The Ethics of Consuming Media in Bad Ways or as a Bad Person


My response is that I am not going to perform additional labor for you to pass some sort of ideological purity test.
I'm only pointing out what appears to be the purpose of this thread. You don't want to contradict that, then feel free to continue being a partisan political hack.

Again, feel free to offer your own examples. Add something productive to a conversation for a change. Branch out a little bit.
And I'm supposed to expend additional labour so you can misread everything I write, make assumptions of what is being said, and then just conjure up the arguments that you'd prefer to have? You know, the thing you do in every conversation, and are continually called out for, but can't help continue to do because you are either

1) A troll

2) Have horrendous reading comprehension, but a high ability to parrot back things you've read but never actually understood in the first place.

You can see my predicament, right? How can I possibly take the bait with such a person as this? Why would I spend the time I need to make all these fantastic points I've got sitting on the bench, waiting to throw a fastball directly into your crotch, when I know the Sisyphean ordeal I have ahead. All the fastballs. All the crotches.

Yes, there are some in the audience that would love it, bu it's no longer satisfying watching you pretend it doesn't hurt. It's tired and sad.

This is merely an example of what I am talking about. The question is whether the disinvited hearer or viewer has a moral responsibility to comply.
I know human emotions are some kind of alien landscape to you, but an artist venting their disgust towards politics they believe are adversely affecting them, is clearly not binding, legally or morally. Who exactly on earth thinks there is some kind of higher component at play here?

No one.

No, not even Pink.

So please, keep ignoring real things where people actually are having their rights compromised (something you do with great ease), and continue to fret about these hypotheticals where elite, left wing artists are frightening you with their feelings.

Tell me you only have generic meme-level responses without telling me you only have hackey-formulaic responses.
God, you can't even steal a joke properly.

Yeah, you've got me. I'm a formulaic dud. But you should understand by now from experience, that sometimes all one needs is a meme to disassemble the arguments of a hack intellectual. No need to go the ergill route. You already had your bones picked clean years ago by him. I'm just here to push the sand over your remains. With memes.

Now, please, since I'm such easy pickings for such an intellectual titan as yourself, come and throw another barely relevant quote at me. Make yourself feel better.

crumbsroom is like "This time I won't entangle myself in a lengthy nonsense discussion with Corax"

*Two hours later*

"I hate my life."
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Maybe Fred Schneider was actually punishing them because they didn't bring their jukebox money? Just throwing that out there.

Somehow this discussion has coincided with me finding a vinyl copy of Cosmic Thing in my closet that I didn't know I have.

It's like this thread is mocking me from inside the house.

A system of cells interlinked
Somehow this discussion has coincided with me finding a vinyl copy of Cosmic Thing in my closet that I didn't know I have.

It's like this thread is mocking me from inside the house.
Look, I am able to overlook our differences in political worldview, but keeping records in a closet where they can't be accessed is beyond the pale!

Please PM me for an address to send any and all additional records you find in your closet so I can begin listening to them on the daily immediately.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Look, I am able to overlook our differences in political worldview, but keeping records in a closet where they can't be accessed is beyond the pale!

Please PM me for an address to send any and all additional records you find in your closet so I can begin listening to them on the daily immediately.

It was a couple of stragglers in there that I think got overlooked in my last move, and got left in a 'who cares' pile.

Not like I don't already have enough, with two of my rooms already having been overrun with shelves full of them, not even including the few hundred I have downstairs with my record player (or the couple thousand I got rid of for pocket change because they were all shit and I needed the space)

And, just as a side note, in that pile of junk I sold, there was the first song Metallica ever recorded ("Hit the Lights"). In shrink wrap. That I forgot was in there. And so the guy who spent a hundred and fifty dollars on what he probably thought were a bunch of dollar bin purchases for his store, will have gotten a nice little surprise there. And, yes, I kick myself every day over this.

Somehow this discussion has coincided with me finding a vinyl copy of Cosmic Thing in my closet that I didn't know I have.

It's like this thread is mocking me from inside the house.
Jealous! Not to veer this thread too off-topic from ethics, but I do regret not getting to see them live, especially since they're local. If there are any Las Vegas residents out there, it looks like they have a residency at the Venetian. You're welcome.

Is it ethical to keep your vinyls in your closet?

Considering what was in there, yes.

I only rescued the worst B52s album ever made, because my girlfriend wanted to listen to it.

She likes Roam, because she's a heathen.

Jealous! Not to veer this thread too off-topic from ethics, but I do regret not getting to see them live, especially since they're local. If there are any Las Vegas residents out there, it looks like they have a residency at the Venetian. You're welcome.

They would be amongst the groups who I would have most loved to see in their prime.

My main reason I hate this particular record is just because whenever I talk about the B52s it's always 'ew, you like Love Shack' or 'oh, I loved Love Shack'. I don't need that in my life.

A system of cells interlinked
It was a couple of stragglers in there that I think got overlooked in my last move, and got left in a 'who cares' pile.

Not like I don't already have enough, with two of my rooms already having been overrun with shelves full of them, not even including the few hundred I have downstairs with my record player (or the couple thousand I got rid of for pocket change because they were all shit and I needed the space)

And, just as a side note, in that pile of junk I sold, there was the first song Metallica ever recorded ("Hit the Lights"). In shrink wrap. That I forgot was in there. And so the guy who spent a hundred and fifty dollars on what he probably thought were a bunch of dollar bin purchases for his store, will have gotten a nice little surprise there. And, yes, I kick myself every day over this.
That's the biggest issue with vinyl; it takes up a shit ton of room. I am down to one 3 x 3 Ikea cube along with a couple of smaller single row racks and a DJ case that is stuffed full.

I demand for crumbsroom and Corax to kiss and make up.
What makes you think they don't already on a regular basis?