out of you, MoFos, in at least one of my threads in the past. Sansho the Bailiff is a safe choice, I guess. It's not avant-garde, it's not mawkish, it's not manipulative, but it's universal and it's tremendously beautiful, and humane, and pure...

What is the worst film you have ever seen?
Whichever is your favorite. Seriously, though, The Daughters of Fire might just about take the cake.

What is the funniest film you have ever seen?
Most Jing Wong films made in the 80s and 90s are super funny, but the funniest is probably a film he wrote, Ghostly Vixen. Don't think I ever laughed harder on a movie. That scene her hair was caught in his zipper or another where his penis magically grew to be 3 feet long and he had to fight his raging boner... Yeah, I never said I had a refined sense of humor.

What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
I don't think any single film changed my perspective on anything. Well, maybe Werckmeister Harmonies, which made me want to watch more arthouse cinema, which led to me becoming a cinephile. But when it comes to worldview and stuff, it's a much longer process.

What is the best opening sequence to a film?
Werckmeister Harmonies, which is such an obvious answer I have no idea why anybody would ask that question.

What is the best ending sequence to a film?
Probably A Distant Cry From Spring or August in the Water but from relatively spoiler-free/spoiler-light ones, Le Pont Des Arts.

and The Turin Horse

What is your favorite film?
Werckmeister Harmonies. I must've written this name more times in this post than in the last year combined.

What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?
If heaven is anything like Christianity imagines it, I guess the constant unadulterated purity, love, and happiness gets tedious fast. Following this, there's no happiness without sadness, no love without hate, and no purity without debauchery. We can only define the positive things by knowing their opposites. So, I think it'd do good to the heavenly creatures if they could watch films that portray suffering, misery, and absolute degeneracy. Screening a rape pinku eiga marathon in heaven has a decadent tingle to it, which I'm partial to.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
  • What is the best opening sequence to a film?
  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?
And I forgot to mention, it doesn't matter at all for purposes of making your own list, but as far as listening to the podcast these three questions are generally hidden behind a paywall. It is bonus content for Patreon subscribers (yes, I am one). He also asks each guest to divulge a secret they have never told anybody else during that section.

So if you get addicted to the podcast and wonder why you haven't heard these questions asked much, that is why. Some of the regular podcasts do include them, including I believe the Edgar Wright two-parter. Because Edgar is such a mega film nerd his episode may be as good a place as any to start, for the uninitiated. But I'd say start with somebody you know a bit about or are a fan of. If you really get into it you'll find it doesn't matter who the guest is, even if you have never heard of them, but for your first few find folks you already like.

Trouble with a capital "T"
  • What is the first film you remember seeing? For A Few Dollars More I was a little kid in 1967 when I seen it first run at the drive-in theater...I was in my pajamas!
  • What film scared you the most? Jaws which I also seen first run at the theater. Didn't scare me per say but it creeped me out.
  • What film made you cry the most? I haven't ever cried at a film.
  • What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love? Starship Troopers...It's sheer genius!
  • What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate? 12 Angry Men (1957)
  • What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly. I hate the term 'dated badly' it implies that a film's value is equivalent to fresh baked bread.
  • What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it? Titanic (1997) Love the movie and that's when I knew I would be marrying my girlfriend....and I did
  • What is the film you found the sexiest? I don't think of movies as being sexy.
  • Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have? Same answer as above.
  • What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you? None really, but recently Dick Powell's Philip Marlowe in Murder, My Sweet reminded me
  • What film could you or have you seen the most times? I don't enjoy rewatching films too many times, I tend to start disliking them if I do that. But I have seen Blade Runner the most, maybe a dozen times...mostly as I went to watch for $1 when it first came out at a local theater.
  • What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite? Too hard to answer but let's say Starship Troopers just because everybody missed what the film was truly about when it was first released.
  • What is the worst film you have ever seen? The Beast of Yucca Flats, but there's plenty of others.
  • What is the funniest film you have ever seen? Almost any comedy with Carole Lombard.
  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something? Tree of Life, it convinced me that Terrence Malick bores me.
  • What is the best opening sequence to a film? Way too many to name just one, the opening sequence is paramount to establish the tone of the rest of the film.
  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?You know I honestly don't remember stuff like that.
  • What is your favorite film? I don't have one.
  • What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night? Jesus Camp (2006)

I haven't ever cried at a film
Ah, get outta here! There is a stone where your heart should be.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ah, get outta here! There is a stone where your heart should be.
I seen both of the films you mentioned that made you cry: Sansho the Bailiff and Twenty-Four Eyes...I will say they did 'emotionally move me' especially Twenty-Four Eyes which was quite melancholy, I enjoyed that one alot.

  • What is the first film you remember seeing?---Not certain, but I have early memories of seeing some Care Bears thing for free at a local Regal theater when I was very young. I also remember a fragment of one of the Balto movies from early on. However, I doubt either of these are the true first of the first.
  • What film scared you the most?---No film in and of itself has been really scary, but I remember the trailer for Drag Me to Hell being rather upsetting when I was a kid.
  • What film made you cry the most?---Year of the Dog
  • What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?---Bergman's From the Life of the Marionettes? I guess nothing by Bergman is really hated, but people seem to particularly dislike this one.
  • What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?---Here's an unpopular Bergman take: Fanny and Alexander.
  • What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.---Not sure...
  • What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?---Probably Year of the Dog.
  • What is the film you found the sexiest?---Eh... sex in film is annoying in general. I don't watch movies to get aroused.
  • Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?---How could I not take the chance to respond with Trash Humpers?
  • What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?---Again, Year of the Dog (the main character, of course).
  • What film could you or have you seen the most times?---Probably the Rocky films are the ones I have seen the most.
  • What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?---This is a hard one, but I would go with Bergman's Winter Light.
  • What is the worst film you have ever seen?---No idea, likely so bad that I forgot. Being forgetable is the worst trait for a film. Even ones that I hate I remember because they made me think with some sort of intensity.
  • What is the funniest film you have ever seen?---Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, of course.
  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something?---The Birth of a Nation (regarding my perspective on film itself).
  • What is the best opening sequence to a film?---2001: A Space Odyssey
  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?---Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • What is your favorite film?---I'll continue to stick it out with Salo here, though The House That Jack Built is right up with it.
  • What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?---This is a really weird question because what would that audience really care about, conflict-wise? For some reason, I feel compelled to pick Grey Gardens.

Well, there it is.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
  • What is the first film you remember seeing?
Bambi, 1975 re-release

  • What film scared you the most?
I had a couple of good jumps from Dreamscape and The Amityville Horror but the first one that scared me multiple times was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

  • What film made you cry the most?
Children of Men

  • What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?
Manos: The Hands of Fate

  • What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?


  • What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.
The Breakfast Club

  • What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?
The Lost Boys - lost my virginity to it

  • What is the film you found the sexiest?
From Dusk Till Dawn

  • Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
Black Swan

  • What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?

The Breakfast Club

  • What film could you or have you seen the most times?

Ghostbusters (1984)

  • What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?
The Sting

  • What is the worst film you have ever seen?
Battlefield Earth

  • What is the funniest film you have ever seen?

  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
Psycho - we analyzed the shower scene in film class in college and it changed my perception of how a scene is filmed and edited

  • What is the best opening sequence to a film?
Star Wars - the Star Destroyer taking up the entire screen immediately gives an idea of the scale of the production and the universe.

  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?

Die Hard - John reunites with his wife, the obnoxious reporter gets punched, and Al redeems himself.

  • What is your favorite film?

  • What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?

Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

What is the first film you remember seeing?
Probably Monster House or another kids film from around that time.

What film scared you the most?
Any of the ones I watched when I was probably much too young to watch horror films. Nowadays though, nothing really scares me and it's more a case of admiring craft as opposed to being scared by it. The videogame format is more effective at this.

What film made you cry the most?
I've never cried while watching a film.

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?
Love is a strong word, but I like Knowing and Beneath quite a bit. Also, though it's generated a decent cult following, I love Gummo.

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?
The Dark Knight Rises

What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?

What is the film you found the sexiest?
Not sure.

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
I refuse to answer this.

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?
Dead Man's Letters, I guess? Not quite sure about this one.

What film could you or have you seen the most times?

What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?
2001: A Space Odyssey

What is the worst film you have ever seen?
Going Overboard

What is the funniest film you have ever seen?
Dumb and Dumber, probably. The age I first watched it likely plays an impact here.

What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
12 Angry Men, I suppose, since it's the first B&W white film I remember loving.

What is the best opening sequence to a film?
Persona, likely.

What is the best ending sequence to a film?
Path of Glory

What is your favorite film?

What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?
I don't like doing movie nights since my concern over whether the people I'm showing the film to are actually enjoying it would effect my enjoyment of it as well. If I had to pick though, The Wild Bunch would probably be a safe choice.

A system of cells interlinked
Really cool thread!

What is the first film you remember seeing? Vague, shadowy memories of Benji, but seems almost dreamlike, so: The Bad News Bears

What film scared you the most? No film ever really scared me after the age of 11 or so, so I would have to go with the first time I watched Salem's Lot in 1979, at about age 8.

What film made you cry the most? I most certainly cried the most at Aronofsky's The Fountain, as I saw it in theaters, I was the only guy in the room, and I had just come out of a 10 year relationship with my girlfriend at the time. I went into in a fragile state of mind, and I had to sit and collect myself for about 10 minutes after the film ended. How much of that was actually due to the film is anybody's guess. But hey, that was along time ago, I am married, have a kid, and our best and closest couple friends are that ex-girlfriend and her current husband. Life sure is strange.

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love? This is MoFo, every film is both loved and hated in equal measure! Let's see... oh, this is easy... Xanadu!

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate? Easy again: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly. Most certainly The Goonies.

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it? Another easy one: Gravity I have explained this in detail before. In short: my favorite film ever made about processing grief and loss.

What is the film you found the sexiest? Unsure

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have? No clue. Also, what tf is a wide-on?

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you? See, I know multiple people in my life that have this weird thing where they have to filter everything they see and do through a filter of how it relates to them. I have tried to wrap my mind around this many times, only to discover that I am the exact opposite of whatever type of person this is.

What film could you or have you seen the most times? Blade Runner by a country mile.

What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite? Not sure there is an answer here... Would have trouble narrowing this down to 5, even... Lawrence of Arabia, Chinatown, 8 1/2, Blade Runner, Rashomon, 2001, Vertigo... Nah...can't do it. All obvious choice that Mr. Minio probably hates, too!

What is the worst film you have ever seen?

What is the funniest film you have ever seen? Ultraviolet comes to mind...Also any recent live action Disney remake of classic cartoons, like Pinocchio et al.

What is a film that changed your perspective on something? Too many to list. How about...The Fisher King

What is the best opening sequence to a film? Having trouble getting this down under 10 films. Will list a few: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Inglorious Basterds, Star Wars, 2001, Gravity, The Revenant, Contact

What is the best ending sequence to a film? Again, can't choose: Arrival, Gravity, Last of the Mohicans, Solaris (original), Ran

What is your favorite film? See: My Top 10 Favorites

What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night? Life of Pi
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

What is the first film you remember seeing?

What film scared you the most?

What film made you cry the most?
Fisher King

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?

What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?
Forest Gump

What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.
Valley Girl

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?
Star Wars or Raiders -- cinematic crack cocaine for a small child.

What is the film you found the sexiest?
I plead the 5th

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
I definitely plead the 5th

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?

What film could you or have you seen the most times?
Raiders or Star Wars or Blade Runner. I lost count in the 80s.

What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?
Objectively the greatest film. Sure, and I will tell what the objectively greatest painting is after that.

What is the worst film you have ever seen?
Hercules (Lou Ferrigno)

What is the funniest film you have ever seen?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
Toy Story 3 taught me how to die.

What is the best opening sequence to a film?

What is the best ending sequence to a film?
6th Sense
What is your favorite film?
Favorite films are like favorite colors. Great for kids. Not really meaningful for adults.
What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?
I would summon Minio. I would have him show Starcrash, but on the requirement that he does an extensive Q&A afterward.

  • What is the first film you remember seeing?

    It was either Batman '89 or Temple of Doom. We had that vhs copy they sold at McDonald's and I wore that thing out.

  • What film scared you the most?

    I remember renting Dream Warriors for a local video store and being scarred by the scene with the puppeteer kid. Lost a few nights sleep over that one.

  • What film made you cry the most?

    Cyborg. Justice League.

  • What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?

    Green Lantern. Martin Campbell.

  • What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?

    No hate but Batman & Robin gets a little too many passes because "it's suppose to be campy".

  • What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.

    Mulholland Drive. 90% of that movie felt like a waste of time when I revisited it recently.

  • What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?


  • What is the film you found the sexiest?


  • Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?

    There's things you just don't talk about in public.

  • What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?

    Roger Moore

  • What film could you or have you seen the most times?

    Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

  • What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?

    The Godfather

  • What is the worst film you have ever seen?

    As a Schwarzenegger fan...Junior.

  • What is the funniest film you have ever seen?

    National Lampoon's Vacation

  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something?

    The Last Jedi

  • What is the best opening sequence to a film?


  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?


  • What is your favorite film?

    Don't have one.

  • What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?

I would summon Minio. I would have him show Starcrash, but on the requirement that he does an extensive Q&A afterward.

  • What is the first film you remember seeing?
Bambi, 1975 re-release

  • What film scared you the most?
I had a couple of good jumps from Dreamscape and The Amityville Horror but the first one that scared me multiple times was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

  • What film made you cry the most?
Children of Men

  • What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?
Manos: The Hands of Fate

  • What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?


  • What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.
The Breakfast Club

  • What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?
The Lost Boys - lost my virginity to it

  • What is the film you found the sexiest?
From Dusk Till Dawn

  • Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
Black Swan

  • What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?

The Breakfast Club

  • What film could you or have you seen the most times?

Ghostbusters (1984)

  • What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?
The Sting

  • What is the worst film you have ever seen?
Battlefield Earth

  • What is the funniest film you have ever seen?

  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
Psycho - we analyzed the shower scene in film class in college and it changed my perception of how a scene is filmed and edited

  • What is the best opening sequence to a film?
Star Wars - the Star Destroyer taking up the entire screen immediately gives an idea of the scale of the production and the universe.

  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?

Die Hard - John reunites with his wife, the obnoxious reporter gets punched, and Al redeems himself.

  • What is your favorite film?

  • What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?

Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann
Do people really hate Manos? I thought MST3k made people finally realize what a classic it was.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cool thread. I'm intrigued by some of your MoFo's answers. So I have questions! yes I do.

What is a film that changed your perspective on something?---The Birth of a Nation (regarding my perspective on film itself).
Curious as to what you mean by 'perspective on film itself...can you elaborate a bit?

What is the best opening sequence to a film?---2001: A Space Odyssey
You win! That's a pretty awesome opening.

What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?---This is a really weird question because what would that audience really care about, conflict-wise? For some reason, I feel compelled to pick Grey Gardens.
I love that movie, so much that I watched it twice in a row. Not sure why but it seems fitting for viewing in heaven.

What film scared you the most?
the first one that scared me multiple times was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Hell yeah! That boat trip through the tunnel was damn freaky scary.

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?
The Breakfast Club
Which character was it? Please tell me it was Molly one ever picks her as the kid they were most like.

What is the best opening sequence to a film?
Star Wars - the Star Destroyer taking up the entire screen immediately gives an idea of the scale of the production and the universe.
Good one! I can remember that scene right now, the fly-by as seen from the underbelly of the ship was pretty awesome.

What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it? Stalker
If you had to pick one part of Stalker what part would mean the most to you?

What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?
Dead Man's Letters, I guess?
Interesting, I seen that of course as it was you nom in an HoF but what is it about that film or character that seems the most like you?

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love? This is MoFo, every film is both loved and hated in equal measure! Let's see... oh, this is easy... Xanadu!
Gbgoodies loved that film.

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have? No clue. Also, what tf is a wide-on?
That's what I want to know.

What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?
Well hot damn I love Crimewave.

Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
Is no one going to answer this? I sure didn't.

What is the film you found the sexiest?
I can dig that.

What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night? Salo
Hope you're inviting MovieGal to watch that! I'm sure she's a fan.

This looks like fun!
  • What is the first film you remember seeing?
  • I don't know. But I remember D.O.A. very vividly. The idea of a guy who had been murdered with poison solving his own case really grabbed me as a kid.
  • What film scared you the most?
  • Demonlover
  • What film made you cry the most?
  • None, I am not a much of a crier.
  • What is a film that is critically and popularly hated, but you love?
  • What is a respected award-wining or widely beloved film that you hate?
  • Life is Beautiful
  • What is a film that you used to love, but you’ve seen it again recently and it no longer holds up? Either simply not as good as your memory or elements that have dated badly.
  • Holiday Inn (The February black face scenes are embarasing. I think it may be available without the racism.)
  • What is the film that means the most to you? Not necessarily due to the quality of the film, but the memory or the circumstances around seeing it?
  • Sound of Music was showing one Christmas and all of us , adults sang along to the movie. The kids were very impressed.
  • What is the film you found the sexiest?
  • Broadcast News, really anything with a young William Hurt. He was my Eighties heart throb.
  • Troubling boners/worrying wide-ons: What is a film you found arousing maybe you shouldn't have?
  • The Night They Raided Minsky's
  • What movie do you most relate to? The character, world, or atmosphere seem to be most like you?
  • The World of Henry Orient
  • What film could you or have you seen the most times?
  • The Wizard of Oz was on every year when I was a kid.
  • What film do you objectively think is the greatest – not necessarily your personal favorite?
  • The Bicycle Thieves seems to make the greatest impression upon anyone who sees it.
  • What is the worst film you have ever seen?
  • It was a local amateur, extremely low budget, horror movie that got a great review in the the local paper and was being shown at one of the local art houses. It was so bad that I left my friend sitting in the theater.. I sneaked into another theater. I am fairly certain some sexual favors may have been used to gain that absurd review.
  • What is the funniest film you have ever seen?
  • I don't know, but the funniest scene was in a The Virgin Machine. It is of a woman doing a striptease of a man masturbating. It had me literally rolling in the aisle.
  • What is a film that changed your perspective on something?
  • I'll have to get back to you on this.
  • What is the best opening sequence to a film?
  • 2001, A Space Oddysey, if you consider that whole first act that ends with the bone being thrown into the sky then turning into a spaceship.
  • What is the best ending sequence to a film?
  • The Life of Brian, the crucifixion and singing of Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
  • What is your favorite film?
  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • What one film would you take with you to heaven to screen for everybody when it's your turn to host movie night?
  • Three Billboards in Ebbing, Missouri which I believe should have won the Oscar that year. I need that corroborated by everybody.

Most of the episodes are recorded via video conference, but here is an episode on YouTube that was recorded live in front of an audience with Will Poulter (We're the Millers, The Revenant, Midsommar, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3). The rhythms are a bit different in front of an audience, but you'll get the idea of how the show works...

This week's latest episode was #279 and the guest is Leslie Jones. The couple episodes before her featured stand-up Fortune Feimster and director Ed Zwick. Some of the hundreds who have appeared include Edgar Wright, Judd Apatow, Barry Jenkins, Bill Hader, Pete Holmes, Patton Oswalt, Sharon Stone, Jameela Jamil, Ricky Gervais, and lots of folks from "Ted Lasso" including Bill Lawrence and Jason Sudeikis. It can be found wherever you download your podcasts, I am sure.

I say it is a movie-lover's must not only because it is fun to hear the variety of guests divulge and dive into their movie taste and history, but also because it is damn near impossible not to play along yourself. So what other MoFos are regular listeners? Who are some of your favorite guests? And whether you have listened or not, feel free to answer the questions yourself.

I'll post my answers later.


If you had to pick one part of Stalker what part would mean the most to you?
Probably the ending. It's the rare case of an ending which is able to add a significant dimension to the film's themes, as opposed to just being an extension of what was already established as something I enjoyed. The questions it leaves open give me a lot of interesting interpretations to ponder over.

Interesting, I seen that of course as it was you nom in an HoF but what is it about that film or character that seems the most like you?
I'd say it's with the main character. Wanting to make a difference around my friends/co-workers but fearing that nobody will listen to me/accept change/look down upon me is very much an anxiety I get and something I try to get around.